"Ten incense! Ten incense!"

"I'm here! What's the matter? Manager."

Qin Yun, who came out of the room yawning at noon, called out to the kitchen, and soon Shixiang came out.

"I have something to go out, and Beibei will be under your care for now." He gently pushed the little girl he was leading over there, because he didn't know what was going on there.

Maybe it's dangerous, maybe he can only take care of himself and can't take care of Beibei.

So it's better to leave her alone.

"Well, leave it to me."

Tohka also knew about Beibei's situation, and Kurumi had mentioned it.

When she first knew that Beibei could turn into a human, she was quite surprised, but the store manager didn't say "four seven seven", so she didn't ask.

For Qin Yun, she has an attitude of absolute trust.

Si Xie Nai bit her finger, curious: "Is she also an elf? She looks younger than me, about the same as Xiao Mio.

"No, she's a bit older than me, and she's not an elf either."

Little Mio turned around Beibei, and after observing, she came to a positive conclusion.

She had seen it last time, but she was not in the mood to observe him at all, so she only knew of its existence.

Beibei, who was being watched by the crowd, turned around and looked up at Qin Yun with blank eyes, as if wondering what was wrong.

"You stay here and listen to her?" Qin Yun smiled and patted Gong Gong's little head.

As the memory gradually recovered, Beibei was not as cute as before. He was afraid that he would wander off if the other party couldn't find him.

It will be really troublesome if you walk into a portal and you are not there.

Beibei blinked her pale gold eyes, tilted her head, as if she understood, but also didn't seem to understand.

You must have understood, right?

He wasn't too sure, anyway, with so many people watching, it shouldn't be a problem.

After explaining the matter, go to check the product.

After wandering around the area on the first floor for a while, he picked up the product "Red Rose that Breaks the Devil" that had been spawned a long time ago.

This kind of item has an extremely good special attack against magic power. To put it bluntly, magic power is the free energy of nature.

"Uh, it's a little expensive."

Looking at his balance, which was less than 30,000 yuan, Qin Yun hesitated for a while, and finally bought it.

Both attack and defense are sufficient, only some special means need to be supplemented.

For example, magic power, and the ability to deal with strange tricks such as curses.

"Healing Totem? It seems to be good."

He picked up another half-meter-high wooden pillar with two horns, which looked weird.

Just stand it on the ground and it will take effect, and the injury will continue to recover within a radius of two meters.

However, there is a usage limit for this thing, and it can only be used three times, ten minutes each time.

The price is not cheap, need 700 world coins.

No hesitation, buy!

This kind of life-saving and healing things, Qin Yun can't think too much, often walks by the lake, how can there be shoes that don't get wet.

Maybe it will be used someday, and besides, the system has reminded that the abyss is very dangerous.

Even if you don't need it this time, it's always right to stock up first.

After reading the system products, he turned to the purchased product area.

Because there are more and more products, if they are not opened separately, even he himself will not be able to figure it out.

"There are a lot of magic, let me see..." In addition to physical goods, there are also some skills, most of which are magic sold by the sub-Reiss Tower.

Although Paqiuli can also come to the shop, she has never sold magic.

According to her, the magic she created is the embodiment of wisdom, and she will never sell it.

"Huh? There's even this." On a columnar Shiraishi shelf, Qin Yun suddenly discovered a very interesting magic.

"Demon's Call", you can summon a demon that is affected by the summoner's strength in the world where hell exists. To a certain extent, it is controlled by the summoner, but be careful not to be deceived by the demon to cancel the summoning contract...

The price is only 600, which is very affordable.

The shortcomings are also obvious. This skill has hidden dangers. If you are deceived by the devil, what will happen to the contract?

An out-of-control demon, and very cunning, the first thing to do after freedom is probably to kill the summoner.

But sometimes, cannon fodder is needed, and this skill is quite practical.

When you are in danger, but when you need to investigate, it is very good to recruit a cannon fodder.

Qin Yun took the skill light ball of "Demon's Call", crushed it after payment, and the pieces of the light ball melted into his body.

The knowledge about summoning emerges in the mind, and it is mastered in an instant.

"It doesn't feel difficult, much easier than attribute magic."

System: 'This is inevitable. Attribute magic pays attention to control and proficiency. Summoning magic doesn't need those. It just establishes teleportation coordinates. '

After wandering around for a while and finding nothing missing, Qin Yun went back to the bedroom door.

"I'm going out! Erya, don't play games all day long! Help me take care of it, if there is any trouble, I will beat you when I come back!"

Bentiao Erya turned her head, with a speechless expression on her face: "It's none of my business, why would you beat me up if something happened in 3.5, and I'll take the blame for everything, right?"


Erya: "%@#...."

She puffed up her face with a depressed expression, waved her hands vigorously at Qin Yun, and then turned back to continue playing the game.

Qin Yun opened the door and walked into the bedroom. Two teleportation doors were floating quietly by the wall of the bedroom.

One is the ice and snow world leading to Division 9, and the other is the destination this time.

He took out the spray and sprayed himself a layer, then walked over, his body submerged in the portal.


In the dark alley, a person appeared out of thin air.

"The world looks a lot more normal this time, shouldn't it be a problem?".

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