Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 535: Najie Hitan's Decision

The "Guardian Protector" did not attack again, giving the revolutionary army hope.

The Anning Taoist leader and the leader of the revolutionary army immediately ordered the soldiers to march towards the palace.

The two of them were still a little worried at first, but they didn't feel at ease until the army came to the palace and the "God of Protecting the Nation" remained silent.

Coincidentally, the night attack troops pushing the ice puck also appeared at the foot of the "Guardian Protector".

Because of the indiscriminate attack, the imperial army on Najie Hitan's side also fled in all directions, and she came over smoothly.

Seeing the members of Night Raid pushing two ice hockey balls, I couldn't help being curious: "Who are these two balls?"

"It's the minister and his son!"

Tatsumi answered quickly, because the war was finally coming to an end.

As long as the minister is caught, other problems will be solved soon~.

When the leader of the revolutionary army heard this, he laughed excitedly: "Okay! You have done a very good job! This time it is a big achievement! Hahaha!"

"Since the minister is here, the one inside the Teigu should be..."

Thinking of something, the leader of the revolutionary army made a gesture to one of his Tegu envoys, and the other party immediately walked up the legs of the "God Protector".

Not long after, he came back with a boy in his hand.

From the clothes on the opponent's body, it can be determined that this is the little emperor of the current empire.

It's just that the other party at At the moment is very embarrassed, with messy hair, sweat stains on his face, and a little pale complexion.

It seems that because of being too exhausted, At the moment is still in a coma.

The Teigu envoy threw it on the ground roughly, and now the two major culprits considered by the revolutionary army are all here.

Najie Xitan looked at the little emperor on the ground and frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

The Master of Taoism of Anning looked calm, and he didn't look happy at all.

Only the leader of the revolutionary army, after the initial excitement, immediately ordered his subordinates to lock up the little emperor, Ernest, and Sheila.

After that, he will be executed in public, so as to establish the great achievements of the revolutionary army.


To celebrate the victory, the whole city was full of excitement.

Although the imperial palace suffered a lot of damage due to the "Guardian Protector", it can still be used, and it is also used as a place to hold a celebration banquet.

There were singing and dancing in the palace, and in the dim corridor outside the palace, Qin Yun was holding a glass of wine alone, looking at the stars in the sky.

His eyes swept across the bright starry sky, as if he was looking for something, and he looked casually.

Tap ~ Tap ~ Tap ~

Slight footsteps sounded, Qin Yun looked away, turned his head to look, and saw a tall man slowly walking towards the other end of the dark corridor.

"Isn't this General Najie Hitan? Why didn't you celebrate with them and came here instead."

After teasing Najie Xitan who was walking, Qin Yun took advantage of the opportunity and sat on the guardrail of the aisle.

Najie Xitan walked to Qin Yun's side, and the bright moonlight shone on her. It could be seen that she had won the battle, but her complexion was not pretty.

"You're right, I misread him."

Suddenly, she said such a sentence without thinking, but Qin Yunyue seemed to have expected it, and there was no surprise at all.

"I have said that, after tasting the power brought by status, few people can control the desire in their hearts."

"How long can this peace last?" Qin Yun took out a wine glass and filled it, handed it to her, and smiled calmly: "Humans are creatures that act driven by desire." 1

"You can never measure how deep the darkness in a person's heart is.

"Kill one Ernest, there will be another Ernest, it's just a matter of time."

Najie Xitan, who took the wine glass, remained silent, and drank the wine in the glass with her head up.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Qin Yun leaned against the pillar and looked up at the starry sky slightly.

This starry sky is very beautiful, but under this beauty, there are countless dangers hidden.

Neither of them spoke, only the music from the palace and the cold wind blowing through the corridor.

Suddenly, Najie Xitan tightly clenched the wine glass and made a decision.

... ask for flowers

"Manager, I want to make a deal."

Without looking back, Qin Yun asked, "What deal?"

"Rescue Bud and the little emperor, take them away, and tell them not to come back.

Hearing this, Qin Yun finally lowered his head to look directly at her, and said meaningfully: "Are you serious? Letting these two people go will be a great harm to the New Empire."

"Tomorrow at noon, the little emperor and Ernest, as well as those captured accomplices, will be beheaded in the execution ground of the imperial capital."

Najie Xitan looked resolute, with an extremely serious expression: "In this matter, when it comes to responsibility, the little emperor was just deceived, and everything he did was instructed by Ornest.

Qin Yun: "But don't forget, he is the emperor of the old empire, can you really let him go?"

"I am not at ease, but what he said touched me deeply."

All of a sudden, Najie Xitan once again saw the picture inside the Dungeon. When she asked the little emperor if he regretted it, she got an answer that was not an answer.

That immature and frightened face said in a firm tone: 'I don't regret it! I want to protect the empire! Protect the people!

But when she told the current situation of the empire, the little emperor had a look of disbelief.

When it was confirmed that this was all fact, he fell into silence, huddled in the corner and did not reply a word.

So, a question also arises, is there really something wrong in the decay of the empire?

Everything he did was to manage the country well and protect the people.

But he was deceived by the minister, thinking that he was really doing a good job.

"Anyway, I'm begging you, I will use this "National Protector" as a reward, and after saving people, we will meet at the abandoned stronghold of the night raid.

Strictly speaking, the "Guardian Protector" does not belong to her private property, but Qin Yun will not be foolish enough to point it out.


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