Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 404: On How To Deal With Foodies

"Are you going back to the old hell?"

Yakumo Zi came here naturally because Cuixiang showed up and was discovered by Lan.

As an old friend, I have to come and visit whenever I feel like it, and ask about the other party's plans by the way.

Should he stay in Gensokyo, or return to the old hell where ghosts live.

As one of the ghost kings, she has the ability to affect Gensokyo.

Yibuki Cuixiang took a sip of the fine wine, took a long time to let out the smell of alcohol, and replied slowly: "Not for now, anyway, with Yongyi here, it doesn't matter if I go back or not.

She didn't want to lead the ghost clan at the beginning, so she ran outside.

So I can't go back, or I won't go back.

How comfortable it is to surf alone outside, but when you go back, you have to worry about this and that, which is troublesome.

"By the way, when did the humans in Gensokyo be able to walk around so far away from the village at will?"

This incident made Cuixiang very curious. She remembered that before she left, human beings dared not even leave the village.

"He is not from the world, he is from the outside world."

How could Yakumo Zi allow the power in the world to suppress the monsters.

170 "No wonder, I just said how can the humans in the village get here alone."

"Fantasy Township is the same as before, nothing has changed." The development of the outside world is so fast that Cuixiang is not used to it.

After all, the long-lived species are used to a slow pace, and the pace of human development is too fast.

I still feel that Gensokyo is more suitable for me, and it has a sense of familiarity that makes her feel at ease.

She suddenly remembered that she didn't know the person's name yet: "By the way, what's your name, little brother?"

"Qin Yun.

"This name seems to be the style of the continent across the sea."

The three chatted while soaking, until Qin Yun's skin turned white from the soak, and the ball came out of the water.

"Go ahead, I'll go first." Monsters are very strong, and it's okay to have a lot of sex.

He put on his bathrobe and was about to leave with a straight face.

After Qin Yun left, Cuixiang's eyes lit up when she noticed the golden jug that hadn't been taken away.

Her concern is definitely not the gold (bgdf), but the wine inside.

"Are you going to live in Gensokyo for a long time?"

Cuixiang hugged the jug, and her small body directly lifted the heavy jug to pour wine into her mouth. When she heard the question, she temporarily stopped talking.

"Well, I want to stay for a while, why do I want to visit Yongyi, and then go to the old hell."

For these long-lived species like them, hundreds of years are actually quite fast, and they passed without knowing it.

"It's you, that human being is pretty good, so aren't you worried?"

"Don't worry at all." Leaning against the smooth wall of the pool, Yakumo Zi gently shook the glass, and the liquid in the glass rippled: "He doesn't have such deep thoughts like us, young is good, straightforward and direct, scheming Not deep either."

Yibuki Suika: "You sound old when you say that."

"Why bother so much, just enjoy life, Gulu Gulu!!"

Soon Cuixiang put aside these thoughts, raised the wine pot and poured it vigorously without spilling a drop of wine.

She was reluctant to waste this kind of peerless wine.


Yeque Grill Shop, At the moment something crazy is happening.

"No! Yuyuko-sama! You can't eat this!!"

"But the small broken bones must be delicious!" Ghost, the pink-haired big eater, was staring at the proprietress in the barbecue shop, wanting to rush in.

Mystia's face was already pale with fright, and she stuck to the cabinet tremblingly, the bird wings behind her spread out to protect herself.

"I...I don't eat!! I have grilled hagfish here!"

She tremblingly said, hoping to use other food to quickly divert the attention of this terrible Ghost, and give up the idea of ​​treating herself as food.

Youyouzi raised his hand to wipe the corner of his mouth, and said in a discussing tone: "Then I'll take a bite! Just one bite!"

If you take one bite, I'm dead!

Mystia has a deep understanding of Yuyuko's appetite, and she also participated in the banquet held by the Scarlet Devil Mansion at the shrine last time.

Seeing how terrifying this guy's appetite is, a dish was wiped out in a blink of an eye.

If he was bitten, at least half his life would be gone.

"Don't! Help!!!"

Mystia was so frightened that tears rolled in her eyes, and she yelled in panic, but all the monsters around had already run away.

Youyuko looks naturally dumb, but she is definitely a real big monster. When other monsters saw the appearance of this terrifying big eater, they immediately ran away.

"Yo, why is there no one today?"

Two people came from the side of the animal path, and their sights soon fell on Youyuko.

"Youyuko? Why are you here?"

Seeing Yuyuko appearing here, and seeing Mystia's frightened expression that was about to faint, Qin Yun probably knew what was going on.

This is to eat the small broken bones as a dish!

Fujiwara put her hands in her pockets, lowered her eyelids, and said listlessly: "Youmeng, quickly pull her away, Mystia, [Si] serve five grilled hagfish, and serve other side dishes as you like. "

"If it could be opened, I would have opened it earlier." Qin Yun took out a packaged sandwich from his bag and opened it slowly.

Yuyuko immediately shifted her attention away from Mystia and stared at Sandwich.

Qin Yun looked in one direction and threw it forcefully: "Go!"

call out!

Soul Youmu was staggered and almost fell to the ground.

And Yuyuko, who was held by her, flew out, caught up with the sandwich, and happily ate it in her hand.

Qin Yun smiled lightly and gave a thumbs up: "It's that simple to deal with foodies."

If you can't handle one food, then two, natural foodies are easy to deal with. .

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