"Wow woof!"

Ping bell bang bang bang bang bang bang!

"Stop it for me!"


In the bedroom, Qin Yun's forehead was bulging with veins, and he was gnashing his teeth to arrest the king of dismantling.

Now he regrets it, super regrets it.

I started having fun as soon as I left the room, except for the shelf where special things were placed, everything else was messed up.

After talking with Shixiang and the others, when he came back and saw the bedroom like a garbage dump, Qin Yun felt that his reason was going out of control and was on the verge of frantic testing.

My beloved massage chair was so bitten that even the internal mechanical parts could be seen.

Erha stuck out his tongue, and ran left and right excitedly.

It's been a long time since we demolished the house, and seeing the neat and clean room, I can't help it!

The furnishings on the table, quilts, and chairs were all messed up.

Just as it jumped up again, it was about to avoid Qin Yun, but it didn't expect that a hand quickly grabbed the tail.

"caught you!"


Qin Yun's complacent expression didn't last for a few seconds, when the tail he was holding suddenly shrank and slid out.

This will show that IQ is on the line, and I know how to use my own ability.

Erha, who had shrunk to one-third of his original size, landed on the ground, stuck out his tongue and glanced at the current owner, howled happily and continued to flee.

In its view, this chase and escape game is really fun.

Huskies were originally sled dogs, and they often ran with sleds because they were very energetic.

Even after becoming a spirit body, this situation has not changed.

When it was running, it only paid attention to the back, but didn't pay attention to the front, and ran straight into a portal by the wall.

"Don't go in! Stop it for me!" Seeing this, Qin Yun hurriedly rushed forward, but it was still too late.

Erha ran into the portal, which made him feel even more dizzy.

Originally in the room, no matter how noisy he was, he could always be caught, but now he went to another world, and the scope of arrest was directly expanded.

"Now I understand the meaning of that sentence. For those who raise Erhu, one of the two parties will definitely go crazy first, and then force the other. y

It is also impossible for him to let the infected Erha run around outside, or he might turn into a terrifying evil spirit.

You must know that evil spirits feed on spiritual consciousness, as long as they are living beings, whether they are humans or birds and beasts, they are all on their diet.

In his room, there are only two portals now, one leads to the world of Division Nine, and the other...

The world of Ultraman Triga.

If it's Branch No. 9, then it doesn't matter, anyway, it's a barren world, so you can do whatever you want.

But it happened to run into another one.

It won't work if you don't deal with it, but this world is so troublesome, I hope you don't run into two golden men.

Worried that Erha would run away without a trace after a long time, Qin Yun walked in immediately without wasting time.


After passing through the portal, Erha was a little dazed when he saw the dark alley in front of him.

However, he was quickly attracted by the lively street at the exit of the alley.

At the entrance of the alley, a black and white dog poked its head out, looking around.

Seeing the streets full of people coming and going, Erha became even more excited. At this moment, a slight sound came from behind him, his ears trembled, and he turned his head to look.

Seeing Qin Yun appearing, this guy ran away like a fool.

"Stop for me (bgdi)!"

Seeing Erha running out of the alley, Qin Yun hurriedly followed, but when he reached the entrance of the alley, he saw pedestrians coming and going.

"It's troublesome to run so fast."

Originally in the bedroom, it would take some time to catch it, but now that it's in this place, it's not easy to catch it.

Qin Yun also regretted that there was no timeout just now [give the other party a chance to sneak away.

Let's look for it first, I guess it won't run too far.

In a short period of time, it will not cause any major problems.

Moreover, if there is a problem here, the one who gets blown up will definitely be Erha.

This is a world where a group of bigwigs gather, not to mention the super ancient four dark titans, three awakened, and two statuettes who travel through the universe.

There are still many mahjong tables, especially those two statuettes, who are definitely in big trouble.


"Should it be here?"

Two young men and women in uniform stood on a bridge, observing their surroundings and talking.

They received a report call saying that there was a strange dog here, so they came to investigate.

Originally, this kind of matter should be handled by the police, but the nearby police officers who came to investigate were injured during the arrest and are now being sent to the hospital.

According to the police officer, the dog was originally the file size of an ordinary dog, but when he was about to capture it, it suddenly became five or six meters tall.

It was under a bridge pier again, so no one saw it.

The dog ran away after knocking down the policeman.

But the police officer was already frightened by this incident, and contacted his colleagues to come to support.

But after hearing about this incident, the police officers also became nervous.

In this world, the aliens and monsters are not legends, they are all real.

To investigate this kind of thing beyond one's ability and responsibility is purely courting death. The other police officers are not fools. When encountering strange things, they turned to the TPU organization at that time.

So, as a member of the elite victory team in the TPU organization, here we come.

"Whoah! Help!!!"

"Monsters!! There are monsters!!!"

Before the two started their investigation, they saw a wave of passers-by running over in a panic. .

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