Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 439: Try My Forty Meter Broadsword

Above the halfway up the mountain, the trees are more luxuriant.

Because there are many trees, if you want to get more sunlight, other trees must grow taller.

"Shop Manager, I think it's better to rest for a night first? It's a bit dangerous at night."

Walking in the dark woods, Tanjiro was always in a state of tension.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Qin Yun, but instinct, biological instinct is warning him that there are documents.

And there is a faint stench in the air, which is the stench of ghosts.

The smell is very weak, indicating that it was blown by the wind, and the distance is not very close.

However, when people's vision is blocked, they will be more nervous and sensitive than usual.

"Don't worry, if there is a ghost approaching, the elf will tell me."

Holding a ball of fire in his hands, Qin Yun walked ahead to lead the way.

For him now, there is no difference between night and day.

He can even create a magic version of an 'artificial sun' to illuminate the mountain.


A slight abnormal sound came, and Qin Yun immediately looked forward to the left, where a ray of light flashed at the same time.

A little elf blew himself up.

This is their way of warning. Although it only takes a moment to explode the magic power in their bodies, it is enough.

One second after 110, with a scream, a ghost was pierced by a jewel gun and nailed to the ground.

Qin Yun, who disappeared in place, slowly walked back from Guifei's direction, and took out a flashlight from his bag with his empty right hand.

He turned on the flashlight at the ghost, and the purple light shone on the ghost.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

As soon as it came into contact with the ultraviolet rays, the ghost let out a scream, and its flesh and blood gradually turned to ashes. In a short while, there was not even a scum left.

What is the difference between sunlight and ordinary light? The biggest difference is that it has ultraviolet rays.

So Qin Yun thought of trying to use ultraviolet light to deal with ghosts, but he didn't expect it to be really effective.

And the effect is unexpectedly good, without beheading, just instant kill.

This ghost's resistance to ultraviolet light is ridiculously lower than that of a vampire.

He remembered that Fran was accidentally exposed to the sun, but the back of her hand was red, a bit like a burn.

Facts have proved that as long as Blood Clan does not stay in the sun for a long time, it will not die suddenly.

It is also possible that the bloodline of the Scarlet family is relatively pure, so the resistance to sunlight is also higher.

I don't know how the Oni Wu Tsuji's resistance to ultraviolet light is, but at least ordinary ghosts face ultraviolet light, just one word, die!

Get rid of this ghost, and they continue on the road.

Tanjiro touched the ultraviolet light given by Qin Yun in his arms, marveling at the power of this thing.

The ghost who fought so hard by himself died after being photographed.


Suddenly, Tanjiro smelled an extremely strong stench, surpassing all the ghosts he encountered after entering the mountain.

"The manager!"

"Well, I feel it." No need to remind, Qin Yun also found that a big guy was coming.

In the darkness on the right hand side, multiple rays of light flickered, and the elf had already helped him confirm the enemy's direction.


There was a slight vibration on the ground, and it became stronger and stronger.

Qin Yun replaced the fireball in his right hand with the sun attribute in attribute magic, and threw a light ball for lighting.

Under the illumination of the ball of light, the two of them also saw clearly the true face of the comer.

A huge amounts of khaki object, surrounded by a large number of hands on the surface, and also has a head.

Strange appearance, and that huge body, its features are very obvious.

"You're a hand ghost, right?"

The name of the hand ghost really matches its appearance, and the other ghosts still have human form.

This thing (bgeg) directly mutated into a bunch of ghosts, and the khaki-yellow body was really disgusting.

The hand ghost who was just about to do it was surprised to see that this person recognized him, "How do you know me?"

It can hide in the vine attack mountain for decades, thanks to its ability to hide, and it is very principled every time it hunts.

Only the right amount will be hunted, never indiscriminate killing.

Because the hand ghosts know that if they kill too many, it will arouse the suspicion of the ghost killing team, and they will send powerful people in to search.

Therefore, only a few ghosts know of his existence.

As for humans, all the recruits who have seen it have already entered their stomachs.

"It's just you."

After confirming the target, Qin Yun raised his left hand, a light flashed in the palm of his hand, and then the light quickly expanded and turned into a luminous sphere the size of a basketball file.


The ball of light flew into the air, brightening the dark environment.

This trick made the hand ghost startled, it has never seen a similar method, is this really something humans can do?

Putting the 'electric light' ready, Qin Yun raised his hand and hooked his fingers to it: "Come on, don't say I didn't give you a chance.

Realizing that the human being in front of him was unusual, the hand ghost also let go of his contempt. Except for the arm guarding the neck, the other arms swarmed up, intending to kill the opponent as quickly as possible.

"The "Elemental Harvester". "

After chanting quickly, multiple rings of rotating metal ring blades appeared around Qin Yun, guarding him closely.

When the hand ghost's hand touched the metal ring blade, it was easily cut open like a knife cutting tofu.

As a magician, originally very fragile, so close-up protection magic is very necessary.

This trick is a combination of gold and earth magic, although it is relatively cumbersome, it can not only defend against the enemy's attack, but also counterattack.

"You're done, then it's up to me."

Qin Yun chuckled, raised his hand, and launched his own improvement magic: 40-meter water knife C. "

The magic power instantly arranged in a fixed arrangement, Qin Yun grasped the handle of the knife that appeared, and then a pair of ice skates with a length of 40 meters and a blade width of 2 meters appeared.

The hand ghost looked at the ice skate that was taller than himself, and was dumbfounded: "Today is really a hell! What is this!? Isn't it using a sun wheel blade!"


The ice skate fell, shining coldly under the light of the ball of light. .

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