Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 417: Underworld Wind’S Simple Demon Realm

Now Mio's mind is in chaos, and she suddenly regrets her behavior of getting to the bottom of it.

Sometimes everything is pointed out, which doesn't mean it's a good thing.

Qin Yun didn't bother her either, just took her little hand and walked into the town.

Although the environment of the demon world is weird, the ghost is simple and simple. The demons who come and go on the street greet each other warmly when they meet acquaintances.

No one noticed that there were two fake demons mixed in.

“This place is really nice, it has a European medieval feel to it.

Although the technology of the demon world has followed the development of the human world, it has only reached the level of TV.

Regardless of whether it is the heavenly world or the demon world, in terms of technology, it is far behind the human world in this world.

If the human world is in the 21st century, the worlds of Heaven and Demon are equivalent to the 20th century.

For Qin Yun, who is used to the modern style, it is quite interesting to suddenly come to such a retro style.

The fruit stand on the side of the road was selling some weird specialties of the devil world. Qin Yun walked over to have a look.

Each of these fruits was oddly shaped, with a distorted style. He saw a red fruit with face-like lines on it.

Just about to buy this fruit, when I touched my pocket, I suddenly remembered that I didn't have the currency of the devil world yet.

Does the Demon Realm accept gold here?

So, he had no choice but to smile awkwardly at the boss, and dragged Mio away.

"Wait! The customer isn't a local devil, right?" The boss suddenly called out to Qin Yun who was about to leave, with a kind smile on his face, he picked up two red fruits and handed them over: "This is what I invited, come on, Chenchen.

"I'm so sorry." Qin Yun took the two fruits and expressed his thanks.

"It's okay, it's just two fruits, not worth much, is this your daughter? It's so cute, it reminds me of my daughter when she was a child."

Looking at Xiao Mio, the somewhat obese middle-aged demon boss fell into memories, judging from his expression, it was that kind of good memories.

Seeing that the demon boss was easy to talk to, Qin Yun took advantage of the opportunity to inquire about the situation.

The demon boss was also completely unsuspecting. There were no guests at this meeting, so they started chatting.

From the words of the boss, I learned a lot of news.

The strongest in the Demon Realm are concentrated in Hell, which is the central city of the Demon Realm.

Qin Yun wrote it down secretly and made up his mind not to go there.

The powerful people in the demon world are all there, the danger is too high, so don't play dead.

After bidding farewell to the demon boss, he continued to wander the streets and found a shop named Huron opened by Satania's family.

It seems to be selling snacks or something.

He looked around, but couldn't find any place to sell things, so he had to give up making money for the time being.

The money used by demons is similar to that of the human world, and it is also divided into banknotes and coins.

Finally, he and Mio came to a school unknowingly.

But at the moment the school is quiet, there are no students, it should be a holiday.

"It feels like the world in devil's skin." After visiting the school and leaving, Qin Yun couldn't help complaining.

This demon world is simply too simple, and the demons don't look like demons at all.

All the friendly and outrageous ones completely shattered the image of the devil in his heart.

Even Mu Q's Trask is not so simple.



Suddenly, a guy bumped into him, but he was knocked and fell to the ground.

"Eh? It's you, why are you in such a hurry?" Qin Yun patted the spot where he was hit, and looked at the girl who fell on the ground.

It was found that it was Satania, who was rubbing his face with a suitcase in his hand.

Satania, who was sitting on the ground, felt that the voice was a bit familiar. He looked up for a few seconds, and suddenly remembered that he was the guy who said that he was a devil and idiot in the second class!

"Why are you here? Are those devil horns?" Noticing the black devil horns on Qin Yun's head, Satania suddenly became confused: "Are you a devil too?"

"That's right.

This is the devil world, so it is impossible to admit that you are a human being.

Who knows what trouble that might cause.

"But you, what are you doing with a suitcase?"

"Hmm!" Standing up from the ground, Satania put his hands on his hips and said proudly, "Because I'm going to study abroad!"

"Let's not talk about this, I'm in a hurry!"

After she finished speaking, she pulled up the suitcase and went around, running and disappearing into the street.

"Human world?"

As a buffer world between the heavenly world and the 607 demon world, he is a little interested.

From there, you can go to the heavenly world, or you can come to the demon world.

‘System, can I open the door directly to the human world?’

System: 'Yes, the host can try this kind of trivial matter by himself, there is no need to ask.

This is called prudence. Have you ever heard a word? If you are decisive, you will give it for nothing. '

Since he could, he directly mapped the portal to the human world and lost it.

After collecting the information today, I brought Mio back to the shop.

After returning, Mio went back to the bedroom.

After dinner, Qin Yun and Kuang San sat in the kitchen and talked about something with the door closed.

"You told all about her?"

"Well, I have already said that, if you want to leave, I will send her back to your world."

After hearing this, Kuang San sighed, put his palm on his forehead, and was a little distressed: "But will similar things happen again?"

"Who can say for sure, if you send it back, you must make it clear, so as not to cause any trouble."

Outside the door, a small figure was pressing his ear to the door, eavesdropping on the conversation inside. .

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