Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 466: Evil God Record Book

"According to the fragmentary clues obtained from the investigation of some pre-cosmic era civilization relics, after assembling, we came to this conjecture.

"The cause of the six great destructions was all because of a war, an unimaginable horror war, which destroyed countless universes."

What kind of war can destroy the sea of ​​void?

With Qin Yun's imagination, he couldn't imagine such a scene at all.

Because I think too much, I feel a dull pain in my temple.

He frowned and gently rubbed his temples, trying to piece together all kinds of messy information in his head.

But because of the lack of the link to link them together, they can't be combined together.

The mind is too messy to analyze useful information. "Six fifty"

He temporarily put all these information down, and then asked another question: "What about the members here? Why are there none? Also, as you mentioned just now, all those branch leaders are dead? What's going on? "

He knows that for members of the alliance, time is not a precious thing.

So it is absolutely impossible to die of old age.

"The eyes of evil gods and demons attacked the headquarters, and all living things decayed in an instant and turned into dust."

"The other branches also encountered the same situation, they were all attacked by evil gods, and they all fell."

"The No. 2 branch intends to use disintegration bombs, intending to die with the attacking evil god, but the bomb is swallowed by the fear worm, and all members end up dead.

"The No. 3 branch used the disintegrating light cannon, but it failed to work, and all members were killed."

"Number Four..."

The main system describes the situation of all branches in refined language. Except for Headquarters, all other branches of the Traversing Alliance have been attacked by evil gods within a certain period of time.

Facing this strange and indestructible monster with an ability, no matter how hard they tried, it was of no avail.

Headquarters was the last to be attacked. Even at that time, Headquarters wanted to end the universe and eliminate the evil gods, but finally gave up.

So what if this one can be eliminated?

The evil gods who attacked the branch are still there, since the result is death, why bother to create a universe in vain.

For guys like them who have lived at least tens of millions of years, death is not a terrible thing.

After hearing the evil gods mentioned by the main system, Qin Yun found that there was no dream master in it.

"Main system, is there any information sheet about the evil god?"

"Headquarters once compiled an evil god record book, which records all the evil gods that have been discovered."

Qin Yun's eyes lit up, and he was very surprised: "There is such a good thing? Where is it?"

"Wait a moment, imprint immediately."

Under Qin Yun's gaze, a mass of matter condensed in the air, finally forming the style of a parchment book.

Condensing matter into objects can be easily done with the alliance's technology, and it can be operated routinely.

He stretched out his hand to catch the book, and in the center of the writing was a swirl-shaped symbol.

I opened the book and glanced at the strange text on it. Fortunately, there was a system to help me understand it. There were probably more than 20 evil gods recorded in it.

It sounds a bit much, but if it is placed in the sea of ​​voids in this universe, which is as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, it is really too little and cannot be less.

However, the evil gods attacked the alliance together, which is very problematic.

Why are they attacking the alliance? And who is leading it?

Those who attacked the alliance were all recorded evil gods, but among them, there was no dream master.

It shows that there are still many hidden evil gods in the sea of ​​void.

‘System, have you heard of evil gods?’

No. ’ The system gave a very straightforward answer, and added: "This kind of existence feels a bit like those monsters wandering in the void sea, but it is different...

Those monsters have no intelligence, and it is even more impossible to plan such an attack plan.

"Anyway, let's do this first, by the way, what happened to the interference tower in the Demon Realm?"

Just when Qin Yun was about to leave, he suddenly remembered the interference tower.

This thing is aimed at the exploration function of the system, which guy in the alliance made it?

"The main system has never arranged for the establishment of objects such as jamming towers."

Qin Yun didn't believe it at all, and immediately retorted: "Impossible! There are twelve guards guarding that place, and it was definitely built by the alliance."

"Do you have the number of the guardian?"

"The number..." Recalling the situation at that time, it seems that the number was indeed reported, Qin Yun vaguely remembered that the number at that time was: "It seems to be A-179.

"Wait a minute, we are inquiring..." The main system was silent for a while, and then quickly gave an answer: "A-179 is a scrap number, and the body has already been destroyed.


Destroyed long ago? Then what do I see?

This number is definitely reported by the guardian. Every 5.0 guardian has an exclusive number and will never report indiscriminately.

Although the main system has feelings, there is no need to lie to itself. It probably doesn't even know what to lie to.

In other words, it does not know about this matter, and it has not been recorded.

"Who is declaring that the airframe is scrapped?" Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, so he hurriedly asked.

Main system: "The declarer is the previous headquarters."

There must be some kind of secret in it, Qin Yun knew that he would never be able to find out if he asked again.

What the data curry does not have, the system cannot answer.

It's better to read the things at hand first, and then investigate slowly. One bite can't make you fat, you have to digest slowly. .

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