Standing at the gate of the adventure union, you can see that the city wall in the distance is already defective.

Many people were packing up wet items, and the ground was messy, full of mud, and there were large file size and small puddles.

But the sky was clear, not like it had rained.

This is like a scene where the flood has just receded, which is a bit strange to be true.

"What's going on here?"

Huihui looked around strangely and questioned, she remembered that she was not like this before she left.

It hasn't been long since you were captured, right?

"Definitely is something made by another bastard, let's go in." Qin Yun took the lead to walk into the Adventurer's Union, and there were many people gathered in At the moment.

And in the middle of this group of people, there are three people surrounded.

"Miss Chris, how do you plan to pay the compensation this time?"

"The cost of repairing the city wall is 100 million Eris. After removing the odds, that's the amount."

"That...sorry, can you wait a moment?" Faced with the question, Chris could only respond with an apologetic face.

Because Huihui's side was more urgent, Qin Yun went to save people first after coming over.

The question here can only be postponed temporarily until he comes back.

"Is it 100 million Eris? We will return it to you first, and the rest will be given to you later." A bag as tall as half a person was placed on the table, and there was a crisp sound of collision inside.

The officials who came to ask for compensation looked down at the person, then got up and opened the bag, and saw a golden object.

The bag was full of gold and jewels, and after doing some calculations in my mind, the officials found that although these might be worse, they were still considered as most of the compensation.

"In this case, I will take these back to convert, and then send someone to tell me how much can be offset." "

There are no tools here. If you want to find out the value, you can only go for an appraisal.

The official who had almost completed the task didn't bother too much, and asked his subordinates to carry the bag and leave.

"Okay, everyone, there's nothing to see, let's go." After dealing with the officials, Qin Yun clapped his hands and said to the adventurers around.

Seeing that the good show was over, these adventurers also dispersed to do their own business.

Qin Yun sat down at the table, this time the trouble is not big or small.

"Tell me, what's going on, why did you suddenly increase the water?"

Akuya, who had been silent since the beginning, had erratic eyes, scratched her hair in embarrassment, and explained the reason: "When I went out shopping today, a group of undead people wearing black robes suddenly appeared out of nowhere."

"Then they chased me desperately, and when I got excited, I accidentally summoned them.

"As a result, the location was relatively close to the city gate at that time, and when the flood fell, the city gate was washed away.

Chris couldn't help but add: "Fortunately, it was only the city wall at the city gate that was destroyed, so after the calculation of the compensation, it is about 100 million."

She felt that it was too difficult for herself.

I finally worked hard to save some money by doing tasks, but now I'm losing everything, and it's not enough.


These undead are probably inseparable from the Headless Horseman.

Although Wiz is in the city, she will never do such a stupid thing.

Otherwise, if you conduct a large-scale search, numb yourself.

'Is that the headless horseman sent to find Wiz? In the end, he was attracted by Aqua, who is a goddess, and wanted her to help him free himself. "

Thinking about this point clearly, Qin Yun shook his head helplessly, and took out a pen and paper from his bag: "The money probably isn't enough, and there may be some compensation, and I will pay it back for you.

"However, let's sign the IOU first."


Seeing Akuya's surprised expression, Qin Yun looked at her with a strange expression and said, "It's definitely an IOU, I'll help you pay it back, and you must pay it back to me.

". "You three unlucky goddesses, the useless knight, the second magician, pure disasters, I can support you for free with this little money, but I can't afford it. "

"Woo! Useless! Useless! You are... not so rude and demeanor to a lady! Ah~" Darkness blushed with confusion on her face after being scolded, with a shy and intoxicated hentai expression.


This team is hopeless, let's disband as soon as possible.

"Here, let's sign it." After writing the IOU, Qin Yun put it in front of Akuya.

Akuya signed her name with a face full of tears, and then Darkness, Megumin, and Chris also signed it.

"You don't need to sign, it's fine."

"No!" Darkness thumped her breastplate hard, with a serious expression, and said (Zhao Dehao): "We are companions, and we have to bear the burden together when we have difficulties. Although there is a lot of money, we will Work hard to pay off.”

"That's it, that's fine." Hearing these words, Qin Yun was also very relieved. These guys finally had a sense of teamwork.

"By the way, where's Lolisa?"

Chris: "Lau Lisa was cleaning up at home, the first floor of the house and the courtyard were washed up in a mess."

"Oh~" Noticing that many people were still looking at him, Qin Yun frowned slightly and looked around.

The eyes of those people were full of anger, and they seemed to be people who suffered losses in the flood.

"Let's go back first."

This is not a good place to talk, so he called everyone and went back to his residence, Xin. .

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