At the gate of Gatanjah's sleeping palace, a black sheep blocked his way.

I didn't wake up?

This place is 2,000 meters deep in the sea!!! Where did the sheep come from!

Moreover, the empty black eye sockets of this black goat made him feel hairy all over, and he couldn't help but think of that goat-headed monster in his mind.

Tap ~ Tap ~ Tap ~

The black goat raised its hooves, turned its head and walked into the palace, disappearing into the darkness.

Qin Yun felt a little strange, and stood at the door for a long time, hesitant to go in or not.

In the end, he bravely walked in, and Gatanjae inside was still sleeping, but the black goat was gone.

He rubbed his eyes, looked around with the faint light of his fingertips, and found that it was really gone.


‘System, Black Goat….. He stopped talking just halfway through the question.

Anyway, the system's answer is definitely not seeing it, I don't know, you are hallucinating.

Forget it, if I didn't ask, you can't see it anyway. '

System: 'Host, I see you. '

Let me just say, you are sure... Before he finished complaining, he suddenly froze and asked in disbelief: 'Did you see it? Did you really see it?

The black goat 920 has no eyeballs, and the eye sockets are hollow. It just walked into the palace.

Hearing the system describe all the previous scenes, Qin Yun felt much more comfortable now.

Finally, I'm sure I'm not a hypochondriac.

But how could the system see it this time?

'Can you be sure it's a living thing? Or some kind of apparition?

Although the system saw it, it was also confused, so it could only answer truthfully: 'I can't be sure, that black goat doesn't have any breath of life, but it is a mass of unidentifiable matter under the system's scanning. "

Meaning, it doesn't understand it either.

Even the system couldn't give an accurate answer, so Qin Yun couldn't help it.

He had already detected it secretly, and only when he didn't check it out would he ask.

Because Gatange was sleeping in the center of the palace, Qin Yun could only look around it.

The sound of the waves disappeared when it reached the gate of the palace.

But the source must be in the palace, where did it come from?

While he was looking around, Gatanjeh, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his pair of blood-colored eyes, and quietly stared at (bgdb) the walking intruder.

‘Host! Be careful behind you! ”

Hearing the urgent warning from the system, Qin Yun immediately came back to his senses, and instantly met a pair of bloody eyes.

Qin Yun's body froze, cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "... none of today's weight is expected"


"I didn't expect that there would be a strange ruin in such a deep place under the sea."

On the edge of the enchantment of the Luluye ruins, two Kirielods entered the ruins through the enchantment.

Facing this super ancient relic, they were also very shocked.

Although the Kyriairods came to the earth very early, they didn't even know that civilization existed on the earth 10 million years ago.

And they can feel that there is a terrifying negative energy surging in this ruins.

What exactly is this ruin?

With shock and curiosity, the two walked into the ruins.

When they came to the light and dark battlefield, the wreckage of the titan statues all over the place really scared them a lot.

One tiga is already difficult to deal with, there are so many titan stone statues here!?

What the hell is going on with this earth! I am getting more and more incomprehensible!

They can feel that there is strong negative energy attached to the titan stone statue.

The yellow-haired Kiri Airod walked up to a half-buried stone statue and touched the surface of the stone statue with his hand: "It looks very old. It's incredible that this kind of civilization still exists on the earth."

He is very sure that if this civilization continues, let alone invading the earth, the Kiriairods have to guard against the invasion of the earth.

But how did such a civilization perish?

"Hey! Mora, look there!" The cut-headed Kirierod touched his companion with his hand and pointed to one direction, his expression as if he saw a monster.

Mora, who was looking at the stone statue, turned her head and looked in the direction pointed by her companion, only to see a black goat standing on a stone not far away, watching silently.

"Goats? Why are there animals here?"

The two Kirielod people felt very strange. They had already seen on the way here that this place was a completely barren ruin.

The ground was barren and even deserted.

Even if there were normal animals, they should have starved to death long ago.

"I'll go over and have a look, you wait here." The goat's empty eye sockets made their hearts tremble, but Bancuntou still wanted to go and grab the goat and take a good look.

Mora felt a strong sense of uneasiness, and cautiously reminded her companion: "Ida, be careful, there is something wrong with this goat.

"I know." Banbuntou named Ida took out a gun, pointed at the black goat and approached carefully.

As long as there is an abnormality, he will shoot and kill the opponent.

When he was only a dozen meters away from the black goat, the originally motionless black goat opened its mouth and let out a long cry.

When the two Kyriairods heard the cry, they always felt that something was a little strange.

Mora, who was standing behind, gritted her teeth, intending to stop her companions from passing. The matter was too weird, and there was no need to take any risks.

But when he opened his mouth to speak, a long sheep cry came out from his mouth.


Mora subconsciously covered her mouth with her hand, but what happened next made him even more frightened.

Cover your mouth, not your hands.

But two sheep's hooves! His hands became sheep's hooves!

He looked forward again, and saw a humanoid creature with a black sheep's head standing there, wearing his companion's clothes.


The black goat jumped off the stone, screamed and walked somewhere, Mora's body bent uncontrollably, and her limbs landed on the ground.

He wanted to get up and escape with great horror in his heart, but his body didn't listen at all.

The skin covered by the clothes grew black hair, the body bones were shapeshifting, and soon a black goat wearing clothes appeared.

At the moment, the two Kirielod who turned into black goats only had endless fear in their hearts, their bodies lost control, and they stepped forward to catch up with the original black goat in front of them.

Who will save us!!!

The three black goats quietly disappeared among the ruins. .

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