Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 357 Men, Always Try New Things

After the test was over, Huihui was given four rounds to restore her magic power.

"This skill is really easy to use." After recovering her magic power, Hui Hui got up from the ground.

I wanted to play another shot, but was stopped immediately.

"Playing it again is still that powerful, let's call it a day."

It is not known whether the Headless Horseman, one of the leaders of the Demon King's army, has moved into the castle.

If you provoke it, it will be a little troublesome.

Huihui didn't insist on being stopped, anyway, she let it go once today, and she was very satisfied.

Not long after the two left, a furtive figure appeared nearby.

"Isn't it here?"

Bell Dia used the trees and bushes to cover herself and explored her surroundings.

He just wanted to see who cast this level of explosion magic.

You must know that this is a novice town, and the attack just now is close to the strength of a top adventurer.

Since he came here secretly, he wanted to investigate 16 secretly first, at least to make sure who the other party was, and the passing ones were still permanent.

If you bump into it when you sneak into the town, you will be in trouble.

Ordinary adventurers can't tell, but those of this level should have fought the Demon King's army head-on.

There is a high probability that your identity will be exposed.

In the hinterland of the human territory, if you are besieged, there is really nowhere to escape.

As for the abandoned castle, he also observed it for a while, and when he saw that no one would go there, he occupied it as a temporary foothold.

swish swish...

Finding nothing, Bell Dia walked in another direction and continued to search.

Back in the town, after meeting up with the three of Akuya, I learned that they had already chosen a house.

"This is the one. Not only is the place big enough, but the price is very cheap."

In front of a foreign-style building, Akuya put her hands on her hips, proudly pointing to the house for introduction.

This is her personal choice, which is impressive enough.

Chris sighed helplessly: "It's very cheap, the only problem is that it's haunted. y

"The previous homeowner was so frightened that he was so depressed that he even gave us the keys when we were looking at the house, so we could see it ourselves."

Akuya patted her chest hard, full of confidence: "It's just a ghost, I'm a goddess!"

The high priest has a special attack on the undead, and she is also a goddess, so she is not afraid of ghosts.

Seeing her take the lead in striding into the mansion, the others followed.

Qin Yun walked around the mansion and found that the furniture was usable, but the air was a bit dull.

It should be the reason why the original owner did not ventilate after moving out.

Darkness: "There seems to be nothing missing.

"No, the weapon rack and armor rack are missing." The household was indeed complete, but Qin Yun soon noticed that there were no racks for weapons and armor in the house.

Ordinary people don't prepare this kind of thing, but adventurers need it.

It is more convenient to have a shelf to maintain and place equipment on weekdays.

"This is not a problem, just buy it later."

Ordinary equipment racks are very cheap, because they are all made of wood and the process is simple.


Suddenly, Qin Yun felt a sense of peeping, which came from the cabinet on the left.

He immediately walked over to open the cabinet, and there were only some clothes in it, and nothing else.

When Chris and the others saw Qin Yun's strange behavior, they watched curiously.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it just feels like someone is staring at me. It stands to reason that my perception can't be wrong. There is something wrong with this house. You should pay attention at night."

But he was thinking in his heart, could it be that Goddess of Wisdom set up an exorcism array in the cemetery?

I'll check it out at the cemetery later.

These words made Megumin nervous, but Darkness didn't seem to respond.

"Then let's clean the house first." Since it is the place where I will live in the future, it is natural to clean it up.

Darkness took Megumi and a reluctant Aqua to get cleaning tools, while Chris and Qin Yun went out to buy things.

There are racks for sale in the weapon shop, Chris picked a few, and after paying the boss sent them to the mansion.

When she turned around to greet Qin Yun, she found that he was gone.

She frowned suspiciously, and whispered in her mouth: "Where are people?"

"Guest, are you looking for the companion who came with you just now?" The owner of the weapon shop asked, seeing her nod, he kindly reminded: "I just saw a succubus leading him to the left.

"Succubus? Succubus!?" After repeating to himself, Chris' complexion changed slightly, and he walked out of the shop quickly.

She looked to the left, quickened her pace and began to trot, and after passing a certain alley, she stopped and retreated.

Looking into the alley, there is a person with his back facing him, looking at the black windbreaker, he can't go wrong!

Got you!"

Qin Yun heard the sound, turned around, and at the same time revealed the guy he was blocking.

There are small pink wings on both sides of the head, and a pair of pink devil wings on the back. The figure is very thin, and it looks like a little loli.

Qin Yun: "Have you bought it yet?"

Chris came over and stared at Loli Succubus with frowning eyes: "Jun Qin, it's best not to have any contact with succubus, they are a race of demons that suck human energy for food.

"I know."

The succubus doesn't suck the essence of 317, can it eat people?

Regarding the setting of the succubus, Qin Yun knew very well that he was just promoted by this succubus named Luolisa for a wave of store service items.

Compared with other succubi, the ones here are much more serious.

The way they absorb the essence is through their own ability to control dreams, let customers have sex dreams, and charge a certain amount of essence as a reward.

This amount will not affect human health, so the business of this succubus coffee shop is booming.

But it doesn't matter if it is a small amount, if it is sucked too many times in a short period of time, something will happen.

"You haven't reached a deal with her yet, have you?" Chris comforted himself. After a while, he must have not had time to purchase services.

Qin Yun opened and closed his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I have already purchased the service and plan to try it tonight."

As a man, always try new things.

Cough cough! Some are not so healthy, you have to try it before you know whether it is healthy or not.

Chris narrowed his eyes and stared at Lolisa, with a trace of hostility unconsciously showing in his eyes.

She now understands why those female adventurers always look angrily when they talk about the succubus, the succubus should really be kicked out of the town!.

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