"Sir, please pay the fee for mooring the boat."

At the port, an old gentleman wearing a white wig is holding a booklet, charging those who dock ships with parking fees.

This is the territory of the country, so it is natural to charge a fee for stopping the ship.

When the old gentleman took down the boat after paying the fee, he just raised his head and saw a miraculous scene.

A mast jutted out of the water, a man stepped on the crossbar, and the other stood directly on the top.

When approaching the jetty of the harbor, the mast was almost completely sunk.

Jack jumped from the mast onto the trestle, and just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the old gentleman coming: "Sir, please pay the parking fee.

What the hell?

He looked at the ship that had completely sunk, and then at the old gentleman, with a meaning in his eyes~.

Are you kidding me? Is there a fee?

As if seeing what he wanted to express, the old gentleman explained without haste: "All ships staying in the port must pay a toll, whether it is on the water or... under the water."

"Okay, this is the parking fee, please collect it."

Reluctantly, Jack handed over the money to the old gentleman, and then brushed past him: "Sorry, please let me go."

As long as the money is paid, the other old gentlemen will not care, but he still took a second look at Qin Yun.

People from the Qing Dynasty are not common here, especially the clothes on their bodies, which don't look like ordinary people can wear.

When Qin Yun passed by him, he showed pitiful eyes, this guy didn't know how to set his wallet yet.

Money bags in this era are basically hung around the waist, as long as the technique is clever, it can be easily stolen silently.

Judging from Jack's movements, he is agile and skilled, and it is certainly not the first time he has committed a crime.

Probably the old gentleman didn't expect that someone would dare to steal his purse here.

And he will definitely not notice it for a while, because the parking fee collected is placed in the bag held by the child beside him.

These parking fees have to be handed over and are not his personal property.

Jack didn't panic at all after the theft, and he didn't come back to pick up the boat anyway.

"How do I find your boat now?" Qin Yunquan pretended not to see Jack's theft.

He is not the kind of super virgin who has to take care of everything.

Seeing that the store manager didn't respond in particular, Jack put away the money bag. Compared with other rough pirates, he is a rare thoughtful type.

"I heard that there is a ghost ship like a Ghost attacking various ports."

Jack smiled and pointed to the ground with his fingers: "And here, it happens to be a port that hasn't been attacked yet."

"I suspect that ship is my Black Pearl, so I came here specially to wait. If they want to attack all the ports here, they will definitely not let this place go."

"So, we just wait here?"

"Um, we can have a drink, are you interested?"

"Well, it's okay to go and have a look, you can call me the store manager or Qin, the honorific title sounds a little uncomfortable.

The two walked to a tavern while talking, opened the door and entered, and saw the chaotic scene inside.

There were loud people, some were fighting each other after they were drunk, and some were drunk and fell to the ground.

Overall, the place is a complete mess.

"In my impression, taverns should be relatively clean and tidy, and this place really opened my eyes."

Jack kicked the crooked drunkard away, and then replied: "At least in the taverns I've been to, none of them were clean, even if there were dead bodies lying on the ground, it was common, oh! Damn it! Almost spit on my shoes!"

"That would be a little off-putting."

Anyway, Qin Yun didn't like to eat and drink near corpses, that was too strange.

...asking for flowers...

Avoiding those drunkards, the two came to the bar.

Since the money had just entered the account, Jack ordered the most expensive wine directly.

Qin Yun picked up the wooden wine glass, lowered his head and smelled it, and frowned immediately.

Not only the problem of wine, but also the problem of cups. There is no detergent in this era, so the cups are not clean.

He put down his glass and turned to look at the chaotic and noisy tavern.

Although I don't like noisy places, it is very interesting to watch people fight.

Finally, Jack drank both glasses of wine and booked out of the pub.

"Shop manager, why don't you wait for me to get off the boat, how about I get a boat back?" With the strength of the wine, Jack felt his whole body was full of strength.

He wasn't sure if this place would be attacked, at least he had to get a ship back to replace the one he sunk.

Can a captain who doesn't even have a ship still be called a captain?

"Well, you go.

After Jack left, he looked towards a house in the distance.

Although I can't remember the name of the port in the plot, it should be right here.

As long as the gold coins are here, those guys will definitely come.

I just need to wait for them to come, then follow them and collect the gold coins.

Is the curse of giving people Regenerative Healing Factor a good thing or a bad thing for those who don't want to die?

The desire that can never be satisfied, the person who casts the curse is really evil, I am afraid that no one can resist it except others.

"It's estimated that he won't come back for a while, so I'd better find out the history of this world by myself."

Qin Yun put on the hood of the windbreaker with a mutter, mixed into the crowd and left.

Whether the god of this world has left, died, or fallen into a deep sleep is a curious mystery IV. .

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