Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Three Hundred And Fiftieth Chapters Accept The Task

After Chris said everything, it felt like eating ice cream in summer, so refreshing!

"Akuya, it seems that you don't plan to go back to the heavens."

Akuya, who was still a dead duck with a stubborn mouth and was going to resist, instantly softened when she heard it.

Reprimanding is useful for ordinary people, but for guys who don't change after repeated admonitions and go in one ear and out the other, it's purely playing the piano against the cow.

So Qin Yun directly grasped the key points, as long as he took the matter of the heavens as an example, to ensure that Akuya would be obedient.

In the end, she passively admitted her mistake, Chris accepted the apology, and the group was over.

Then Qin Yun treated the guests and let everyone have a good meal.

Because of the shortage of funds, they have no money to eat something good.

Although he is a thief, Chris is very principled in stealing, and he will only steal from those who are rich and unkind.

The main thing is to rob the rich and give to the poor, not for your own enjoyment.

So she didn't actually have much savings, and during this period of time, it was gone immediately.

"Let's take on the 16th mission together later, I just need to upgrade a level."

The way of learning skills in this world is too weird, but it works.

Doing tasks can not only get rewards, but also experience.

If she continued to give money for free, Akuya would not have a long memory, although she estimated that she would forget it after a while.

This time it was Qin Yun who picked it up. He didn't pick up those tasks that seemed extremely difficult at first glance, but chose Fang Chen.

The degree of danger here is represented by stars, the more stars there are, the more difficult it will be.

The most difficult one has a full ten stars, and the task he chose only has four stars.

"Destroy the raging wolf? This is possible, and we can handle it with our strength." Chris took the task list from Qin Yun and was very satisfied after reading it.

At least it's much better than the nine ten-star ones that Akuya picked up. Considering the strength of all the superior professions on your side, it shouldn't be a problem.

"But it's already late today, so let's start tomorrow morning."

At the moment the sun has set outside, the monsters are more aggressive at night than during the day.

Visibility is also obstructed at night, so leaving town after dark can be dangerous unless the quest is targeting Nightcrawlers, which are only active at night.

There was a treat tonight, and the dinner was naturally so sumptuous. Qin Yun left some money for Chris and went back to eat.

Although the food was good, he still wanted to go back to eat more.


On the first floor of the hotel, Qin Yun and Chris were sitting opposite each other, sipping wine.

However, the fruit wine that Qin Yun ordered was more like fruit juice, with a low alcohol content and a little sweetness.

"Should you have the ability to forcefully stop her? Why not?"

This is very confusing. You must know that although Chris is only a thief, as a veteran, his numerical values ​​are definitely better than the novice Aqua.

Besides, the opponent is still the high priest of the auxiliary profession, no matter how bad the thief is, it can be regarded as half an output profession.

Chris's eyes flickered a few times, and he looked away a little embarrassedly: "Senior Aqua took good care of me before, so..."

The implication is that it is not impossible to stop, but inconvenient.

"Compared with taking care of her, she must have caused you more trouble."

Without even reasoning, Qin Qu could guess how much trouble this troublemaker could bring.

Rather than saying that Akuya took care of her, it would be more accurate to say the other way around.

"Usually my nerves are thick, I can't think about things, and my body is faster than my head when doing things."

"He often brings trouble, he is a very troublesome guy." After scolding Akuya, just when Chris was about to open his mouth to speak, he continued: "But she treats people sincerely, and she treats people with sincerity. It's also simpler, although I think it's stupid."

Hearing this, Chris closed his mouth again, agreeing with these words in his heart.

Gods are not machines, but creatures with emotions.

Be happy, be angry, be sad, be sad, be jealous.

Chris is very delicate about feelings, and Aqua has often caused trouble for herself since before.

Throw the work to yourself, and in the end, you will not be able to complete the work in time.

But she knew that this was not intentional, because in terms of IQ, to be honest, there was no god lower than Akuya in the entire heaven.

She also heard other gods or their subordinates discussing Akua a few times, but the content was not very good anyway.

But as long as there is trouble, the other party will come to help without saying a word. Although there are often complaints in the process, they never give up.

Thinking of the previous experience, Chris’s eyes became firmer, and he said in a strong voice: “I will try my best to help senior return to the heaven! No matter how difficult it is!” 940 “Then you will suffer.” Helping Aqua defeat the devil, Returning to the heavens is no small matter.

Other brave men start from scratch, but our goddess of water can reverse the starting point to minus 10,000.

"I'm telling you! It's all true! I saw someone take a stick and beat a monster to the ground!"

"That monster is taller than the house!"

At this time, diners at a nearby table suddenly had an argument.

Qin Yun's attention was attracted, and he lost interest after listening for a while.

It is estimated that someone defeated the monster with magic props, which is not a rare thing.

He took a sip of wine and inadvertently saw the scar on Chris's face [and felt curious! "How did you get this scar on your face? Wujie should have a way to get rid of the scar?"

"This." After saying this, she subconsciously touched the right side of her face and replied: "Because of an accident, it's not something important, so don't worry about it."

Seeing that she didn't want to make it clear, Qin Yun wisely didn't ask, picked up the wine and ate the barbecue slowly.

Time passed, and soon the next morning came. .

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