The space-time chaos is caused by Gore Dellas. Now the scale is very small, and it is easier to stop it.

Through authority suppression, the guide on Gore Dellas instantly opened the sealing function.

The expansion of the space-time realm stops, and after getting out of control, it gradually disappears.

The golden dragon, who appeared again from the time-space vortex, froze on the spot in a daze, raised his paw and scratched his head, not understanding what was going on.

It found that it could no longer control the space-time realm, and even the space-time vortex gradually calmed down.

I can't use my Ability no matter what, it's like it's gone.

This confused Golden Dragon, but also panicked, that was its innate ability.

Now suddenly gone! How can we not panic!

And the things affected by the chaos of time and space will automatically return to the original time and space under the correction of time and space. 16 Qin Yun held the hour hand short gun, floated in front of the golden dragon and raised it to aim at it: "Four bullets."

From the numbers on the ancient clock, a phantom flowed into the muzzle of the gun, shot out by the bullet condensed by time, and shot out by the golden dragon.

In a few seconds, all the wounds on its body recovered to the original state, because the fighting time was not long, so it was still within the scope of the retrospective.

If the time is long, Dijia can't hold it, so it is necessary to use the shortest time to fight.

Gore Dellas touched the restored horns on his head, seemed very excited, and let out a friendly growl at Qin Yun.

"The injury has been cured for you, don't disturb time and space anymore."

As for Gore Dellas, Qin Yun was not angry with his behavior just now.

Because monsters don't know what integrity is at all, except for a very few, many live by instinct.

Even those with high IQs like this are just smarter and live according to their own habits.

You told it to keep the promise, and its eyes turned into question marks, and it didn't understand at all.

So teach it to make it understand this truth.


"Yes, stay here well, don't move around, they won't hit you."

Seeing that the matter had really settled down, Dijia, who had a red light on his chest, also flew into the sky. As for Camila, she had already returned to Feiyan 1, which had made an forced landing on purpose.

After talking for a while, Gore Dellas sat on the ground obediently, flicking his tail uncontrollably.

Qin Yun explained the situation to the winning team and asked them to remove their weapons.

"The reason why it uses the space-time world to erode reality is simply to expand its territory."

"This is the same as animals such as tigers and lions. When they have Ability, they will expand their territory, but the threat level of monsters is a little higher."

"But now it has given up on this idea, you can rest assured."

"I didn't expect you to be able to talk to monsters." For the fact that he could talk to monsters, Hori was actually a little envious, and sighed: "If humans can also understand the language of monsters, maybe they can talk to monsters more often. , to solve the problem in a peaceful manner.”

"This is actually simple, and humans can definitely do it." Qin Yun raised his finger and pointed to his head, and said with a smile: "There are communication barriers in language, but there is no consciousness level. If you can develop a device that connects consciousness, you can also communicate with each other." Monster dialogue.

"Language is just a communication tool to express individual ideas, but it can directly convey ideas to other individuals, so naturally there is no need to use it."

As an audience, Horii agrees with this idea very much, but it is a pity that the current technology cannot do it.

Now humans haven't even studied the consciousness, let alone created related tools.

So if there is a relationship, it can only be shelved first, and it may be developed in the future.

"Then if there's nothing else, I'll take it and leave first."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

The troubles caused by the chaos of time and space are disappearing, and there is no need to intervene. It is expected to end in a while.

Qin Yun waved at Bruton who was not far away, and the other party immediately rolled over and turned into two stones.

He caught the stone and carefully put it back into the box.

This can't be thrown around, if it collides in the bag and turns into a monster, the space bag may be crushed.

Put away Bruton [Qin went and left with Gore Dellas.

There are a lot of things to teach it, so let's treat it as training. Anyway, I only found one now, and the expedition team can't even be formed.

Standing under the main tower of the city of origin, Gore Dellas looked up at the towering giant tower with curiosity in his eyes. 177

"follow me."

Qin Yun floated ahead to lead the way, followed by Gore Dellas and entered the building.

Because the information is transmitted directly, the learning process can be omitted and the understanding stage can be directly entered.

This saves a lot of time and is much easier.

"The first member is OK, who should I find next?"

According to the alliance's original plan, an expedition team must have at least ten members.

Regardless of the small quantity, this is because the conditions are relatively harsh and there are many factors to consider.

Strength, intelligence, living conditions, and professional knowledge, the first three are the main ones, and the last requirement is the simplest.

"Forget it, think about it slowly, it's hard to be sure right now."

When we should meet, we will always meet, Qin Yun knew that he had to be patient, and then walked to the training ground.

After getting used to it, if you don't train for a day, you will feel that something is wrong.

He was still thinking about what to do next in his head, after thinking about it, he felt that the book of the evil god that recorded the information of the evil god could be added to the plan. .

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