Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 395 Quantum State Universe

Sending little Mio away, Qin Yun sighed, sometimes being too smart is not a good thing.

It is estimated that in a few days, these nonsense words will not be fooled anymore.

At that time, if Xiao Mio really wants to find out her origin, she will have to show her cards.

She is free to do whatever she wants.

After all, my place is not a prison, and my personal freedom will not be restricted.

'The host Yaxing is not bad. "

Qin Yun: ‘Why are you coming out again this time? Just speak up if you have something to say.

'It's okay, the reverse lock has been completed, the cosmic coordinates are confirmed, and the channel is currently being constructed.

‘Host, do you have any questions to answer?~’

'Huh? Don't you know what happened to me during this time?' This question is a bit intriguing.

Qin Yun always thought that the system knew everything he did, but now it seems that it doesn't record all the time.

'The system is only assisting the host, not accompanying the nanny, and will not stare at the host all the time.

'Otherwise, how could the previous hosts have died suddenly? I solemnly warn the hosts that it is not advisable to make troubles, and life is the most important thing. '

Qin Yun rubbed his chin with his fingers, half-closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

'Can't you see my memory?'

'I can only see part of it, and as the host's soul becomes stronger, this information will become difficult to obtain.

The original soul can be compared to a piece of paper, which is very fragile and easily penetrated.

And with the strengthening of the soul, this piece of paper gradually turns into wood, steel, and alloy plates.

Those with Ability can even make a protective shell to make their souls tougher.

Knowing that his memory will become more and more difficult to obtain, Qin Yun is quite happy.

In this way, any little secrets of oneself will not be known.

‘How about the universe you found? Is it dangerous?’

It is impossible to judge for the time being, the universe is in a very peculiar quantum state, and the two states of existence and non-existence are superimposed, so it is more troublesome. "

‘What? I only understand a little bit, can you speak more simply?

He doesn't understand quantum mechanics, and what the hell is this existence and non-existence superposition?

If it exists, it exists, if it does not exist, it does not exist, and it has never been heard that it can be superimposed.

The system also knows professionally, and the host will definitely not understand: "Do you know Schrödinger's cat, host? In human civilization, it should be quite famous."

"Yes, I have always been curious, what kind of cat can be so famous, is it very beautiful?"

He has heard of it, but he has never checked it out. What is there to look up about cats?

'This system recommends that the host put the learning of scientific knowledge on the agenda as soon as possible. Schrödinger's cat refers to a theory, not a cat. "

'The universe exists because it is observed, but when the observed state disappears, it will be in two states of existence and non-existence.

'To put it simply, if you don't look at it, the universe will run away. "

'Oh! I see!' So that's what happened, why did I say it earlier, why is it so complicated.

Obviously one sentence can explain it clearly, but I pretend to be professional.

"Wait! Aren't you going to observe now?"

‘You only need to let it be in a state of being observed, and you don’t have to look at it on the spot. '

Qin Yun: ‘How long does it take to establish a channel?

'Three days Earth time. "

'so long?

‘The host, can you help to observe it? Let this system speed up the construction?

Immediately, Qin Yun smiled dryly and stopped answering, let me squat there for three days to watch a universe, you can pull it off.

...asking for flowers...

Let alone three days, I would be bored enough to fall asleep in one day.

‘You still talk about the three copied Abilities, I can’t afford it. Does it mean that you can’t use all three, or can’t be used for too long?

The three Angels of the Siyuan Spirit, each of which is a very powerful type.

After Qin Yun got it, he kept thinking about it, but the system warned him not to use it.

He could only keep these thoughts in his heart.

I didn't have time last time, so the system just dropped a warning. This time I have time to explain it carefully.

For these three abilities, the Angel of Death has destructive power at the molecular level and requires a lot of magic power to support it. The magic power of the host can last for about three seconds.


Angel of Law's "Reincarnation Paradise" also needs to consume a lot of mana continuously.

‘As for the Angel of Nothing that the host is most looking forward to, the host will die first the moment it is used. It is located at a higher level, and you cannot control it now.

Originally, this level of power would only be accessible after the store was upgraded to level five or six, but the system did not expect to be exposed so early.

But it's useless for a long time, it's just a decoration when you get it, and it's useless at all.

Using it is tantamount to suicide, but it can be used to scare people.

However, when encountering a dangerous enemy, the host can summon it to scare the enemy. "

Generally, intelligent enemies have a certain perception of danger.

It can be said that the stronger the strength, the sharper the perception.

"Hey, at least it can deter the enemy, not bad~"

Although I can't use it myself, at least it can be scary.

"Are you the store manager?"

Suddenly, a girlish voice full of vitality came, a voice that had never been heard before.

A new guest?

Qin Yun turned his head curiously, and a red-haired girl with demon wings was walking slowly. .

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