Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 5 Do You Like Watching Firework?

boom boom boom~

"Come in."

The three generations sat behind their desks, and the desktops were piled high with documents.

There are no expensive decorations around, and the style is very simple.

If there is one, it is a crystal ball for surveillance.

However, it is hard to say whether it is usually used for surveillance or what.

The office door opened and several people walked in.

Everyone was full of murderous looks, and they thought they were looking for trouble if they didn't know.

"Wow~ You are the Third Hokage, right? Sure enough, you are getting stronger and stronger."

Under the vigilant eyes of several Anbu ninjas, Qin Yun walked to the desk and stretched out his right hand.

"what are you doing!"

Several ninjas were about to stop it immediately, but the third Hokage raised his hand to signal them to be quiet.

Qin Yun looked at the third generation strangely: "Isn't shaking hands a basic etiquette?"

Sandai Hokage looked at the palm in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand and shook it lightly: "That's my rudeness, but we should talk about you now."

The moment he let go of his hand, an aura rose from Sandai Hokage's body.

His eyes also became as sharp as a falcon, and the skin of the pricking person seemed to ache.

Qin Yun was still smiling, completely unmoved.

"Who the hell are you? What is the purpose of approaching Naruto? According to the investigation, none of the people who entered the village today met you."

In this short period of time, all the information about outsiders entering the village today has been sorted out and placed in front of the third generation.

After comparison, no one can match Qin Yun.

This makes them very puzzled.

How did the other party sneak through the cordon under the eyes of many ninjas.

Or is this appearance disguised by the transformation technique?

But one of the five Anbu belonged to the Hyuga clan, and if the transformation technique was disguised, they should be able to tell.

"I have no purpose, just to look at the local conditions and customs. After all, when I come to a new place, I always have to walk around."

This is the truth, but the others in the room don't believe it.

You hid your identity and sneaked into Ninja Village just to go shopping?

Fool children too!

"I know you don't believe me. Don't always think of people as bad, although this world is bad enough."

My real purpose is to go shopping.

But if people don't believe it, they can't be forced to believe it.

The world of adults is always so dark.

"Then why are you approaching Naruto?"

Putting aside the fact that the other party sneaked in for the time being, the most important thing is Renzhuli.


The third generation was taken aback: "Accident?"


Qin Yun nodded slightly, he knew San Dai would definitely not believe it.

"He walked into my store by accident, so I got to know him."

"Do you have a shop in Konoha?"

If there is a store in Konoha, then it must be investigated thoroughly.

Anyone who can open a shop in Konoha must be an innocent person.

"It's just opened, if you can find it and come in, then it's my guest."

The solicitation of customers by the system is very random. It is an uncertain number who can come in and who can not come in.

As for the criteria for selecting guests, Qin Yun really didn't know.

There is no indication in the information the system gave itself about this point.

Three generations of fire shadows locked on Qin Yun's face, observing his expression.

However, they found nothing abnormal, but the possibility of the other party's great disguise was not ruled out.

"Then what are you selling?"

"This, it's hard to say, it has everything, from weapons to moves, and some strange props."

"Do you know where you are, you'd better tell the truth."

As soon as Sandai's momentum changed, his tone also cooled down.

Qin Yun looked helpless and shrugged: "I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, there is no way. There is no lie detector here."

"It is enough for us to have illusion."

What a lie detector is, the third generation does not know.

But they have always used illusions to extract confessions.

It works well and is convenient.

"Do you like watching Firework? Every time you see Firework explode, you feel very beautiful."

Realizing that the third generation may be about to come to tough measures, then we can't stay any longer.

The third generation listened at a loss: "What Firework?"

I'm telling you the business, but you're talking nonsense all the time, are you trying to divert your attention?

The ninja is also secretly gaining momentum, ready to strike at any time.

Qin Yun: "Don't look at me, look out the window."

out the window?

Several people turned part of their attention to the window, and then heard the suspected spy say something strange.


In the air near the Hokage Building, several slowly rotating circular magic circles appeared out of thin air.

Crimson light bloomed from the magic circle, forming a dazzling huge fireball in the night sky.

The surrounding ninjas instinctively felt a sense of threat.

BOOM! ! !

The violent explosion brought deafening sound waves.

The windows of the Hokage Building were instantly shattered by the sound waves, and the spreading explosion flames even blackened the walls.

When the explosion passed, everyone found that, except for the slight damage to the building, there were no casualties.

"Master Hokage! He's gone!"

Hearing the reminder, Sandai Hokage suddenly realized that the person opposite him had disappeared.

"How is this possible! He has no seals at all!"

This scene made everyone feel unreal.

It is a well-known fact that the release of ninjutsu requires yin and yin.

But the young man just said something inexplicable, and he released such a powerful ninjutsu.

Judging from the aftermath and scope of the explosion, if it was released in the Hokage Building originally.

Then one third of this building will disappear.

"Look! All Anbu members dispatched! Find this person!"

The third generation gave the order with an ugly face, and thought it was just an ordinary person.

I didn't expect to have such a strong strength. If we let them mess around in the village, it would cause a lot of damage.

"In addition, send a few more powerful ones to protect Naruto."


. . . . . .

"Oh, I'm going! This explosion magic is simply amazing."

Inside the store, Qin Yun held the counter with both hands, his legs trembling slightly,

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