Follow the surface of the "National Protector", and fly to the head.

After finding the entrance, Qin Yun drilled in.

The rest is what the system has to do, modify the activation conditions of the "Guardian Protector", this kind of thing must have a core.

It's like the Teigu Warcraft that was destroyed by him changed to "hundred-armed titan", but the craftsmanship of forging Teigu has been lost, so basically no one can modify Teigu now.

Standing in the control room inside the skull, Qin Yun could see the brightly lit imperial capital through Teigu's eyes.

Although the war has just been fought, for ordinary people, the downfall of Minister Ernest is definitely a good thing.

The members of the revolutionary army are also the people of the empire. Speaking of which, this is an internal conflict.

If they fail, for ordinary people, just maintain the original hard life unchanged.

If you win, everyone will be happy, the tax will be reduced, and life will be easier.

Within half a minute, the system announced that it was done.

'Host, now you can drive it, this is the control key, as long as you put it on, you can control it as you like. "

A round metal pendant fell into Qin Yun's hand, looking ordinary. 607

He looked at it and put it on his neck, suddenly it seemed to have some kind of connection with the Divine Machine of Protecting the Nation.

The body of the "God Protector of the Nation", which was originally motionless, trembled, and slowly raised its right hand and put it in front of its eyes, as if it was looking at its own hand.

This piece of Teigu was extremely huge, even if it was just a small movement, it was obvious.

The soldiers in the palace saw the terrifying big guy moving again, and hurriedly sounded the alarm.

The leader of the revolutionary army, who was already worried about the disappearance of Bude and the little emperor, heard the news, his heart skipped a beat, and he walked out of the room quickly.

"This!" Seeing that Teigu was really moving, a thought that frightened him was born in his mind.

Could it be that the missing little emperor is in this Teigu?

During the day, he had figured out that this piece of Teiju could only be used by the blood of the royal family.

No one can control other people.

But the only one left in the royal blood is the little emperor, and he is the only one who can control the Supreme Teigu.

At the moment Teigu moved, it was only possible that he was controlling it.

After moving its hands and feet, the "Guardian God Machine" bent its legs and took off suddenly. It made a graceful one-legged leg in the air and landed accurately on the Imperial Capital Square.


The originally flat square was instantly fragmented, and the cracks spread like spider webs.

The huge amounts of movement frightened everyone in this area, and they all walked out of the house or looked up to see what happened.

Then I saw a huge object flying over the sky, and the ground shook several times before stopping.

Outside the city wall, the "God Protector of the Nation" turned to face the imperial capital, and Qin Yun, who was controlling it inside, was stunned.

The performance of this airframe is fortified!

Six jumps jump directly from the center of the imperial capital to the outside of the city "Ten jumps across Wumuzimi should be said to be the pinnacle of Dikang.

If the little emperor can control, let alone a revolutionary army with less than a million (bgeh).

Even if there are a few million, as long as the physical strength is enough, they can be wiped out.

No wonder the founding emperor wanted to impose restrictions. If outsiders got it, the empire would definitely be over.

'Host, when this Teiju is used, it will consume the accumulated energy.

"Consumes energy? I see, how can it?"

But that's right, moving such a big thing must consume a lot of energy.

'There is no need for manual charging, and Teigu will automatically absorb free energy when it is not in use.

"This function is good!" In this way, when not in use, just throw it anywhere and wait for it to recharge itself.

This piece of Teigu is hundreds of meters high without any moisture, and it is forged from various rare metal minerals as a whole, adding materials of legendary super dangerous species.

In addition to alchemy and various secret arts, as the technological crystallization of an era, it took terrifying material and financial resources and manpower to create this musical instrument that can sweep the world.

call out!


Suddenly, an ice thorn five or six meters long flew from afar, and it slid across the armor surface of the "Guardian Protector", making an ear-piercing friction sound.

This situation also caught Qin Yun's attention. He turned his head and found a person standing on the city wall.

The dark clouds in the sky also moved away, and the light shone on the city wall.

Wearing a white military uniform, long icy blue hair fluttering in the evening wind, and a cold expression, one could tell that she was in a bad mood.

"Huh? I found it so quickly."

Qin Yun was very surprised to see Estes appearing on the city wall.

He expected that the other party would come back tomorrow at the soonest, but he didn't expect to arrive at night.

This is really lucky for Esdeth, who found a village and asked the direction to the imperial capital, so he could come back so quickly.

As a result, as soon as he reached the city wall, he saw a huge amounts of object flying overhead.

With her beast-like intuition, she perceived that there seemed to be something familiar in this big man.

And Estes, who trusted his intuition very much, also launched an attack without hesitation, and was not intimidated by the huge size of the "God of Protecting the Nation" at all.

"Are you in there? Are you capable of sending me away, but not capable of getting out?"

Esdeth said in a cold voice, many sharp icicles emerged from the ground under his feet.

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