After chatting for a while, seeing that Qin Yun didn't take the bait, Xiaoyu went to find the main body.

To tease others, you have to cooperate with the other party to continue playing.

Otherwise, I have been showing off for a long time, and you will give me a pair of dead fish eyes, and the atmosphere will become embarrassing.

Besides, it's not just the ontology who is interested in being an idol.

"In these days, it's really hard to get along without an IQ."

When you find that many of the people around you are highly intelligent, you will feel a heavy feeling somewhere.

Qin Yun felt that he really couldn't deal with this kind of guy, and it turned out that Akuya and Erya were more suitable for bullying.


late at night.

Boom boom boom!


Qin Yun woke up instantly, sat up from the bed, rubbed his bloodshot eyes: "Who is it? What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"Quick, quick, quick! - let's do something!"

A figure walked to the desk, picked up the clothes and trousers and threw them on the bed.

Sleepy-eyed Qin Yun glanced at the clock on the wall, and the hour hand pointed to the glowing number 2.

Feeling powerless for a while, then looked at Kuang San, and said in a very painful tone: "Are you a snake maniac? It's two o'clock in the morning, and you have to wait until dawn to make troubles, right?"

"To be honest, I really want to pick up my slippers and give you a good meal."

"What we need is this time period. It's easy to be found during the day." Kuang San said as he lifted the quilt, then picked up the T-shirt and put it on his head: "We can't die if we stay up for a few days and nights, sleep less it will be ok.

"Huh? This is..."

As soon as the clothes were put on her neck, a small figure came into her eyes.

Although the lights in the room were not turned on, there was a very dim light, and things could be seen vaguely.

Kuang San looked down and found that it was a sleeping white-haired little loli, he was startled: "Who is this?!"

Compared to her surprise, Qin Yun explained calmly while putting on her clothes: "Beibei, the little guy who usually stays on my shoulder."

"This is the human form, it will change back when you sleep."

bebe? that bebe?

The doll-like Beibei appeared in Kuangsan's mind, and when he looked at the sleeping white-haired little loli, her expression became strange.


Qin Yun took off his pajamas, and dressed slowly: "Nah, you sick girl, go and turn on the light in the bathroom for me.

Afterwards, he woke up Beibei, who also looked confused, and habitually lay on Qin Yun's back, hugging her neck.

The two guys, one big and one small, dawdled with their eyes closed to wash, and Tian Duofen walked out of the bathroom.

To be honest, Qin Yun hasn't seen the night sky at two o'clock in the morning for a long time.

Moreover, the early morning wind is a bit noisy.

"Don't pretend to be deep there, and no one is watching." Putting his hands behind his back, he pushed him forward.

Qin Yun half-closed his eyes, covered his mouth with one hand, and yawned again: "Ah~ Just tell me where you want to go, let's fly there.

"My God, that guy is floating in orbit."

"Let's go then, Beibei, sit still."

A few seconds later, two people flew up from the alley and soared into the sky.

It's not intentional to torment Qin Yun, the choice of this time period is the choice of Kuang San after careful consideration.

At this time, people are basically sleeping.

Even Mio's group is no exception, so the possibility of being discovered and harassed is the lowest.

When she came to the high altitude, she suddenly thought of something: "By the way, can you stay in space? Do you need a space suit and oxygen?"

Previously, Qin Yun mentioned that he was human.

And human beings need oxygen, so I asked specifically.

"Thank you for remembering." Qin Yun turned his head, gave a thumbs up with a smile, and said, "No problem, now I can stay in an oxygen-free environment."

The improvement of physique is not just about stronger strength [increased magic power.

But fundamentally, thoroughly evolve.

"You are your sister-in-law, you should. y

"I think you deserve a beating."

………ask for flowers…

The two talked with each other one sentence at a time, and they came to the outside of the atmosphere in a short time.

There is almost no air left, and gravity has become very weak.

Needless to say, Qin Yun directly summoned the Angel who published the book, and began to search for information about the Six Sorcerers of the Star Palace.

Because the other party is wandering around outside the planet, it is not so easy to find.

The two leaned together in front of the book, looking at the content that emerged on it.

Qin Yun raised his left hand and gestured for her to follow.


The Fraxinus.

At this moment when everything is quiet, a bedroom is still brightly lit, and a figure in a white uniform is sitting at the desk, bowing his head and writing something.


Suddenly, she raised her head and looked somewhere in the room, her vision seemed to penetrate the wall.

"Go ahead."

A blurred shadow flashed past, and the room returned to calm, and Murasame Lingyin lowered his head again.

There is only the slight sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper.

'found it!'

A voice sounded in Kuangsan's mind, she looked to the side, and Qin Yun happened to look over.

‘It’s just me talking, it’s called conscious communication, you just have to think about what you want to say in your mind. '

Kuang San twitched his cheeks, feeling that he was stupid for making all kinds of gestures in front of him: 'It's so convenient if you didn't say it earlier, why should I make gestures. '

I thought you liked gesturing, so why bother. ’ It can be seen that the corners of Qin Yun's mouth are slightly raised, which is obviously not what he said.

The Xinggong Liugui in the distance was still wandering aimlessly, not noticing anyone approaching.

But not long after, the two were stopped by a group of flickering phantoms.

Qin Yun looked ahead, then looked around, and couldn't help complaining: 'Why does she always come here? Do you have a position on you? Or are you a Mio trap?

"I think you are! How come every time I act with you, she always finds her so quickly.

Kuang San also had a headache. If she was alone, she would definitely choose to retreat. .

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