
Camila lashed the whip to the ground vigorously, then lifted her foot and stepped on the back of Mephista Einomi from another dimension.



Ai Nengmei let out a strange scream, Camila had already discovered that it was pretending to be dizzy, but she just didn't bother to pay attention to it.

What Yuntian said just now actually has two meanings.

The first one is, as he said, stop destroying the city.

The second one is to show that Dagu is fine, these words are conveyed for Dagu.

Since it was fine, Camilla's anger subsided a little, but she didn't plan to let the guy under her feet go.

"Wait a minute, don't you want to know the origin of that guy opposite?" Just as she was about to kill her, Qin Yun floated over and reminded: "If you just let that guy tell, even if it's a lie, it's hard to judge .”

"But two words, even if it's a lie, we can still know.

Camilla's feet stopped in the air, she was moved, and she really wanted to know the origin of the other party.

Although the appearance is a bit different, the dark energy is not fake.

But the problem is that she has no sisters at all, and in the dark titan at the beginning of 840, there was no guy so similar to herself.

Where did the other party come from?

"I'll make the guy under your feet smaller, and then talk to the guy on the other side."

The situation where Camila stopped was in Qin Yun's expectation. If the aunt is still there, Tijia will be fine.

Now to figure out the current situation, he finished talking to Mephista, and then flew to another Camilla.

When the opponent saw him coming, he immediately put on a defensive posture.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to fight, it's already been explained over there, if there's anything wrong, just change back to the human body and talk about it.

After Qin Yun finished speaking, he nodded in agreement when he met Camilla in front of him, and flew back.

The city is obviously not suitable for talking, so a few people came to the mountain area on the outskirts of the city.


Ai Nengmei, who was shrunk down to the file size of an ordinary person, fell to the ground, and Camilla looked down on it with cold eyes, feeling very bad.

Ai Nengmei is not stupid, now she has not resisted Ability at all, it is better to be honest.

In case the other party gets angry, seconds will kill him on the spot.

Qin Yun sat on a nearby branch, smiling and looking down, Dagu leaned against the tree and didn't know what to say.

Duplication took the camera and continued to shoot: "The human bodies of the two dark female warriors finally meet. Will there be a thrilling sequel to the fight? Let us wait and see."

The woman in black also had a cold expression on her face, and her appearance was very enchanting and beautiful, not inferior to Camila at all.

Camilla: "Who are you?"

"Carl Mira, what about you?" The woman in black answered very simply, and asked back.

"Where are you from, Camilla?"


"This is Earth."

Having said that, the two seemed to be aware of something, and at the same time looked at Eineng Mina who was silent and reduced his sense of existence.

Seeing that they were all looking at him, this Mephista immediately explained, but the problem is that it has never learned neon language, and neither Camila nor Carl Milla can understand Mephista language.

Duplication was filming next to it, and by the way, helped to translate: "It said that it wanted to open a dimensional channel, but it was attacked, which caused chaos in the dimensional channel."

"It may be linked to the earth in the parallel universe."

Now everyone at the scene understands, so this dark titan named Carl Mira, is it a parallel body of Camilla!? (b GBg)

"I remembered! Isn't this the universe where Trija is located!"

Suddenly, Qin Yun clenched his right hand and punched his left palm, and he finally remembered.

It's not because he has a bad memory, but it's mainly because he heard people say that the show was bad, so I just watched the first few episodes and stopped watching it, and I only knew a little about the setting.

"You know Terika!?"

"I heard, tsk~ and Dijia are in the same situation." Now the situation is clear, Carl Mira is from a parallel universe and is Camila's peer.

"How do you know so many things, even about parallel universes." At this moment, Camila asked suddenly, looking at Qin Yun suspiciously.

The other party is too mysterious "so mysterious that she has to be vigilant.

"Well, because I'm the prettiest boy on this gai~"

Qin Yun smiled and compared scissors, duplication At the moment pointed the camera at Mephista, and conducted an interview: "Ms. Mephista, how do you feel now?"

**%@¥!"(I will never come to Earth again!)

Ai Nengmei really regretted it, who knows that there are such strong people on this planet, obviously most of the creatures are weak, and the technological civilization is also weak.

Carl Mira stepped forward a few steps, bent down, grabbed Enomena's neck, and said coldly, "Send me back immediately! Otherwise, I'll kill you!"


Duplication: "It said that it was seriously injured and could not use its Ability for the time being, and needed to recover from the injury."

"Really?" It was hard for Carl Mira to believe her words. She raised her right hand and clenched a fist, which made a dull sound on Mephista's chest.

"Hiss! What a tragedy!" Qin Yun turned his head and closed his eyes. Although this development is not bad, there is one thing that must be reminded: "If you beat it to death, it will be troublesome if you want to go back."

Dagu: "Oh? Really? But I remember the store manager, can you travel through the universe?"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth twitched, and he gave him a hard look, you're the only one who talks too much! Can't you just listen quietly!

"This is Dagu, that is, he wants to despise you, Carl Mira, can you bear it? If I beat him directly, he won't be able to get out of bed for half a month!"

Upon hearing this, Dagu panicked instantly, and quickly waved his hands in denial: "I'm not! I don't!"

However, Carl Mira is not stupid, she just glanced at Dagu and ignored him.

"Can you take me back?".

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