You Lian tried to blur the location to delay time, but Qin Yun noticed it instantly.

She can only honestly tell the location of the sunken Guti.

Qin Yun successfully obtained the exact location of Luluye, which is at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

The goal was achieved, he picked up the time machine and sent it back to ~ the command room.

You Lian is useless now, she can do whatever she likes, - don't worry about it anymore.

"Have they arrived yet?"

Back in the command room, he put the time machine on the table, and he pulled a chair and sat down.

Ju Jianhui next to him glanced at him and replied: "Not yet, there are still five minutes to arrive."

She was considering whether to lock him up first.

"It's a little slow."

But there is no way to slow down, he can't speed up the fighter.

So I took out the "Book of Cagliosterlo" and looked through it. This book on time, as long as it can be understood, will make people unconsciously fascinated.

The mystery of the universe and time, the eternity pursued by living things.

The more he understood, the more mysterious time became for Qin Yun, and he didn't even understand it.

After half an hour passed and arrived at the destination, the people who were looking for it in the mountains and forests had not found it yet.

The overlapping space is not so easy to find, it is behind the real space, using the real space as a baffle to hide itself.

Either wait for it to appear on its own initiative, or forcefully destroy the space.

"We couldn't have made a mistake, right?" Hori, who had been suspicious for a long time, became even more suspicious.

Duplication: "You can't be wrong, the monsters are coming straight to the titan in the Pyramids, so the intersection must be the Pyramids."

He knew in his heart that the reason why it didn't appear was that the opportunity didn't appear.

"Where's Dagu?" At this moment, Lina suddenly realized that there was one less teammate.

Everyone looked around, and not long after, Lina saw Dagu standing still on the suspension bridge in the distance.

"He's there! Really, everyone is busy looking for Pyramids, and he's actually being lazy." Seeing this, Lina thought that the other party was looking at the scenery, and she couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

But she didn't know that the reason Dagu stood still was because he had already found his target.

A looming Pyramids emerged not far away, like a mirage.

But it seems to have some kind of magical power, the first time you see it, you can't move your eyes away because of your tongue.

In the dark, there is a voice calling him to the past.

Dagu looked like he was possessed, completely ignoring the calls of his teammates behind him, and ran across the suspension bridge towards the Pyramids.

Lina yelled a few times, seeing that Dagu ignored her, she felt a little emotional.

They didn't realize that the duplication had disappeared from their side at some point.

Below the Pyramids, Dagu stopped to take a look, then stretched out his hand to touch the wall of the tower, but was surprised to find that his palm had been sent there.

He tried to go forward, and ended up in the Pyramids all over.

In the rear, Duplication witnessed the whole process, so he took out the communicator: "Hey, hey! I found it, come here quickly."


command room.

"Hey! I found it, come here quickly."

A voice disturbed Qin Yun who was reading a book, he took off the communicator from his waist and put it to his mouth: "Got it, I'll be right there.

He got up and walked towards the door, Zong Fangcheng stopped him, but Qin Yun turned a deaf ear.


Zong Fangcheng shouted and chased out the door, but when he looked at the corridor, both ends were empty, and no one knew where he had gone.

"Run so fast?"

Just one or two seconds later, the people disappeared. Why didn’t you participate in the Guinness Book of Records at this speed?

He had no choice but to go back to the command room. Compared to Qin Yun, the matter of the Pyramids was more important.

Next to duplication, Qin Yun suddenly appeared, and then took the treasure map.

Sure enough, a riddle on the treasure map disappeared, and a golden and gorgeous treasure chest pattern with a red dot appeared.

The red dot represents Qin Yun's position, which is almost close to the golden treasure chest.

"I said, anyway, there are two, how about I open one myself?" Originally, Ouhuang should be asked to open the box, but Qin Yun wanted to try his luck.

Duplication's face was tangled, and hesitation persuaded him: "How about...don't you? You are so lucky, I feel that you can get out of loneliness."

"Don't you also want to see what you can drive?"

"That's right." After thinking for a few seconds, Duplication figured it out, and smiled: "That's fine, at least let's see if I'm lucky before I disappear.

"Then get ready to go in."

The two passed through the illusory tower wall and entered the interior of the Pyramids.

At the first glance, I saw three huge stone statues standing upright, and the one standing behind was the stone statue of Dijia.

"Let's keep a low profile."

At the moment, the treasure chest on the map can already be activated, making it appear.

Qin Yun and duplication jumped onto the three-meter-high stone platform, waking Dagu who was in a daze.

At this time, the rest of the winning team also arrived.

"Hey! Why is he here?" The three people from Xincheng had just entered, and were also shocked by the statue of Titan.

Not much, and within a few seconds, I came back to my senses. As an elite team of TPC, how can we do without a strong psychological quality.

Moreover, they also saw two Qin Yun standing on the stone platform.

Suddenly felt strange, because one of them was obviously left in the command room at that time.

Qin Yun would have no time to deal with them, so he directly clicked the insurance on the treasure map.

A gorgeous treasure chest emerged from the ground silently.

He put away the treasure map, rubbed his hands and squatted down: "God, I'm willing to trade one-third of Akua's IQ for good luck, please bless me!"

"Are you stupid like God, at least you can exchange it with something that exists."

Duplication complained speechlessly, and locked its eyes on the treasure chest.

Qin Yun took a deep breath, opened the treasure chest, and a faint golden light came out.

The eyes of the two people also fell into the treasure chest, what can be opened?

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