Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 391 You Cheat Me, I Cheat You

"Can I trouble you to follow her?"

Nebula's skills are good, and it is easy for ordinary people to find out if they follow him.

And just now he said to trust his companions, Tony is not good at letting other people go.

Although I have only known Qin Yun for a while, his skills are definitely beyond my imagination, and he can use Time Gem.

Is there a more suitable candidate than this?

"Are you sure there is no problem? Will it affect the unity of the team?"

Tony paused for a moment, thoughts frantically spinning in his mind, and he came up with an idea: "If she is a spy sent by Thanos, you can stop her, and we can complete the plan faster and go back with the gems earlier."

"Besides, you are not a member of our team, it is very suitable."

Qin Yun turned his head sideways and squinted at him with "eight six zero" eyes, how did you evolve to be so dark?

It's true, I don't belong to this team, and I questioned it just now, so it's reasonable to investigate.

But in this way, am I playing the bad guy?

Tsk! Forget it, no matter good or bad, as long as you can get things done quickly.

He nodded slightly in agreement, as long as she was dropped by Thanos, there would always be flaws.

I just need to grab the handle when she shows her flaws.

Anyway, waiting is waiting, it's better to have some fun for yourself.

"Okay, but you have to give me this set of time-traveling equipment."

Tony: "It's okay to give you a set, but the Pym particles used as energy have been used up.

Without Pym particles, this set of equipment is basically a waste product.

"If you run out, go to the developer and ask for some more." Qin Yun said something casually, which made Tony stunned for a moment.

Yeah! Why don't I go to the developer of Pym Particles first and get some more particles?

As long as there are enough Pym particles, they don't have to be so careful.

Even if you can't get gems at one point in time, you can go to another point in time immediately.

Ignoring Tony, who was annoyed by this, Qin Yun walked slowly towards the direction Xing Yun left.

You can't chase too fast, you have to give others time to do small tricks.

If it is really the nebula at that point in time, then it will definitely open the portal to this point in time for Thanos.

If you make a mistake, that's even better, nothing happens, and you can go back soon.


After leaving the hall, Xingyun walked around a corner of a corridor, looked left and right, and found that no one stepped up immediately.

"Damn! How did that person know!"

Qin Yun's guess is indeed correct, the Nebula in this timeline has still been swapped.

As soon as the nebula of the future returned to the past, it was discovered by the nebula of the current time and space, because the data of the two is interoperable.

Thanos specially asked her to pretend to be Nebula in the future and act as a scout to investigate the situation, and opened the passage to this time and space by the way.

This would allow him to directly take over a universe that had successfully achieved its goal.

There is also to prevent these people from using the infinite rough stone to resurrect the killed cosmic creatures.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the future, he was followed by a person.

In the memory of Future Nebula, she did not see the existence of this human being.

But this human being knew her and proposed to check her memory, which immediately made Xing Yun nervous.

If you really check the memory, it will be revealed in an instant.

Just now she looked a little angry on the surface, but in fact she was panicked.

If you really check, you will be finished.

It is absolutely impossible to defeat so many people alone, and the final result must be that he is caught.

Fortunately, those human beings are stupid, what trust, hehe~

"Use this to wipe out the so-called Avengers in one fell swoop so that no one can stop Father."

When I came outside a certain room, seeing no one passing by, Nebula left and flashed in.

After entering the room and closing the door, I don't know how to take out a small silver ball.

The file size is like a projectile, but its destructive power is astonishing, enough to blow up this building to pieces.

Looking around the room, she put the bomb in the potted plant......

Wait for the right moment to detonate and blow up the building.

Half a minute later, she walked out of the room as if nothing had happened, and left along the corridor.

A few seconds after she left, Qin Yun came out from the corner, looked in the direction she left, and then pushed open the door to enter the room.

I looked at the room and found that it was just an ordinary office.

But there must be something tricky.

Qin Yun took out the Time Gem from his pocket, and suddenly pictures of the past emerged in front of his eyes.

The corner of his mouth curled up, he walked to the desk, and turned the small potted plant on the table upside down.

Digging out the silver ball from the soil, although I don't know what it is, it is definitely not a good thing.

"I know you have a problem, let me think about it... I have it!"

Then he had a bold idea, put the silver-white metal ball into his bag, turned around and left the room.

Nebula is walking around, mainly to observe the route.

"Hey! Here you are, I finally found it."

Suddenly, a hand patted her shoulder, causing Xingyun to rush forward instinctively, and immediately put herself in a defensive posture.

But he found that the person who came was the human being who had troubled him in the hall just now.

"Uh." 3.6 Qin Yun was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect her reaction to be so big, but soon he acted as if nothing happened, retracted his hand and smiled: "I shouldn't have said that about you just now, we should trust each other , can you forgive what I did?"

Although looking at this person was very unpleasant, but Xingyun had his own mission and had no time to entangle with him, so he agreed.

"I forgive you, if nothing else, I want to be alone."

"It's definitely okay, as long as you forgive me. 11

Xingyun didn't reply, turned around and left, not noticing the weird smile on the face of the person behind him.

"It's so stupid, I didn't say that I forgive what happened just now." After muttering in a low voice, Qin Yun walked back with a strange smile. .

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