Whether Er Ya can handle Liu Gu depends on her eloquence.

At least now she's quieter and strikes without seeing anyone.

"It's time to make final preparations."

Kuang San bought the time machine, she was really tired during this time.

It is also necessary to attack the six scorpions of the star palace, and to collect time to prepare for going back to the past.

Now the last elf who was outside has also been brought back by himself. With the two elves on Mio's side alone, it is completely impossible to create a "God" that is the same as the original.

Hearing the reminder that the world currency has been credited to the account, Qin Yun knew what she had bought after seeing the commission.

It was almost time to wrap up the matter.

After all, Kurumi has been preparing for this for a long time, spiritual power, intelligence, and revenge on Mio along the way.

"When do you plan to act?" Seeing Kuang San approaching with the time "417" machine, Qin Yun asked seriously.

There is only one chance, and it can only succeed.

After completing this ticket, I will probably be blacklisted by the world, and I will not be able to go for a long time.

Kuang San put the time machine into the shadow space and stored it, then thought for a while, and said: "In a few days, I just concentrate on investigating the DEM agency, although I have already collected a lot of information.

"But I always feel that it's not that simple, maybe they have the means to restrain the elves, so be especially cautious.

There is only one chance, and Qin Yun has already told her that as long as she intervenes, it will lead to great changes in the future.

The degree of danger is likely to jump directly from the first level of bad luck to the fourth level of serious injury, and staying for a long time will endanger life.

After all, the more history that changes, the greater the impact, and the more serious the target will be.

"Then you prepare first."

As he spoke, he looked at the room again, not knowing what was going on.

How did Diya persuade?

After Kuang San left, he went back outside the bedroom and poked his head through the door.

Seeing the picture in the room, I instantly had the urge to beat her up on the spot.

"You are sleepy, you are sleepy, you want to sleep~"

"You are sleepy, you are sleepy~"

Erya was holding a pocket watch in his hand, swinging it in front of Liu Gu, repeating a sentence in his mouth to hint.

I asked you to help her get out of the sad past, but you still don't use your brain Hypnotic Ability?

While Erya was still working hard, she suddenly noticed something and turned her head slowly.

When he met the sharp eyes at the door, his movements immediately froze.

No! Didn't I lock the door!

The door is indeed locked, but for Qin Yun, he can open it if he wants to. Who made him the store manager?

Realizing that he might be beaten, Erya immediately put away his pocket watch and comforted him earnestly.

Seeing that she was finally doing something seriously, Qin Yun retracted his head and closed the door gently.


"How is it? Does it work?"

Seeing Erya come out of the bedroom, Qin Yun asked casually.

Erya: "Totally useless, Kuang San is continuing to persuade."

She felt that the other party was like a rock, the shell was too hard.

It is not surprising that anyone who wants to change the behavior of others is not so easy to succeed.

In the words of Kuang San, the duplication was released to investigate, and the main body stayed here to take care of the six scorpions of Xinggong.

After all, it was agreed that she would take care of the other party and solve problems by herself.

Although there shouldn't be any problems, everyone can't use Ability here, and their physique alone is about the same.

"I smell hamburger meat!" Suddenly, Erya sniffled her nose, turned to look at the kitchen, and followed the smell.

Qin Yun: ""

Forget it, leave the headache to Mao San.

Not long after, at dinner time, Liu Kui was also taken out of the room by Kuang San.

She held each other with one hand, and pointed to the people sitting at the dining table with the other hand to introduce: "Let me introduce to you, except for the witch and the man, everyone else is an elf, just like you."

"This is the second sub-

Xinggong Liugu calmly wrote down everyone's names, and took a special look at Qin Yun.

She remembered that it was this person who knocked her out "and saw it in a dream.

"Don't worry, there are no normal people here." In the end, Kuang San deliberately added, mainly because he was afraid that she would not be able to let go.

Reimu immediately raised her hand and retorted: "No, I'm a normal person..."

"I prove it." Qin Yun, who was sitting next to her, also echoed, confirming her words: "She is just a normal person who can level a few hundred meters, and I am also a normal person.

"That's right! The store manager is just a normal person who knows magic."

"Very well said."

"for sure."


The two reached a consensus in an instant, raised their hands and clapped tacitly.

Kuang San's head was full of black lines, and the corner of his mouth twitched and complained: "This is already very abnormal, okay, which world are you normal people?"

"Probably, a normal person in the supernatural world?"

"Isn't it normal for a witch to use spiritual power?"

Qin Yun: "Indeed, a witch who can't use spiritual power is too strange."

Reimu: "It's strange to be a store manager without any special abilities, just like the store manager of Xianglintang, who doesn't have any special abilities these days, are you ashamed to be the store manager?"

The two of you said something to each other, and Kuangsan was choked to the point of being speechless.

Driven by the two, the atmosphere became active, and Tobiichi Origami looked curiously at Liu Kui, who was the only elf that he hadn't seen yet.

It looks smaller than yourself.

She noticed the other person's eyes, and suddenly seemed to see her own shadow.

Just like myself when I lost my parents, it seemed that the whole world was extremely gloomy, and there was only loneliness and emptiness.

She got up and walked to 3.9, stood in front of Liu Gu, and asked with a smile, "Can I hug you?"

Liu Kui didn't answer, just looked at her with slightly vacant Amber-colored eyes.

Since there is no rejection, it is agreed.

So Yuan Yizhe opened his hand and gently embraced her in his arms, and put one hand on the back of her head to caress the beautiful golden hair.

"If you want, can we be your family?"

Hearing this sentence, Liu Gu's heart was filled with waves, and his eyes revealed longing and fear.

But his body raised his arms uncontrollably to hug Origami, and buried his face in her arms.

Kuang San watched this scene and suddenly felt so stupid.

I've been fighting for so long, why don't you give me a hug?

My old lady is numb all over!!.

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