Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 340: The Time To Become A God

It can be seen that Mei Yan is really in a hurry, just like dragging her to run.

When she came to her side of the world, Qin Yun looked around, the wind was sunny and the sky was clear, there was nothing wrong with her.

It's just that the street lamp on the side of the road doesn't seem to be stable.


He moved a few steps sideways to avoid the fallen street lamp, and started to target me when he first arrived. This world is really full of malice towards me~.

"What's the situation? The weather is bad, but it's fine—isn't it?"

"Look at this!"

Xiao Meiyan took out a half-folded paper and handed it over, her face was full of anxiety.

After taking the note and opening it, and reading the contents above, Qin Yun knew what was going on.

The content written on the paper was probably condensed to the fact that Madoka felt that those magical girls who made wishes were too pitiful, she couldn't bear it, and couldn't accept their tragic ending, so she wanted to save them.

But this kind of thing can't be done easily. If you want to succeed, you need a miracle.

"Are you looking for Cupid?"

The only one who can do this kind of thing is Chubby.

There is no other way to save those miserable magical girls with the power of miracles.

Even if all the witches and magical girls are eliminated together, as long as Chubby is still there, they will continue to appear.

"It must be! But I can't find her!" This is why Xiao Meiyan is so anxious. If she can find Madoka, she won't have to run for help.

I don't know how long Madoka has been away, maybe this meeting is already making a wish.

Realizing the urgency of time, Qin Yun raised his hand and pressed Xiao Meiyan's shoulder.

The two disappeared instantly.

Below a certain bridge, Madoka sat on a rock, Baobao looked at the river.

"Have you made up your mind? What wish do you want?"

Next to the stone, squatting a QB, looking up at Madoka with ruby ​​eyes.

These words woke Madoka who was in a daze, she came back to her senses, her confused eyes were replaced by determination.

"I've thought about it."

"Then make a wish.

QB is also a bit urging, because if she doesn't hurry up to make her wish, it's time for Xiao Meiyan to destroy it again.

Madoka stood up, and the image of her senior's head being bitten off, and the image of her friends trying to fight the witch appeared in her mind.

They did not deserve such a tragic end.

Not just for those magical girls, she doesn't want to see her companions become like this.

‘Sister, Sayaka, Kyoko, and Homura, I will not let you fall into the despair of reincarnation again.

"Come on, the destiny that contains countless world lines, you who have become the causal singularity, no matter how huge amounts of wishes, can come true, at the cost of your soul.

Xiaoyuan clenched her fists with both hands, her expression was firm, she took a deep breath to calm herself down, and said slowly: "I want to put all witches before they are born..."


Before she could finish speaking, a sudden cry interrupted her.

.....Destroy all the witches of the world, past, present, and future, with my own hands"

Madoka showed a gentle smile to Akami Homura who appeared, and continued to say the next thing.

Homura, please let me save you this time. "

"I hope that all those who have believed in the magical girl of hope will stop crying and keep smiling until the end.

"All the rules that hinder this, I will destroy and change, this is my wish!"

A dazzling light shone on her chest, and then spread to her whole body, it was the miraculous power emperor.

It seemed as if the heavens and the earth were dimmed in front of that light, like the stars and the sun.

Magical girls around the world sensed the immeasurably large fluctuations in magic power, and they all looked towards the source in shock.

Xiao Meiyan saw Madoka shining with pink and white light all over her body, the strength in her body seemed to be pulled away, and she fell powerlessly on the ground, her face pale.


"Time pause!"

...asking for flowers...0

Fortunately, Qin Yun was not in a daze, but reacted decisively, and the world instantly turned gray.

But after that, he didn't relax at all, because Madoka in front of him was not affected.

Against the gray background, the shining Xiaoyuan smiled, and a terrifying magic power erupted from her body, the pink-white light even turned into red.

That is a phenomenon of extreme condensation of magic power, because the magic power is too huge.

"Oh, it's still like this."

Seeing this scene, Qin Yun could only sigh.

The opportunity for Madoka to make a wish is only partly because of the stage witch, and the rest is because of her companions and her gentle and kind heart.

He had no way to stop it, he could only watch the incident happen visually.

At this moment, she is not only a human being, but is about to become a part of the universe.

Qin Yun has not yet reached the point where he can confront the universe, and he cannot interrupt this process.

The clothes on Xiaoyuan's body changed into a pink and white dress, and she held a branch with pink buds on the top in her hand.

Immediately afterwards, the buds bloomed, and the branches became a handful.

She slowly raised the wooden bow, pulled the bowstring, aimed at the large magic circle that appeared in the sky, and the huge magic power condensed into an arrow.

"Let me take away all the despair." A low voice whispered from Xiaoyuan's mouth, his right hand was lightly released, and the arrow shot straight into the sky with the tail flame of magic power, hitting the center of the magic circle.

After a flash of light, countless arrows shot out from the magic circle and flew to all parts of the world, past, present, and future time and space of countless world lines.

Qin Yun turned her head and shook her head at Xiao Meiyan with a wry smile: "I can't help it, she has already made a wish.

But this time, Akatsuki Homura couldn't hear at all, and just stared blankly at Madoka floating in the air.

Endless rays of light emanated from Madoka, as if the whole world had become an ocean of light.

Qin Yun couldn't help closing his eyes, and in the process, he noticed that the surrounding space had changed. .

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