Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 399: Mysterious Existence

The strange sound was hidden in the howling of the cold wind, if it wasn't for his more sensitive hearing, it would be hard to detect it.

'System, I have a bad feeling,'

The inexplicable throbbing in his heart made him instinctively uneasy.

The biting cold wind didn't make his body feel cold, but there was a chill from his heart that made his hair stand on end.

System: 'Host, act as soon as possible, the wind is blowing abnormally. '

Got it, show me the way, where is the target location. '

He didn't waste time talking nonsense anymore, he held the holy sword in his right hand, and the open magic book in his left hand.

As long as there is danger, open the shield directly.

The city is very dilapidated, as if it has suffered from long-term erosion, and the buildings are showing signs of decay.

During the snowstorm, the ground has been covered with a thick layer of snow.

A thin magic circle appeared on the soles of the shoes, preventing Qin Yun's feet from sinking into the thick snow.

The wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger, seriously affecting the vision. 550 He released a blister shield outside his body to resist the biting cold wind.

Suddenly, Qin Yun stopped, and he felt something approaching in the blizzard.

That terrifying feeling grew uncontrollably in my heart.

'Host, what's wrong?

As if he didn't hear the sound of the system, Qin Yun stared blankly to the left.

I saw a huge black shadow looming in the blizzard, and the strange voice beside my ear became clearer.

The screeching sound disappeared, and the sound of raving echoed in my ears.

The black shadow was getting closer and closer, finally broke through the wind and snow, and appeared in front of his eyes.

It has a crooked human body, long and haggard limbs, but a black goat's head, and its eyes are empty without eyeballs, like two black holes that devour everything.

The monster lowered its huge head, and its height of nearly 100 meters made Qin Yun look like a small ant.


Staring at the villain at its feet, the monster opened its mouth and spit out a string of strange words.

Qin Yun felt that he seemed to understand. He opened his mouth to answer, but he couldn't say a word.

The two stared blankly at each other, obviously there was nothing in those empty eye sockets, but Qin Yun felt that the monster was staring at him.

After a while, the monster suddenly made a strange sound again, turned and left, its figure was covered by the violent snowstorm, and finally disappeared in the decaying city.

Qin Yun stood there for a long time without saying a word. He understood the last words of the monster. He obviously didn't understand the language at all, but somehow he understood the meaning.

'The end has not yet come. "

what end?

'Host! Host!'

Suddenly, the system's hasty shout sounded in his mind.

Qin Yun's eyes were lifeless, and he woke up with a start. When he took a closer look, there was no dark shadow in front of him.

‘System, that black monster, what kind of creature is that?’

He was sure that the monster was talking to him, but it was strange that he didn't detect the breath of life from the other person.

The system didn't understand after hearing it, so it replied: 'What black monster? Host, you just stopped suddenly and stood still. "

'Didn't you see? (bgeg)'

Qin Yun was stunned by these words, let alone a height of 100 meters, unless a blind person can't see it, right?

....... Checked the surroundings, but found no signs of life, have you hallucinated the host?

The system didn't immediately deny it, but instead detected the surroundings, making sure that no living things existed.

Then there are only two possibilities, the host has hallucinations and sees false images.

Or the creatures in the host's mouth directly concealed from their own detection.

According to the examination of Qin Yun's body, all the values ​​are normal without any problems, except that the mental aspect cannot be deeply tested.

Excluding physiological factors and not detecting signs of life around it, it is very confident in its own detection.

According to the conclusion drawn by the calculation, the host has a higher probability of hallucinations due to the spirit Kanbaru.

"Hallucinations?" Qin Yun pondered for a moment [He couldn't be sure if he was hallucinating.

The consciousness was indeed in a trance just now, mainly because I was shocked.

So huge amounts of a monster, even tall buildings seem low compared to it.

And this monster seems to have wisdom, that strange but understandable language.

He remembered that the first sentence the monster said seemed to be waiting, because he couldn't hear it clearly due to the influence of the wind and snow, and the second sentence was "the end has not yet appeared".

Is this also a fantasy?

‘Host, go ahead and reach your destination as soon as possible.

Seeing that he was still standing still, the system urged him.

Qin Yun put aside these doubts for the time being, and continued to walk forward, asking, "Is it still far away?"

Because the wind and snow are too big, if you use flying, if you encounter danger, there is not even a place to hide.

So it is better to walk on the ground, or to fly close to the ground.

His figure gradually disappeared into the wind and snow, and the shallow footprints left behind were quickly buried by snowflakes.

A huge black mysterious creature appeared behind Yidong's high-rise building, and two red lights glowed in its empty eye sockets.


Leaving behind a string of words of unknown meaning, the sheep-headed creature was once again hidden in the wind and snow.

If Qin Yun could hear it, he might be even more puzzled. The words left by the monster this time involve some seriousness.

'A new war is coming...'.

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