Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 505: Scarlet Devil Township

"Crimson Devil Township? Yes.

If it's just teleportation, Wiz can do it, and...however, he's still a guest, so it's not good if he refuses.

"Guest, can I ask you something? It's about my identity, can you not say it?"

If her identity is exposed, she will not be able to stay here any longer.

As for being besieged, she is not afraid of it, she used to be one of the top adventurers.

After becoming a lich, her strength became even stronger.

The sum of all the adventurers in this town is not enough for her to fight.

Except for the guy who summoned the Great Flood...

Wiz is still a little palpitating now, because there seems to be some energy in the water that scares her.

So how could this kind of guy appear in a novice town?

I deliberately picked the cute new area to hide, how could I have thought that there is a more ruthless one hidden here!

"You can rest assured that you will not tell others."

"Wait a minute! The headless horseman outside!?" Qin Yun had just finished playing back, and the next second Akuya suddenly reacted, stepped in front of the counter in two steps, and grabbed her shoulders with both hands.

She looked very excited, and finally realized that this is a ready-made treasure!

"Where is it! Where is the Headless Horseman!"

All the cadres of the Demon King's Army were charged with high rewards, and as long as one was killed, it would be enough to pay off the debt.

"This...this...this..." Wiz looked embarrassed, she didn't know where the other party was.

The Headless Horseman should be the guy who often harassed him in the Demon King's Army, that's right.

According to this guest, Bell Dia actually came near this town?

Is it courting death?

I didn't offer a reward, and the humans didn't know that I was a Lich, so I dared to come here. Once it was discovered, it would definitely be surrounded and suppressed.

While Wiz was still thinking about what to do, he suddenly felt a familiar energy that frightened him.

She was shocked to find that her body was fading, as if disappearing!

"Don't make trouble! You bastard!"

Fortunately, after Qin Yun found out, he pulled Akuya away as quickly as possible.

Wiz stepped back hurriedly, leaning his back against the shelf, and stammered, "Who are you, who are you!?"

"Hmph! I am Aqua, the goddess of water! Tell me where the Headless Horseman is! Otherwise, I will purify you!"

Even if she was pulled away, Akuya still acted very strong.

Especially when asked who it was, he proudly announced his name.

This frightened Wiz so much that she almost wanted to run away, the goddess was not something she could deal with, and the other party wanted to destroy her, that was an easy task.

"Okay, seeing how scared you are, the one outside the city should have already run away, if it wasn't stupid."

Akuya: "Run away? Tell me earlier..."

Knowing that the target had escaped, she was discouraged again, and she seemed unmotivated.

"I'll send you there now!" Wiz couldn't stand the shock, and quickly started casting teleportation magic.

Dare you be unlucky today!

Qin Yun also thinks it's so good, so hurry up, lest this bastard goddess mess up again

With a burst of light flickering in front of him, the surrounding space seemed a little abnormal.

He couldn't help closing his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was no longer in the shop.

There is a green grassland in front of you, and the breeze still has the smell of green grass.

"This is Scarlet Devil Township? Where's the town?"

Huihui: "Over there, just go through the woods, and we'd better hurry up, because there will be..."


"It's a man!!!"

"Catch him fast!!!"

Before she could finish speaking, groups of humanoid creatures suddenly rushed from a distance, accompanied by loud shouts.

Qin Yun squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, the next second his expression changed drastically, as if he had jumped to a papa.

"Female Orc!?"

The group of humanoid creatures were fat, with beast heads and drooling from the corners of their mouths, looking like they were going crazy.

……ask for flowers…

The whole body is exposed in many places, and there is still hair growing on the body.

"Ah, that's it, this area is an active area for half-orcs, and they will capture all male creatures that pass by.

Huihui still explained calmly, because this group of orcs are only interested in males.

So they are pretty safe, except for the males.

Qin Yun raised one hand forward and covered his eyes with the other hand, because he really couldn't look directly at the hot scene.

"The Emerald City!"


The earth roared loudly, the ground continued to bulge, and giant gem pillars pierced out from the ground, traversing in the middle.

Those half-orcs also had to stop because of the earthquake. Looking at the gemstone wall tens of meters in front of them, fear gradually gained the upper hand.

One by one turned around and fled frantically. Although they wanted a male creature very much, they didn't want to die.

This target is obviously not a suitable capture target.


Accompanied by the clear and shattering sound, the entire stone wall tens of meters high fell down, causing another small earthquake as it fell to the ground.

This startled the fleeing half-orc and ran even faster.

Only then did Qin Yun put down his hands and let out a long breath: "It's too hot for my eyes, I can't stand it."

After driving away the orcs, the group set off for the Scarlet Devil Township.

Wiz's teleportation point is a short distance away from Scarlet Devil Township, so he needs to go there.

However, as soon as we walked halfway, we met three weirdly dressed guys.

Without further ado, Qin Yun pushed Huihui over.

He didn't want to commit another crime in public and give the system a chance to record black history.

"I am..."

Hearing the beginning of the second self-introduction, he couldn't help but get goosebumps.

It's so embarrassing to fly!

I beg you to hurry up and finish the introduction! Otherwise, I will be so embarrassed that I will shut myself down for a while!.

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