Time passed, and four or five days had passed in the blink of an eye.

Estes has completed the first task following Meng Ling, and probably knows the process.

The next step is to accept the task alone and complete it.

It was just that there was a small problem in it, and Mengling also reported it to Qin Yun when she came back.

Esdeth's actions were too straightforward, and he directly used the special ability in public, which caused an uproar on that earth.

At that time, Meng Ling didn't have time to stop it, although the task was completed.

In the alliance rule, there is a regulation to avoid changing the development of the civilization of the universe as much as possible, but it is not mandatory.

So you just need to pay attention, if you expose yourself like this, if you are performing a mission, you may encounter a lot of trouble.

In fact, this is a cognitive problem.

Estes 16 doesn't know the situation in other worlds, so he thinks it's no big deal to use Ability.

After the task was over, Meng Ling patiently explained to her, but it's not clear whether she listened or not.

It is being a novice guide, not a nanny, it just says everything that needs to be said.

"Well~ Although I like your style of doing things very much, it's straightforward and not sloppy."

Because Qin Yun originally doesn't like troublesome things, and thinks that the more straightforward the better, but not everything can be straightforward.

"But it's better to be a little more careful next time, it will bring you a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Estes nodded silently. She is not a rigid person. If she wants to become stronger and survive, she must learn to adapt.

This is the truth she has learned since she was a child. If she doesn't know how to change, the final result is mostly death.

Qin Yun was very satisfied with her reaction. She just likes Esdesh and is willing to accept changes.

"Now that you roughly understand the process, are you ready to decide which task to accept next?"

Estes pointed to the task list projected by the watch, one of which said: "This, the abnormal energy is too strong, causing signs of distortion. I am going to observe it."

"Then go ahead and report any troubles.

"Well, I hope to meet interesting opponents."

Uh... This guy still cares about this matter.

Normal people should have been attracted by this eccentric Lu Li's new worldview.

As a result, Esdeth's acceptance ability is so strong that he still focuses on these things.

Find the right target, take a look.

But as long as you don't look for yourself, fighting madmen is not fun at all.

"It's up to you. Anyway, let it be like this. You get to know it slowly." Fearing that she would get interested in it for a while, Qin Yun would find himself to practice, so Qin Yun planned to slip away.

If you fight against Duplication by yourself, you still have a certain speed, but if you fight against Esdece, it's hard to say.

During the last battle, he felt chills in his vital parts several times, obviously he was being targeted.

If it hadn't been agreed in advance, it is estimated that these parts have already been attacked.

"There is nothing else, then I will go first."

After finishing speaking, he immediately slipped away, Esdeth looked down at the information on the projection screen, and asked the guide to start the transmission.

With a flash of light, she had already left the city of origin.

a month later.

"Damn it! It's still too late!"

Tony looked unwillingly at a certain vacant space on the shelf, where Teigu's "God of Protecting the Nation" was originally placed.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect to come here for a while, but there are such collections, not bad~" Jin Shining let out a burst of joyful laughter, holding a container ball containing the "God of Protecting the Nation" in his hand.

When he came, he immediately took a fancy to the "Guardian Protector", because he felt that this thing fit the king's temperament very well.

And knowing that this is the weapon cast by the founding emperor of the Millennium Empire in the world of red pupils, I am even more interested.

One hundred thousand world coins is not too much for a Shenhao who holds huge wealth, so he bought it directly.

Afterwards, Tony, who came to visit every day, felt bad when he saw Jin Shining, who was playing with the "God of Protecting the Nation".

When I asked, I found out that the item had already been bought.

This made him feel a little disappointed, because the goods are random, and the next time there will be such a combination of technology and mystery, I don't know when it will be.

"Speaking of which, the king seems to have found a strange thing recently." After playing with it for a while, Jin Xingshan suddenly remembered something and took out something from the king's treasure: "Do you take this thing 44?"

Shi Xiang took the black parchment book from Jin Shining's hand, and felt restless as soon as she touched the book.

This made her subconsciously withdraw her hand like an electric shock, and looked suspiciously at the book with a dark red swirl on the cover.

"You feel it too? That unsettling feeling."

Jin Xingxing seems to have known it a long time ago, and at the moment saw Tohka's expression, she was basically sure.

This feeling is not only felt by oneself.

"I'll call the store manager." This strange situation made Shixiang not dare to make decisions without authorization, and planned to call out to Qin Yun.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Qin Yun had come out.

"Manager, this book..."

"I see, I have accepted this book."

After Jin Yingxiong heard it, she threw the parchment over: "Deal.

The book fell into Qin Yun's hands. He didn't look through it right away, but put it carefully in his bag.

"I'll go out for a while, and I'll be right back." After walking out of the shop, Qin Yun went straight into Gensokyo. .

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