In the dark background, shuttle among the endless stars.

Countless planet fixed stars fell behind, and as the speed became faster and faster, the stars even drew into a line.

Even if you encounter a star that blocks the way, it will penetrate instantly.

When it stops, you can only see the spiral nebula made up of countless stars below you.

A pair of eyes waited and watched indifferently, looking down at the stars.

Suddenly, all the nebulae gradually moved closer to one point, and countless stars collided and squeezed.

It was like a world-ending scene, with countless lives dying.

A terrifying explosion destroyed the nebula, and when the last Fixed Star was destroyed, it was completely plunged into pure darkness and nothingness.

At this time, the angle of view began to increase, and at the end, it seemed that a little light shone in the endless darkness.

The dream ends here.

This is the part that Luolisa reproduced, and as for more, she can't do anything.

"I have no opinion, you decide."

This is equivalent to acquiescing, and after a little discussion among others, it will be unanimously approved.

There is a cleaning maid, nothing wrong with that.

There is no need to clean up when you are still tired after finishing the task.

Laziness can be one of the original sins of human beings, but few people can refuse.

Anyway, the mansion is big enough to fit in.

And Qin Yun wanted to ask the system about his memory, but he swallowed the words again.

Now the system is busy, and if you disturb it because of small things, you will definitely be stunned.

Forget it, wait until it is busy.

Luo Lisa also left the mansion happily, and was going to find the owner to resign.

She felt that after joining the team, she should no longer be hit every day.

Because, my figure is not bottom!

Thinking about those seniors in the Succubus coffee shop, the blows they suffered could form dozens of percussion bands.

After Lolisa left, Chris struggled to remind her: "Akuya, she is the devil among demons.

As for letting the succubus join in, if everyone didn't agree, she would definitely vote against it.

Akuya quietly looked away, and said indifferently: "The devil is the devil, I don't want to clean up.

As long as you can avoid cleaning, isn't it good to be lazy?

"Okay." Aqua, who is also a goddess, chose to ignore her identity, so Chris no longer struggled: "There is still a vacant room next to me, let her live there.

"Then you talk slowly, I'll go first.

There is no need to participate in the following conversation, and there is nothing wrong with it.

So Qin Yun got up and left, and the others didn't pay much attention.

We all know that he can teleport magic, so it is very easy to want to go home.

Huihui once wanted to learn it, but she gave up when she thought of the high skill points of teleportation magic.

Therefore, she was very curious, where did Qin Yun get so many skill points, not only the power of explosion magic surpassed her own, but also a lot of other magic.

It's not like a novice adventurer at all, it's fine to say that it's a high level or a top adventurer.

On the other side, Qin Yun and Shixiang who came back to the shop greeted each other and went back to the bedroom.

Started serious cultivation, you have to work hard during the period of rapid strength improvement, and then relax when the speed of cultivation slows down.

This is the way of lazy people to practice, don't force, don't get tired, let nature take its course, relaxed and happy.

After more than ten days of hard work, the magic power and spirit in the body have improved significantly.

In addition, he will sleep in the mansion at night, and then Luo Lisa will monitor whether he has any related dreams.

If there is no other party to monitor, even if you do it, you will forget it when you wake up.

Unfortunately, not once in ten days.

Since it's not a constructed dream, Lorisa can't channel it either.

In addition, there is another problem, that is, in terms of consciousness, she finds that it is difficult for her to influence Qin Yun.

On this day, with consent, he forcibly shot to construct a dream, but instantly flew upside down and stuck it on the wall.

According to my recollection, it was like being knocked into the air by a wild boar, and I almost fainted.

Qin Yun knew the reason, so he couldn't explain it clearly, so he could only hug the other party to the bed, feed the healing potion, and the matter would be over.

How could he have imagined that just constructing a dreamland actually led the system out.

According to the system's explanation, it thought someone was attacking consciousness, so it instinctively fought back.

Let Luo Lisa suffer an unreasonable disaster, and Qin Yun has to bear the blame.



Huihui, who fell on the ground, got four bullets, immediately got up from the ground, and patted the leaves of grass as if nothing happened.

"This is, the time calendar?!"

Chris noticed the unnatural distortion at that moment, and was shocked and surprised.

Time is an extremely rare ability, even in heaven and hell, there are not many people who know it, and they are all top-notch beings.

When doing the previous missions, they dealt with ordinary monsters, and Huihui fished the whole way.

In order to test the strength of the monster this time, Qin Yun took on an eight-star mission to deal with a sub-dragon with weak dragon blood.

Chris couldn't deal with it, so Megumi, who has a powerful destructive power of 67, was put on the field.

"Turning back time is good as a recovery method, but it has limitations." Qin Yun said with a flick of his right hand, and the 'hour hand' disappeared.

Now he feels that he has almost tempered, so he plans to go to the Ancient One magician to specialize in time.

The system has not given the result so far, it is estimated that reverse positioning is very troublesome.

It's 'a while' how long it is, after all, the system has no concept of time.

Maybe a few months, a few years, all belong to the scope of a meeting.

"Master Qin, do you need some water?"

Lolisa, who was waiting at the side, immediately stepped forward, took out the water bottle from her bag, and looked at him with adoring eyes.

She is now a little fan girl who has changed jobs. In the past, her idol was Barnir, the great demon of hell, but now there are two.

"Um, I'm not thirsty yet, let's collect the materials first."

To be honest, Qin Yun is not used to this kind of enthusiastic attitude, so his coping attitude is just to face it with a smile.


Luo Lisa immediately put away the kettle, took out the cutting knife and started collecting materials.

Seeing that busy little figure, Qin Yun suddenly felt that there was a little fan girl who seemed pretty good too.

And this little fan girl is very beautiful. It should be said that there are no ugly succubi, except for mixed blood. .

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