"Press down gently, not too hard."

According to the command, Qin Yun slowly controlled the plane to land, who let the victorious team's technology in this period is not enough.

Therefore, piloting a fighter plane can only be controlled by people.

The bottom of Feiyan 1 ejected airflow and landed slowly.

Feiyan No. 2, which arrived earlier, was already waiting. After seeing Feiyan No. 1 stop, it immediately went to arrest people.

Duplication patted the hatch on the top of his head: "How do you open this cover?"

"Try pulling the lever next to the seat."

"This?" Hearing the main body's words, Duplication pulled the hand lever on the side of the seat.




With a cry, Duplication sat on a chair and was launched, bouncing to a height of tens of meters.

Qin Yun slowly unbuckled his seat belt and climbed out of the cockpit: "It's just driving, what's the big deal, really."

"You two can go to TPC to steal the plane for fun."

As soon as he jumped down, he was surrounded by members of the winning team.

"Don't worry, don't worry, isn't this returned to you, except for the lack of a cover.

"One more seat!"

Duplication flew down with a parachute, and rolled on the ground to cushion it.

The Xincheng team member said angrily: "Okay! Come back to TPC headquarters with us, you two are in big trouble this time."

"The meteorite hasn't been dug yet."

Smiling, Qin Yun dodged Dagu who was coming up to arrest him, walked around behind him in a flash, and walked towards the crater.

The meteorite that fell just now blasted out a crater of tens of square meters. This force is really not small.

The pit is still emitting scorching heat, and you can see a meteorite in the center that is a little bigger than a washbasin.

"Ah hit!"

In the back, duplication will come up to capture Xincheng and Dagu, and Lina will be brought down.

Horei looked at his teammates who were lying down on the ground, swallowed, and decisively took out the stun gun.

He was originally a technician, and he was not as good as Dagu and the others in combat.

"Don't move! Or I'll shoot you"!"

Duplication clenches his fists in front of him, he has also learned a few moves from the martial arts expert Hong Meiling, and his fights are beyond the realm of Wang Baquan.


A puff of white smoke rose from the crater, and Qin Yun magically created water to cool down the meteorite.

Because of the sudden cooling, the outer shell of the meteorite shattered and peeled off, revealing the silver-white metallic color inside.

He smashed all the shells, picked up the time machine inside and walked out of the crater, shouting at duplication: "Stop playing! Let them come over, the thing is found.


Duplication backed away, came to the side of the main body, and looked at the time machine.

"This thing shows up, so they should."

As soon as the three people who were beaten to the ground got up, the communicator rang.

Hori took the communicator from his waist and opened it: "I am Hori."

"You return immediately! I just received the news that two monsters appeared."

"Got it! Then Feiyan No. 1..."

"The logistics team will be here soon, come back."

Qin Yun came with the time machine in his arms, stopped a few meters away from their wary gazes, and said, "Gerzan, the monster that shakes the earth, and Melba, the one that shattered the sky, have awakened, right?"

Since the victory team heard the words, they looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they had never heard the names of Gorzan and Melba, this person seemed to know something.

Hori was curious and asked, "Do you know the origin of these two monsters?"

"Well, super ancient monsters have been sleeping 30 million years ago, and their appearance indicates that disaster is coming."

After Qin Yun finished speaking, Ju Jianhui's voice came from the communicator: "Jujian team members, bring them back too.


Duplication turned around and walked towards Feiyan 2, rubbing his hands excitedly: "Don't fight me this time!"

Cold sweat immediately fell on the foreheads of several members of the Victory Team.

Brother! You can’t even drive! Why grab the driver’s seat!

We only have two fighters!

Feiyan 2 is a fighter plane for 4 people, but if you squeeze it, 6 people will be fine.


The door of the combat command room opened, and the four Dagu walked in with pale faces, followed by a happy duplication.

Qin Yun, holding the time machine, walked last.

Straight is too thrilling, as thrilling as stepping on the top of the accelerator.

"Captain Junjian Hui, let me introduce myself, my name is Qin Yun."

Putting down the time machine, Qin Yun faced Junjian Hui, smiled and said his name.

"It was just a joke before, let's stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point, about the two monsters.

Ju Jianhui, who originally planned to ask something, planned to listen first, but now the two monsters are the focus.

"They are ultra-ancient monsters from 30 million years ago, the one that burrows into the ground is called Gorzan, and the one that can fly is Melba.

"Although these two have no cards, their appearance means that the sleeping evil god is about to wake up."

Ju Jianhui couldn't help but interjected and asked, "What evil god? How do you know that they are monsters from 30 million years ago?"

"The answer is here."

I patted the time machine on the table, as if this action triggered the extreme, the lights in the command room went out, "The machine projected images of ten white-haired women.

The image made a series of sounds of unknown meaning, which could not be understood by anyone except Qin Yun.

Fortunately, Horei took out the voice translator in time and tried to translate.

It was only then that this strange voice was translated into words that everyone could understand.

". "I am You Lian, the captain of the Earth Guard. When this time machine returns to the earth, it means that the earth will undergo drastic changes. "

"The first sign is the awakening of Gorzan, the monster that shakes the earth, and Melba, who cracks the sky."

Afterwards, You Lian told everyone that only the titan in the Pyramids can save the earth from the catastrophe.

But it doesn't say where the Pyramids are, and the last part about the resurrection becomes noise.

You Lian's words are the same as what Qin Yun said just now, if they are true.

"Do you know where the Pyramids that store the titan's body are?"

Da Gu has an inexplicable sense of familiarity with You Lian, but he has never seen the other party before, but subconsciously believes in him.

(Made well) Since Qin Yun knows the existence of monsters, he might also know the location of the Pyramids.

Sitting on a chair, Qin Yun, who was shouting lollipops, said to Ye Rui: "The intersection of monsters.

Ye Rui understood in an instant, and simulated the forward routes of the two monsters on the big screen, and finally zoomed in on the intersection of the routes.

The location is a certain forested area in the Neon area.

"right here."

Horei immediately questioned: "Impossible! Pyramids that can hold the titan, how can the satellite not be able to take pictures? Is it a mistake?"

Qin Yun answered his doubts: "Overlapping spaces are generally invisible, and can only be discovered at a specific time or with space technology."

"The ultra-ancient civilization is much more developed than the current human civilization."

Find the location of the Pyramids, and you can dig treasure yourself.

Going back, I have to ask You Lian again, where is Luluye sinking, and try to sneak in and dig out the treasure before Jiatangjieer wakes up.

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