Sylvia is a synthesis beast, with stronger vitality than ordinary creatures. Even if her head was beheaded, she persisted for nearly half an hour before she died.

After his death, Qin Yun sealed his body with ice and brought him back.

The cadres of the Demon King Army have high bounties, so they can't be wasted.

The "Magician Killer" shaped like a snake's tail didn't fall either.

When he returned to Hui Hui's house, everyone had already packed the room and spread the quilt.

"Chris, come here." Qin Yun stood at the window and called into the room.

When Chris inside heard it, he walked around to the main entrance, put on his shoes and came out.

"what's wrong?"

Qin Yun took her arm and walked away, Chris didn't resist, just wondering if there was something he needed to take to talk to him alone.

Qin Yun didn't stop until he was a little far away from Huihui's house and no one else could see him.

"Magician Killer" and the corpse were on the ground, he pointed to the corpse and said, "This is Sylvia, one of the cadres of the Demon King's Army, who wanted to sneak attack me just now, but I... killed her instead.

"A cadre of the Demon King's Army?"

Chris was startled, and squatted down to examine it carefully. Qin Yun conveniently made a small ball of light with sun-attribute magic to illuminate it.

Seeing the corpse in the 373 block of ice, Chris has already confirmed that this is the cadre of the Demon King Army.

The adventurer's guild in each region has a reward list for all wanted Demon King Army officers.

So she was able to recognize it, but she didn't expect that there were also officers of the Demon King's Army here in the Scarlet Devil Township, it was really terrible.

If the Crimson Demons choose to join the human side, the Demon King Army will suffer heavy losses.

"Do you want me to help you exchange the bounty?" After checking, Chris raised his head and asked him curiously.

"No, you take him for a bounty, and then exchange what is owed to me in gold."

As for the bounty, Qin Yun is actually not interested in it, and only takes back what should be taken.

"Save the rest, don't tell Akuya, if this guy doesn't give him some motivation, he will think wildly and cause all kinds of strange troubles."

"Oh, I see, thank you."

After listening, Chris also knew what to do.

Immediately, her attention was placed on another object, this somewhat large metal object, what is it?

Before he could ask, Qin Yun had already started to explain: "This is an anti-magic item found in that building. It is a tool for magicians."

"If the Demon King's army gets it, they might be able to capture Hongmen Township."

Chris's expression became serious. With this thing, the Scarlet Devil Township can be conquered? Do you want to be so exaggerated?

And looking at the shape of this thing, how does it look like...

"The ruined imperial relic?"

"Well, it's also something made by the creator of the Crimson Demons. Maybe it's because they are afraid that the Crimson Demons will get out of control, so it's an insurance measure."

Now it's a bit difficult to deal with. If it's an insurance measure against the Crimson Demons, wouldn't it be good to destroy it?

Qin Yun didn't urge her to make a decision, but took the corpse with her first, and returned to the Adventurer's Guild with Chris to exchange for the bounty.

But this level of reward cannot be approved immediately.

So hand over the corpse to the staff of the trade union before registering, and the bounty will not be issued until the identity of the corpse is confirmed.

It will take a while to wait. I just went to Scarlet Devil Township for vacation recently, and I can just get it when the vacation is over.

After finishing the reward, the two returned to the Scarlet Devil Township.

Chris frowned and thought for a long time before finally making a decision.

"Let's destroy it, without this thing, the Crimson Demons have never had any trouble."

In fact, if the Crimson Demons had (b GBd) ambition, they would have already occupied a part of the mainland.

Instead of nesting in this tiny place like the Scarlet Devil Township.

Chris had already made a decision, and Qin Yun had no objection, and started to destroy Magician Ding's killer.

It didn't take long for this prop to be destroyed into scrap iron.

The outer shell is not the key, the most important thing is the internal devices, as long as the device is destroyed, no matter how strong the outer shell is, it will be a piece of waste.

After finishing these, Qin Yun brought the remaining materials back to Huihui's home.

Because these materials are not ordinary metals, maybe they can be sold for some money. If you don’t need them yourself, you can give them away.

Utilize waste~

"Mr. Qin, you sleep in this room, Miss Akuya and the others sleep in the room at the end of the corridor."

Hui Hui's mother smiled and told him where to stay tonight, and then went back to the room.

There is no entertainment here at night, basically after eating, and then tidying up, you can almost rest.

In fact, Qin Yun didn't want to stay here at first, but couldn't bear the enthusiasm of Huihui's parents, so he could only agree to stay for one night.

However, he didn't plan to live in the room that Weiwei had designated. His premonition indicated that something would definitely happen.

So after turning off the lights, he went directly to the room on Akuya's side.

"Chris, Chris."

After pushing open the door, he walked in lightly and woke up Chris who had just lay down.

Chris half sat up in his pajamas: "What's wrong?"

"You go to sleep in my room, I'm sleeping Wen Li."

What?" Ling was confused, wouldn't it be the same everywhere?

Qin Yun: "Don't ask, you'll know later, go ahead."

"All right."

It's just a change of room, it's not a big deal, although all the girls sleeping here are girls, but she is very relieved.

But Luo Lisa was the happiest when she heard that she was going to change rooms.

"Master Qin, can I sleep next to you?" As soon as Chris went out, she immediately came over wrapped in a quilt and asked expectantly.

Qin Yun didn't care too much, and replied casually: "Yes, remember to check my dream."


This is also the purpose of Luo Lisa, the curiosity of demons is not lower than that of humans.

Half an hour later, Chris was in the room.

At the moment she finally understood the meaning of that sentence. .

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