Qin Yun, who was walking backwards to guard the rear, turned around when he heard the sound, and was startled when he saw the scene in front of him clearly.

In front of them is a wall with a large number of super ancient characters engraved on it.

It means that there are three terrible dark titans sealed inside, warning visitors not to open the stone gate.

There is no doubt that this is where the three of Camilla were sealed.

But the problem is, the red dot of the treasure is just ahead.

So he has to go inside.

"Use earth attribute magic to construct an entrance that can pass through."

Duplication stepped forward and knocked on the stone door, frowning: "It seems very thick, and is this door part of the seal?"

Putting away the treasure map, Qin Yun looked around, walked to the side and pressed his hands on the stone wall: "Then open a hole on the side, and the stone door will not move."

As long as you can get in, it doesn't matter whether you enter "203" through the door.

Duplication held the ball of light to illuminate it, and Qin Yun used earth magic to change the shape of the stone wall and build a small door for people to pass through.

After passing through the tunnel of six or seven meters, the stone in front disappeared and entered a hollow.

Duplication walked out of the tunnel, slightly enhanced the brightness of the light ball, and illuminated the darkness.

The first thing that catches the eye is the three complete stone statues of titan squatting or standing in strange postures, the more conspicuous one is the stone statue with female features in the middle.

After all, female Ultraman is indeed quite rare.

"Be careful, the show woke them up.

Qin Yun knew the difference between these three stone statues and the Pyramids.

The stone statues in the Pyramids have only their shells left, and their strength is minimal.

But these three were sealed in a complete state, and all the power souls were still there.

As long as it recovers, even if it doesn't have the strength of the heyday, it can still have 70% to 80%.

"Hurry up, where is the treasure?"

Duplication didn't dare to mess around, the ghost knows what the conditions for unsealed are, in case the seal is accidentally unsealed.

That's what happened.

Qin Yun lowered his head to look at the treasure map, then started to move: "It's near here.

He walked and came to the three stone statues, the red dot coincided with the treasure chest, and this is it!

"I found it, I'll bring an Ouhuang over here, don't mess around here."

With a word of advice, Qin Yun disappeared in place, Duplication blinked and looked at the stone statue of Titan.

How can I mess around, definitely follow the process.

He flew towards the statue of Titan, observed it one by one, and finally landed on top of Camilla's head.

Who made her stand the straightest, with the best view from her head.

After investigation, duplication found that there was nothing special except for the three stone statues.

Not long after, Qin Yun came back with Wugen Liuli.

Since she opened the holy sword last time, Qin Yun decided to use her little red hand to open the box this time.

As the treasure chest emerged from the ground, Wu Geng Liuli skillfully stepped forward and opened the chest.

A golden light flashed in the box, and then dissipated.

Duplication hurriedly flew down from the top of the stone statue, and the three of them leaned their heads over to look at the things inside.

I saw only two stones in the box, one red and one blue, which looked ordinary.

Duplication's eyes were suddenly blank: "This... the little red hand is invalid?"

"It's impossible to get ordinary items out of the box." Qin Yun was also puzzled, and reached in to pick up two stones.

As soon as he held the stone, he realized something was wrong.

"Huh? What kind of energy is this?"

Inside the two stones, there was a very strange energy, unlike any type he knew.

Duplication also put his hand on it and felt it: "Strange, this energy gives people a strange sense of distortion.

"Forget it, let's leave first, this is not a good place to talk."

Wugeng Liuli knew that her task had been completed, so she planned to go back first: "The store manager, then I will leave first.

"Well, thank you for your help, bye~~

After she left, Qin Yun also teleported to Duplication No. 1 with No. 2 duplication.

As a result, when he first appeared, he almost screamed out of fright at the scene in front of him.

I saw a huge monster crouching in front of me.

The long inverted head, the spiral shell covered with dense black holes, and the hideous and terrifying appearance are exactly the evil god Gatanjae!

No. 1 duplication saw the main body coming, gestured to him, and then led them out of the sleeping palace of Gatanjeh.

"Did you find the treasure?"

"I found it." After answering, Qin Yun asked again: "Did you find anything?"

"No, this big snail sleeps very deeply, but I always feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity with it..."

No. 2 duplication: "I also have this feeling. When I first saw it, I felt as if I had seen something similar somewhere."

Not to mention them, even Qin Yun himself has this feeling.

But he just couldn't figure out what this familiarity came from, anyway, he was sure that it was the first time he had seen Gatanger.

"Forget about it, let's go."

Qin Yun finally took a deep look at Gatanjeh who was sleeping in the dark in the palace, and left Luluye.

After he left, Gatanjeh, who had been sleeping, suddenly opened his blood-colored eyes, and then closed them again, as if what happened just now was just a hallucination.


A string of unidentified dreams came out of its mouth, and then the palace fell into dead silence again.

. . . . . .

In the shop, a pink chainsaw and two red and blue stones are placed on the coffee table.

Qin Yun is looking for a system to identify these two things. He has a hunch that these two different-colored stones are definitely not easy.

The more ordinary items in appearance, the more scarce they may be.

‘Host, please pick up the chainsaw and cast spells with me. This is a magic item that needs to be activated before it can be used.


Qin Yun followed the instructions and picked up the chainsaw: "nomobuyooshihashitawadokedagunmichade...wait! I feel something is wrong."

Before he finished reading 5.5, he had an ominous premonition.

There is nothing wrong with this, this is the mantra that needs to be chanted to use the chainsaw, if you don't say it, you won't be able to start it, don't worry, it's very safe. ’Seeing that he was doubtful, the system comforted him and assured that there was no problem.

After all this is guaranteed, Qin Yun let go of his doubts and read it again: "nomobuyooshihashitawadokedagunmichaderibura!


When the chainsaw started, a burst of magic burst out, shining pink light.

Erya behind the counter was attracted by the light, and then her eyes gradually widened, as if seeing something incredible.

"OMG! Tohka! Come and see a miracle!".

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