Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 57 Isn't This Just A Hacker?

'There seems to be no one. '

After observing the surroundings, Qin Yun quietly walked in when no guards were found.

There must be a lot of people in the administration, and here, it seems to be forbidden.

Forbidden... Forbidden? !

Thinking of this, he hurriedly tried to gather the shield.

The result is no response.

Not to mention the shield, not even a spark came out.

He can feel the magic power in his body, but as long as he leaves his body, it will dissipate strangely instead of condensing.

This is not a natural phenomenon.

Something must be disturbing the energy.

Fortunately, I am a melee magician, good at hammering the enemy's dog's head.

Aside from magic, it seems time is unaffected here.

"Emperor Keke!"

The golden clock descended as usual, hovering behind it and spinning slowly.

This made Qin Yun more confident.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and there are so many enemies, it's a little futile to just fight close.

"One shot."

Shadow injected the lance, but he didn't use it right away.

One bullet has a time limit, the sooner the effect disappears sooner.

It is most appropriate to wait until you encounter an enemy.

The Time Variation Authority is like a high-tech city, where many people live.

. . . . . .

"A team lost contact, the coordinates are **."

"Send support troops to investigate immediately."

"Squad B3, prepare to set off for ** coordinates."

In a certain office, because one of the teams that went to carry out the task lost contact, the people inside became busy.

There is only one possibility for the mission team to lose contact.

In case of an accident, he may have died in the line of duty.

It's not the first time this kind of thing happens. Occasionally there will be some serious time offenders, and arresting them will cause accidents.

So the Authority has a set of countermeasures.

That is to send a more powerful support team and professional scouts.

Criminals don't stay put most of the time, so follow up and arrest.

Even a very small part will discover the secret of the time controller.

This will make arrests more difficult.

While they were sending personnel to support, the target was still wandering around.

. . . . . .

The corridors extend in all directions, and there are many stairs.

After walking east and west for a while, Qin Yun found himself lost.

The place was a maze, with every corridor and staircase leading to a different place.

"What the hell, do people here have a photographic memory? There's not even a sign."

It happened that a man with glasses in a suit came in front of him. He was neatly dressed and looked gentle.

It seems that they are the clerks here, the kind without combat effectiveness.

After all, clerks will not be equipped with weapons.

He raised one hand, with a kind smile on his face: "Hi! Do you know how to get to the hall? I forgot."

Hearing this, the civil servant turned around and pointed back: "Go straight, the third staircase on the left, go down two floors, then turn left and walk to the end."

"Thank you very much."

From the beginning to the end, this person never doubted Qin Yun's identity, it should be said that he was used to it.

It's not uncommon for newcomers to forget the route every once in a while.

After all, maintaining the timeline is not a safe job. If someone dies, new members will join.

According to the instructions, Qin Yun walked to the third staircase, went down two floors, then turned left and walked to the end.

From time to time, people in black combat uniforms could be seen escorting all kinds of life forms past.

There are humans and aliens, and he also saw a creature that looked like a kobold.

These guys were escorted into the front hall.

Qin Yun didn't go in immediately, but stood at the entrance of the hall to observe for a while.

There are two small circular windows on the door, so you can see what's going on inside.

The hall was actually very empty, only people passing by in twos and threes.

These escorts are all time criminals.

"Who are you! Why are you arresting me? I demand a lawyer!"

While he was observing, another time prisoner was escorted over, still yelling in panic.

However, Agent Time ignored the clamor and just silently dragged him into the hall.

Then report to the people at the front desk to confirm the arrest target.

"Warning! There is a time to break into the inside of the authority!"

"Warning! There is a time to break into the inside of the authority!"

"The target is wearing blue and white jeans, a black leather jacket, and black hair. Please pay attention to all units!"

Qin Yun knew that it was time for him to withdraw. Isn't the image of this notification being himself.

Moreover, the surrounding time agents also immediately spotted the target, and took out their weapons to surround them.

Caught between the two sides, Qin Yun raised his short gun and fired a bullet into his body.

The frontrunner raised his stick and swung it out, only to find that the stick went straight through the target.

'phantom? '

As soon as this idea came up, my head was hit, and I was dizzy for a while and passed out on the ground.

"You're moving too slowly."

Behind Agent Time, Qin Yun put the Vibranium sword back into its scabbard with a smile, and picked up the stick on the ground.

He remembered that the stick could teleport people to the end of time.

The technical term here is called 'sanctions'.


Hold the top and bottom of the stick and twist it, the top of the stick will shine.

This shows that the stick has been activated, and now as long as it is poked by the head of the stick, it will be teleported to the end of time.

"The battle has begun."

As soon as the voice fell, he appeared in front of a detective in an instant.

In the astonished eyes of the other party, he poked the stick forward, and the detective's body gradually disappeared, leaving only a stick that fell to the ground.

"I like."

After the experiment, Qin Yun raised his head and showed a smirk at the other agents. Isn't this just a hacker?

In an instant, he disappeared in place again.

The sound of objects falling to the ground continued to be heard in the corridor, and more time agents were attracted at the same time.

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