The bright moonlight fell on the sea, and the sound of the waves echoed in my ears.

Under the cold night, Qin Yun looked at the two fighting titans in the distance.

Dagu really went to talk to Camilla, and then he was kicked out and received a severe beating.

There are two attributes of a woman that you must never offend, one is the delicate type, brother Cheng is a role model, and the other is the queen type, unless you are shaking M.

Obviously, Dagu does not belong to the latter category.

Camilla's whip crackled, but she had no strength to fight back.

At present, he is still too weak, unable to compete at all.

"Die." As a bystander, Qin Yun didn't want to get involved at all: "Camila's whip is quite skillful, amazing!"

Those whips were all whipped on Di Jia's body, and even if it left a mark, he couldn't see anything when he wore the clothes.

If it hits the face, it can't be covered.

In the TPC command room, Xinchen and Yerui on duty watched the two titans fighting and were hesitation.

Does this... sound the alarm?

By the way, the other one is a female titan? Tiga 16 Ultraman's race? But why fight?

It doesn't take too long for hesitation, after fighting once during the day, there isn't much energy left.

So after a while, the light on Tiga's chest turned red.

Seeing his red energy indicator light, Camilla stopped swinging the whip, snorted coldly, turned around and disappeared.

And Tiga paralyzed on the ground, also chose to change back to the human body.

The beating caused him pain everywhere, and besides, there was no one around at night, so it didn't matter if he just changed back.

Dagu sat on the ground, gasping for cold air, and gently rubbed the part that was beaten.

Just now, he found Camila and wanted to talk about Di Jia.

As a result, as soon as the betrayal was mentioned, Camila instantly went into a rage and directly committed crimes against him.

In order not to be discovered, he had to transform himself and escape first, but Camilla also took out the spark prism and followed.

As one of the strongest dark titans ever, Camila's strength is far beyond what Tiga can match.

He couldn't even escape.

"Here, your Band-Aid." A hand holding a Band-Aid stretched out in front of him, Dagu looked up and found Qin Yun standing beside him with a smile.

"I now know what you mean by that sentence."

Dagu smiled wryly and slowly got up from the ground, feeling pain in his body.

In the whipping just now, Camila controlled her strength very well, which caused him a lot of pain, but she was not injured, which is evident in her control of strength.

"You should keep the band-aid, I have to go back and apply some medicine."

Seeing Dagu limping away, Qin Yun once again sighed in his heart, never looking for a female ticket should be a queen, it's too hurtful.

He shook his head and didn't care about these things anymore.

Let’s think about how to meet the lord of the dream. Gatanjae gave the conch to himself. Does it mean it originally, or the lord of the dream?

At that time, the black goat blew, and it threw the conch to itself.

Since we can't find a shepherd, we might as well think of a way from this.

Qin Yun took out the conch from his bag, it was such a small thing, but it was very weird.

He watched it for a while, tried to put the pointed end of the conch in his mouth, and tried to blow it.


A low-pitched sound of conch shells sounded, and at the same time, waves suddenly rose on the sea surface, and the sea water intensified its flow, and a vortex slowly formed.

Such a big movement can be seen by anyone who is not blind.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yun could blow the conch, and stopped immediately. He just watched some people blowing the conch on TV, so he followed suit and tried to blow it.

Qin Yun looked at the prototype of the vortex dissipating on the sea surface, and then at the conch in his hand.

"Wow, is that how it's used?" Suddenly I felt so stupid, feelings are for bragging.

He disappeared in the same place in a flash, and after returning to the shop, he entered the distorted world without saying a word.

It is unknown what impact the conch will have after it blows, but it is safer to experiment here.

On the edge of the abandoned city, this place is just facing the sea, which is very suitable.

Qin Yun picked up the conch and blew it directly.

"woo woo woo woo!"

The deep sound of conch shells spread into the distance, and the sea surface, which was originally just a little turbulent, suddenly became violent.

'Host, are you sure this is safe?' the system asked aloud, the unknown is the greatest danger.

You never know what the unknown means.

‘Not sure, whether it’s dangerous or not, we’ll know later.


The sky became more gloomy, thunder and lightning flickered, and rumbling thunder resounded through the sky.

A huge vortex with a diameter of about one thousand meters formed on the sea surface. Qin Yun took a sigh of relief and put a shield on himself, and continued to blow the conch.

Bean-sized raindrops fell and hit the wall of the bubble, making a crackling sound.


The vortex formed quickly, and Qin Yun's eyes were fixed on the center of the vortex, as if there were some creatures swimming in the turbulent sea water.

Crack! Boom!

A huge black shadow quietly appeared under the sea surface, thunder and lightning flickered, violent storms raged, it was like a doomsday scene.

Something seemed to be exposed in the vortex, and at the moment when the thunder flashed, Qin Yun seemed to see a wriggling object.


Suddenly, a sheep's cry sounded strangely, and even the thunder could not cover it.

Qin Yun, who was blowing the conch, was startled and looked around hastily.

It's the voice! That black goat! Here it is!

Soon he saw the source of the sound. On a trestle bridge not far away, a black goat was facing the sea, shouting at the stormy waves.


Suddenly, Qin Yun seemed to hear another voice, this voice was erratic, and the source seemed to come from the sea.

He immediately looked at the whirlpool, his face full of surprise, was there a creature responding in the whirlpool?

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