It stands to reason that the energy of this planet is not enough to support the existence of some spiritual bodies.

Just like a fish can only live in water, a spirit body needs the supplement of natural energy to survive.

Otherwise, they are only consumed but not replenished, and they are not perpetual motion machines, and they will definitely run out.

And this mansion, because there is an entrance to the abyss underground, the concentration of energy is relatively high, so it can support the existence of spirit bodies.

"You said you couldn't see it, could it be Ghost?"

For ghosts, most normal people would be afraid of things like ghosts, because the images that appear in film and television dramas are all hideous and terrifying.

But in fact, aside from the translucent situation, it's not that scary.

The emotion of fear mainly comes from the unknown of danger.

"To be precise, it is a kind of spirit body. Except that there is no entity that cannot be seen, there is no need to be afraid. Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing will not kill people.

After closing the basement door, Qin Yun took the lead and walked to the door of the mansion, and opened the door to let the sunlight in.

Seeing the sun again made Shiyu feel enveloped by a sense of security.

It's just that when you see the sun, you will think of that crimson terrifying celestial body, and you will feel a little scared subconsciously.

"Okay, now it's your question."

She hadn't enjoyed the safe sunshine for too long, and she pressed one hand on her head: "Next, I will erase some memories, don't worry, it won't hurt at all."

"What!?" As soon as she heard that she wanted to erase her memory, Shiyu immediately shrank her head and stretched out a hand in front of her: "Wait! Wait first! I won't say it! Can you not erase it? memory?"

Although the experience just now made her feel like a dream.

But this kind of experience is probably only once in this life, and she definitely doesn't want to forget it.

The light that blooms in destruction, the red giant star that brings a sense of terror and oppression, the dark but not monotonous universe.

These are extremely precious wealth to her.

The inspiration in her mind is like a volcano erupting, and she is already considering adding some related elements to her novel.


I was still uneasy at first, guessing that the other party would not agree to such an unreasonable request.

The result surprised her, and Qin Yun agreed very simply.

Shiyu asked with an uncertain tone in surprise: "Really?"

"Really." Although he agreed, Qin Yun also had conditions. He stepped forward and raised his index finger to point at Shi Yu's smooth forehead: "If you tell about the things in the underground cave, it will explode." body and die."

"This is a curse, you can talk about the exploration of the Yu Yang Pavilion, but you are not allowed to mention the secret door in the underground cave.

Hearing the word curse made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nervous for a while, but he was relieved in his heart.

It's normal to restrict yourself from speaking out, but the consequences seem to be too serious.

"Exploded and died..."

With a bitter face, she tentatively asked: "Can I change to a lighter punishment?"

"Yes, you will become an Obasan who is two meters tall, weighs 250 catties, and has hairy legs."

As soon as these words came out, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's expression changed instantly, and he said seriously: "I think it's good to explode and die, there is no need to change it!"

I just don't have the courage to live after it has become like this! It doesn't make any difference whether I explode or die!

Seeing her earnest and trusting expression, the corners of Qin Yun's mouth twitched, but he still couldn't help it.

"Psst! Hahahahaha!!!"

In the bewildered expression of the other party, he laughed for a long time before he stopped. If there was such a curse, the guy created would probably have been beaten to death before being pulled out to whip the household.

"It's no good, my stomach hurts from laughing..." When he stopped, he rubbed his stomach, with an unstoppable smile on his face: "I'm just joking, there is no curse, just be conscious and don't say it. "

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu immediately understood that she had been tricked, but she had no choice but to accept it.

"By the way, how did you find out there?"

…… Ask for flowers ………………

"Well, neither the basement nor the flip-door was closed at the time, and out of curiosity, I went in to have a look, but it turned out that I couldn't get out.

Speaking of this, she also felt very fortunate, if Qin Yun hadn't appeared, she might have been locked up to starve to death inside, right?

This is the fringe area on the outskirts of the city. It is close to the mountains and forests. Usually, no one comes here, and no one lives around.

In addition, the mobile phone has no signal, and I can't find anyone to ask for help.

"It's not closed properly? Tsk! That guy is really..." After hearing this, Qin Yun probably knew what was going on.

Nightmare didn't restore the secret door to its original state after the investigation.

There was no house here before, and it is estimated that someone discovered it later. In order to cover up the mysterious gate underground, a house was built on it.

But in the end, this is really a door, it cannot be opened without permission, and it is useless to study it.

Next, from Shi Yu's mouth, he learned that this mansion is a famous haunted building.

But there are indeed ghosts in it, but most people just regard it as hype.

"It seems that we have to deal with this issue."

Those people who come to explore will be even more troublesome if they are killed by spirit bodies in the mansion.

The best way is to turn this place into a private domain.

In human society, there is one thing that is a universal pass, money.

As long as things can be done with money, it is not a problem for Qin Yun.

"Who are you two! What are you doing in there!"

He was thinking about how to get this done, when suddenly there was a voice coming from the gate.

Qin Yun turned his head to look, and the person who had just walked in aggressively at the gate paused, his momentum dropped instantly, and then trotted over with an awkward smile.

"Headquarters long, why are you here so soon?"

Qin Yun frowned when he saw the person coming, and joked: "I see you are having a good time here, are you back from shopping?"

"Hey~ Well, have you eaten yet? How about I ask you to rub your mouth?".

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