Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 293 Normal And Unusual Beach Volleyball

The original position was originally two against two, so if Qin Yun joined one side, the other side would also have to increase its manpower.

"The concubine will join here."

Tohka and the Mikuyi team, Tamazamae and the Seven Sin team, so Qin Yun joined the Tohka side.

"Let me serve." Tamamo held the volleyball with his left hand, gently threw it away, and then swung his right hand to hit it.

call out!

Just by hearing the sound, she knew that the force was not small. Miku, who was defending on the left, immediately took a step sideways, blocked the ball and sent it flying into the air.

The sight on the right took off quickly, and with a smash, the volleyball made a dull sound of "bang", and flew out at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to see clearly.

Xiaoyu on the opposite side moved lightly, seemingly slowly, but just in time to stop the smash.

Tamazamo: "I'm coming!"

She stood beside her and took off, and Xiaoyu also cooperated to hit the volleyball into the air.

Qin Yun's eyelids twitched and he felt ominous.


Following Yuzao's soft shout, the volleyball was like a cannonball, and only afterimages could be seen.

Qin Yun subconsciously opened the first door of the eight-door dunjia, and only then did he see the trace of the volleyball.


The sand splashed up to a height of several meters, and the whole fell into the Sand King.



The three members of the Yuzao team cheered and clapped their hands in celebration, while Qin Yun's expression was dull.

What about hiding? What are you guys doing!?

I can only see the trajectory when I open the first door. Is this a ball that ordinary people can hit!

"Shop Manager, be serious, this is a battle! Show up with all your strength!" Miku reminded with a serious face, if she wasn't wearing a swimsuit, she probably would have been more credible.

Do your best! Come on!

The third door! Open!


A slight air wave emanated from Qin Yun's body, his skin was slightly red, and the blood flow in his whole body increased.

He took out the volleyball that was stuck in the sand and started to serve.

Xiaoyu predicted the landing point of the ball, and immediately stood up: "Get ready!"

"I'm coming!" Qi Zui trot over excitedly, and as the volleyball lifted into the air, she kicked her feet and jumped more than two meters high, with the spiritual power flowing in her body and swung her right hand with all her strength.


Qin Yun narrowed his eyes, and moved two steps to the left, his hands were covered with magic power, and he accurately caught the ball that was so fast that only the broken ball could be seen.

The volleyball changed from a round shape to an oval shape under the enormous pressure, but it still held firm without exploding.

Tohka took a step forward and jumped from behind him, shouted loudly, and smashed the volleyball back.

Everyone is not an ordinary person, even if it is the first cooperation, the consciousness can completely keep up.

Except for Yuzao, who was releasing water, when she got serious, everyone else was useless.

The sonic boom of the volleyball game here is constantly rumbling, and the girls who are piled up with sand, lying on chairs, and playing in the water are all dumbfounded.

Nicole sat on the beach chair, her sunglasses slipped off, and she asked blankly, "Why didn't they make it to the national team?"

"Let's not talk about the national team, whoever participates in the Olympics can directly book the championship, and if they get hit, they will definitely go to the hospital. y

Zhen Ji looked at the volleyball with only afterimages left, and couldn't help shivering. If this happened to her, she would have broken tendons and fractures, and she would be a disabled person for the rest of her life.

Who is this group of people? The strength is too exaggerated!

"It seems that the coach's group of friends are not ordinary." This time it was Nozomi Tojo who spoke, and she and Eri Tsunase walked over at some point.

The two watched the volleyball game, looking thoughtful.

Ten minutes later, the score was finally evened to 1:1.

They have been catching the ball, smashing, catching, smashing and repeating the cycle for the past ten minutes.

Such strenuous exercise consumes energy, and for ordinary people to come to this meeting, they should be gasping for breath and their arms are sore.

The six players in this arena were ready to start the next game like nothing happened.

The muse (us) members watching have already begun to doubt life, are you pretending to be Superman? Has the world changed? Or are we unable to keep up with the times?

This is no volleyball, the whole thing is just a cannonball!

With just one click, a one-meter-diameter pit was made on the beach.

Zhen Ji felt that she should take back her foreword. If she was hit, she might not have to be sent to the hospital. It would be easier to go directly to the funeral home.

After rounds of fierce fighting, the Yuzao team finally won by two points.

"It's almost noon, I should go get lunch."

The sun is already directly above the head, it is estimated that it is almost eleven o'clock.

Tohka said hello and went to the villa to prepare lunch.

". "Then let's play here first, my body is so hot that I'm sweating." "Qin Yun picked up the volleyball from the bunker, but the volleyball suddenly exploded.

And it's not the ordinary one, it's the type of corpse that is broken into pieces, and the pieces are scattered all over the place.

Yuzao took two steps forward and explained: "This thing is too common, so I have been keeping it from being damaged.

So, if you weren't protecting the ball, it would have exploded?

But if you think about it, it's even more strange that you didn't hit the ball with the strength you played just now.

At this moment, Xiaoyu walked up to the surrounding girls and clapped her hands: "Let's go back to the villa together, we can have lunch later."

Everyone in Muse was in a trance for a moment, then got up and walked over as if nothing had happened, and a few lively and excited people gathered around and talked about the volleyball game just now.

When they were far away, Xiaoyu, who was behind, whispered to Qin Yun: "Don't worry, I have just used spells to confuse them, and I won't feel that the game just now was abnormal. In other words, it should be called cognitive modification.”

Qin Yun asked her suspiciously, "When did you move your hand?"

Without even realizing it, he had already finished casting the spell.

You won't be tricked at any time, right?

"The concubine has never used it against the master, please."

"Can you read minds?"



"It's absolutely true."

Qin Yun: "I believe in you..."

That sentence just didn't come out!

After leaving the status of a servant, the strength is indeed even stronger than before.

Before entering the villa, he asked J.A.R.V.I.S2 to explore the vicinity to see if there were any similar special energy bodies.

What if he succeeds in smuggling again?

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