"I want half the country."

Qin Yun: "???"

It took a few seconds for him to react, and he called out in a daze.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Half the country! If you want me to help, you have to use half the country as a sacrifice!"

Now that he understood it, Qin Yun's face suddenly became very exciting. This is not just a lion opening its mouth, it is simply swallowing a whale!

Are you the master of the demon world? Asking you for a favor is a sacrifice for half the country!

Why not just grab it!

At the moment, he stopped talking nonsense and began to chant the spell to undo the summoning.

Negotiations are based on a near-balanced balance between the two sides. If you open your mouth, it will be half of the country. Where can I get it for you?

Do you want me to invade this country first and then talk to you? Cat cake!

As soon as he opened his mouth, the demon "240" also noticed it, and panicked in his heart: "Wait! Don't lift it yet! Tell me! What can you give me!"

Hearing what it said, Qin Yun shut up and said the rewards he could offer: "Gold and silver jewels, human souls, and gourmet food, etc. can be obtained normally in the world."

"I heard that demons seem to like to eat human souls. If you need it, I can provide a large amount."

"Human soul? Is that delicious?" the devil asked in a low voice, looking curious about it.

Qin Yun stared at it like a fool, and replied: "I don't know, I haven't eaten it yet.

You are a devil, ask me a human being, is the human soul good to eat?

Why don't you ask me if human beings are delicious?

Without knowing it, it is obviously better to choose a safer one, so the devil decided after thinking about it.

"Then I choose food, human beings, you must make me full!"

"Deal, contract signed."

The translucent paper floats in the air, and as the contract is signed, the names of both parties are printed on the contract.

There are quite a few rules in the contract, but you don't need to look carefully, the skills that have been improved by the system will basically have no problems.

As the contract turned into two beams of light that fell on both parties, the summoning was officially completed.

Qin Yun felt something strange on the back of his right hand, and when he looked up, a black pentagram appeared on the back of his hand, with a devil's head in the center of the pentagram.

And the demon's forehead also had a pentagram mark flashing, and then disappeared.

"Is it done?"

Seeing that the matter seemed to be over, Lily Ling walked over, behind him was the evil sauce who had borrowed her to cover herself.

Although the status of the evil sauce is not low, but the strength is too strong, and it is inevitable to be nervous when encountering dragon demons.

"Eh? There's another demon here, you are..." Seeing the hiding evil sauce, the newly summoned demon hesitated for a moment, then suddenly remembered: "Your name is evil sauce, right?"

"You know her?"

"I've seen her in school before, and I heard that she is very bad, and she is definitely not comparable to a top student like me." The dragon demon raised his paw and touched the dragon horn on his head, his tone was full of pride and respect for the evil sauce. despise.


The Cthulhu Sauce, who was still a little nervous at first, jumped up and pointed at it and shouted: "I'm not bad at all! If you have the ability, let's fight one-on-one!"

But as soon as she said the words, she regretted it.

Because dragon demons have the blood of dragons, most of them are more aggressive in character.

As for the challenge, as long as the strength is not too great, they will take it.

"Hmph! I accept the challenge!"

As expected, upon hearing her words, the demon took it with a cold snort, and then quickly shrunk in size.

Seeing its shrunken appearance, Qin Yun widened his eyes and leaned back tactically.

Originally a huge demon with a height of seven or eight meters, after turning into a human, it turned out to be a red-haired loli with a stature of only about 1.45 meters. Except for the pair of dragon horns on the top of the head, it is basically the same as a human.

"What the hell! Are there no demons in your demon world? Another loli!"

"Hmph!" Demon Loli put her hands on her hips angrily, looked up at him and said, "Human! Don't look at me as small, it's just because of the long growth period of demons. In fact, I'm over seven thousand years old!"

"Also, my name is Lana."

Qin Yun: ".....All right, no matter if it's a loli or something, I only have one request, take me into the devil world, can you do it?"


Lana's expression was very surprised, she thought it was something, that's it...

It's easier than going out to catch a prey.

"It's a very easy thing, but you have to let me eat first. I have heard that the food in the world is delicious. I must eat enough."

Thinking of what those demons who had been to the human world said, Lana subconsciously smacked her mouth, looking forward to it.

"Okay, so let's go now?"


When it came to food, she subconsciously forgot about the evil sauce.

This made Xie Shen Jiang feel relieved, because dragon demons are not only aggressive, but also very strong.

Lily Ling looked at the red long-haired loli in front of her, and her heart suddenly felt balanced.

It seems that my summoning spell is right, it is real.

. . . . . .

two hours later.

In a modern-style restaurant, diners stopped to eat one by one, looking at a certain table in shock.

On that table, the plates were already stacked high, but the diners didn't slow down at all.

Bai Heling looked at Lana, who was eating like a glutton, with cold sweat streaming down her forehead.

This kind of demon can't be supported by myself. A few meals... No! Two meals at most, and I can eat myself to bankruptcy.

She quietly looked at the evil sauce beside her, and it was really easy to raise, at most two bowls of rice would be enough.

Qin Yun is the same as Lily Bell, he didn't eat much after just a few sips. 2.1 Suddenly, he noticed that someone was watching him, and subconsciously turned his head to look out the window.

A guy in a black and white dress and shorts was looking straight up, as if his saliva was about to flow out.

The other party's gaze was mainly on the table, and occasionally fell on the evil sauce by the window.

"Do you know that guy?"

Hearing his words, Lily Bell and Xie Shen Jiang took a look.

"Isn't this Pecola?" Lily Ling recognized her at a glance, and she didn't expect to meet her here.

Qin Yun: "It's really your friend, why don't you let her in to eat together? She seems very hungry."

Looking at the girl's expression, I feel like I could hold Niu Sheng and chew on it. How long has it been since I ate?

Besides, I have already eaten so much, and it is not bad for one person. .

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