The ground at the base of the Shiraishi tower has traces of mechanisms, and it seems that there is a way to open it normally.

Instead of violently destroying the Shiraishi Tower, used to open the entrance.

Just as he was about to go in, Baihe Ling suddenly stopped Xie Shenjiang and gave up on entering: "Jun Qin, we won't go in."

"It seems that there may also be danger inside, and we will distract you and drag you down if we follow up.

"It's not a short time to come here, I should go back to the world, let's say goodbye here."

Lily Bell is not that kind of innocent girl, the whole wave that erupted just now really scared her.

After one night, it still has such a strong power.

It's good that I had prepared earlier, those demons were really miserable, they were caught off guard by the aftermath, and they all screamed and fell down.

The weaker ones were seriously injured in an instant, but with their physique, it shouldn't take too long to recover.

I don't know how dangerous it is inside, and it may be life-threatening if you follow it.

And if Qin Yun protects himself, he won't be able to let go, so it's better not to cause trouble for him.

"That's it, that's all right, pay attention to safety when you go back."

Qin Yun didn't explain it, he guessed that there might be no danger down there.

The alliance doesn't bother to set up traps at all, because the guardians are equivalent to the best traps, if even the guardians can't stop them.

So it doesn't make much sense to set up other traps.

"After that, I will visit Qin Jun's shop, goodbye." After saying goodbye, Bai Heling patted the evil sauce on her back: "Let's go, let's go back to the world.

"Hey! Can't we play for a few more days?"

After finally returning to the Demon Realm, Xie Shen Jiang didn't really want to go back so soon.

But Baiheling is the head of the family, she dare not be tough, otherwise there will be many ways to die in her death record.

The two then left the forest of mist, according to the evil sauce.

Even if I have to leave, at least I will bring back some specialties from the devil world, so I will go shopping in the town again.

After they left, Qin Yun also turned his attention to the entrance.

He descended to the platform and looked down at the entrance, where the Shiraishi-paved stairs spiraled down.

"There is an inexplicable sense of familiarity, is the architect of the alliance a fan of spiral stairs"~?"

Not to say almost, but exactly the same.

The guy who built this place is the same as the builder, right?

He raised his foot and stepped on the first step, the picture in front of his eyes flickered, and when he looked again, he had already reached the bottom.

So what is the significance of this ladder? Does it look good?

Abandoning this thought, Qin Yun looked at the nearly 100-meter-high triangular tower not far away, and there was a Shiraishi tower similar to the platform on the four sides.

There are amethyst eyes on the top, but a slightly smaller layer.

These four towers should be charging devices. After the tower above was destroyed, the interference weakened a lot.

"Playing with explosions again?"

'There must be a way to stop the energy tower from supplying energy, the host can look around first. '

If it can be opened, it should be able to be closed, Qin Yun carefully explored the surroundings.

Finally, an inconspicuous imprint was found on the tower of Nengxing Pagoda.

"This imprint..." Looking at the swirl-like imprint, he raised his hand and looked at the watch, which also had the same imprint on it.

He moved his gaze between the watch and the Shiraishi tower, thought for a moment, and tried to bring the watch closer.

Unexpectedly, the imprint on the Shiraishi Tower lights up and is recessed to reveal a red button.

"A foolish operation?" Seeing this button, he couldn't help muttering, and pressed it without thinking.

The amethyst eye at the top of the Shiraishi Tower gradually dimmed, and the system detected that the distraction had decreased again.

Seeing that the method was correct, Qin Yun quickened his movements and shut down the four energy towers one by one.

The triangular tower in the center lost power and stopped functioning.

System: 'Okay, the interference has disappeared, start positioning again. "

With no sources of interference, the probing of the system went very smoothly.

After a few minutes, lock the position.

'Next, the host will be sent directly, please pay attention. '

Qin Yun cheered up, and disappeared instantly after a few seconds.

In the orbit of the earth, a different-dimensional space that overlaps with reality.

A suspended majestic giant city is floating, and there are many buildings full of sense of technology.

On the streets of the city, with a flash of light, a person suddenly appeared.

". "Are you there?" Qin Yun observed the surrounding situation and found that the city looked very sci-fi, giving people an unreal feeling.

But isn't it too quiet?

Are there no living things here?

"Is the main system here also dormant?"

This situation reminded him of Branch No. 9, where the main system was dormant, causing the branch base to be basically paralyzed.

After observing for a while, no creature was found, so Qin Yun flew directly to the center of the city.

From the air, he finally got a glimpse of the whole picture.

This is a super giant city suspended (Wang Nuohao) in the orbit of the earth, like a small continent.

It stands to reason that in such a big city, humans on earth have no reason not to be able to see the town.

The city is not in normal space, so it is invisible. ’ As if aware of his doubts, the system came out and explained the reason in due course.

'It is in the dimensional space that overlaps with reality, where you can see the real space, but you can't see the real space. '

‘Probably like a one-way mirror, you can see on one side and not on the other. '

"Oh, I see!"

Not long after, Qin Yun came to the gate of the palace in the center of the giant city, and saw several guards at the entrance at a glance.

This thing is completely the standard equipment of the alliance. Although I don't know if the production process is very complicated, it is not difficult to think about it.

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