In the secluded world, countless broken planets float.

Here, only the fixed star that was about to go out emitted a not-so-bright light, and the last flash that erupted when it was destroyed, and there was no sign of life as far as the eye could see.

From time to time, celestial bodies collide and destroy each other, ejecting a large amount of matter.

Supernova explosions, red giant stars collapsing, and celestial bodies colliding, are full of dangers everywhere.

A terrifying scene that looked like the end of the world made Luo Lisa tremble with fright.

At this time, suddenly a celestial body with only two-thirds of it left flew towards her with terrifying power.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Facing this huge celestial body that occupied the entire field of vision, Luo Lisa screamed in horror, and then closed her eyes.

But after a while, nothing happened, and her eyes opened slightly.

Finding that the celestial body has disappeared, I turned around and saw that the planet was flying far away.

"By the way, this is a dream, it scared me to death~" She then remembered that she was only in a dream, and raised her hand to gently pat her flat chest [heaved a sigh of relief.

"Where is this place? Why is it completely different from last time.

At this time, Luo Lisa was already thinking of quitting.

The last time was shocking, but this time it was thrilling and terrifying. Every time these flying celestial debris approached, the little succubus was terrified.

Although he knew it was a dream, he instinctively became extremely nervous.

She wanted to go out, but curiosity drove her forward.

I have to copy it later, if it is not seen, how can I copy it.

In this seemingly endless dreamland, Lorisa rides a small celestial body flying at high speed, heading towards an unknown direction.

On the way, she saw all kinds of frightening scenes, such as a huge and ferocious monster tens of thousands of meters high, which was crushed by flying white dwarfs in an instant.

After flying for an unknown distance, a deformed celestial body suddenly appeared in front of it, as if many celestial bodies were pieced together.

This celestial body is so huge that Lolisa can't even see the whole picture clearly.

The small celestial body she was riding on looked like a rock in front of this giant celestial body.

After approaching, the small celestial body gradually deviated from the original trajectory and fell towards the super-giant celestial body, as if being pulled by gravity.

Luo Lisa also pulled away immediately. In the dream, she would not suffer any actual damage, but the frightened damage was enough.

The surface of this super giant celestial body is completely covered by water, and when the small celestial body falls, it just splashes a wave.

As soon as "this place" said a few words, Luo Lisa suddenly stopped, and a feeling of empathy rushed from her back to the top of her head.

Obviously there is no entity in the dream, but this somehow feels creepy.

She nervously looked towards the direction she sensed in the dark, but only saw a star sea that burst into light when it was destroyed.

Luo Lisa thought she was too sensitive, and was about to look away when she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

In that sea of ​​stars, there seems to be an erect red glowing object that looks a bit like... an eye?

When this idea popped up in her mind, it felt more and more like the pupil of an eye.

An eye hidden in the star sea of ​​destruction, staring at him silently?

This guess made her feel cold all over.

Isn’t the dream false? It’s just a false space constructed based on memory and cognition. How can there be something peeping at me?

It was good that she didn't notice it at first, but after she noticed it this time, Luo Lisa became more and more disturbed.

I always feel like I am being watched secretly.

After she looked away for a while, she turned back unconsciously, only to find that the thing seemed to have grown a little bigger?

"Huh? Why does it seem like..." She turned her head again unbelievingly, and then turned back again, vaguely feeling that it seemed to be a little bigger......

After going back and forth a few times, she was sure it had really grown.

As if approaching, this made Lolisa terrified, the situation was too strange.

She didn't care about continuing to observe, and immediately exited the dream.


real world.

Lolisa woke up from the dream and found that it was still dark, so she began to copy the dream she saw.

Because the dream was too grand, she couldn't copy them all, so she could only try her best.

Outside the house, in the starry sky that has not yet been hidden, a glowing vertical bar appears among the stars, like an eye hanging in the starry sky, overlooking the earth.

When the sun rose, everyone woke up.

After becoming adventurers, they develop good work and rest habits.

Because good rewards don't wait for others, they are all quick and slow, and whoever accepts them quickly will get them.

Huihui's parents didn't go out early today, and deliberately waited until the guests got up to have dinner together.

Definitely's real purpose....huh~ When she saw a group of people walking out of the guest room in 3.4, she was stunned.

After telling everyone that breakfast was ready, she dragged Huihui away.

After breakfast, Qin Yun asked Luo Lisa's dream last night expectantly, because he couldn't remember it again.

It feels like I haven't dreamed, and it seems like I have done it.

"I've already copied it, but this time the door is still huge, so I can't reproduce it completely."

After Huihui's parents went out, Luo Lisa began to show everyone the dream she saw.

Compared with the last time, the dream was very strange, especially the sentence given by the system made Qin Yun's heart tremble.

'This seems to be the scene of the abyss, right?'.

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