In a dark space filled with water, three pairs of eyes stared at the projected picture.

In the picture is the battle scene,

"Hitram, where did you find the monster? It's a strange ability, which can actually make the attack ineffective." The black and red body, like the armored dark titan, asked curiously.

Not to mention the current Triga, even if they let the three of them come, it would be very difficult to face this kind of Ability.

Not being able to lose is one thing, but not being able to beat is another.

Hitram was also very surprised. He didn't expect such a result at all, so he replied casually: "I just met on the road and gave some dark energy."

"However, Trija became so weak that he was crushed and beaten by a monster."

In fact, he really hoped that this monster could kill Triga directly, although it was a bit unrealistic.

Carl Mira, who stood between the two, didn't say a word, her eyes locked on the ground somewhere in the projection.

'Why did this guy show up?

For Qin Yun's appearance, she felt a little uneasy.

The other party should be on the side of the parallel universe. After sending him back last time, he left.

Suddenly popped up this time, what do you want to do?

"Carl Mira? Did you hear that?"

Carl Mira, who was in deep thought, was awakened by the call from her companion, and she asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Da Agong repeated what he just said: "If you continue to fight, Trija will probably be killed by monsters. What do you think should be done?"

These words made Carl Mila return her attention to the battlefield, and she felt an inexplicable joy in her heart when she saw Trigga's distressed appearance.

But you can't really watch being beaten to death by monsters, it's better to stop it.

Her body was shrouded in black mist, and then disappeared.

Hitram secretly despised him, and it was not the first time he had objections to Carl Mira's indecision.

Since it is a traitor, it should be cleaned up.

But Carl Mira is still the leader of the dark titan, so it's not easy for him to show it.

Wait until the time is right, hum~


Erha bit the back of Terija's neck, exerting force on his jaw, even with a body of steel, it still caused Terija pain.

But when he wanted to fight back, he was pulled down vigorously.

The body was dragged and swung, which made it difficult for him to fight back for a while.

Qin Yun, who was watching, also felt that it was almost done, and if he continued to fight, it would really become an accident.

He reached into the bag and fumbled, but before the things were taken out, another accident occurred at the scene.

A cloud of black mist appeared out of thin air, and then Carl Mira appeared in the black season.

As soon as he appeared, he raised his hand and whipped Erha.

Facing the attack, Erha resolutely gave up the prey in his mouth and backed away to avoid the whip.

"Huh? This guy is here too."

I was a little surprised by Carl Mira's arc.

However, Qin Yun didn't stop moving his hand, he flew towards Erha while groping, and when he flew halfway, he also pulled his hand out of the bag.

Erha, who was about to continue attacking, suddenly bristled and turned to look at Qin Yun.


Seeing Qin Yun appear, Erha's expression changed, but because of the book of evil gods, it didn't dare to approach.

Having attracted its attention, Qin Yun put the book of evil gods back into his bag and waved to the front.

Fortunately, Erha only changed his personality, not losing his mind.

So he immediately trotted over with his tail wagging. In the process, the scarlet pupils were gradually replaced by the original blue ones.

When he came in front of Qin Yun, he changed back to the original bastard.

'Changed back? Strange

I thought it might be a bit troublesome to change back, but I didn't expect it to be so easy.

But he didn't think much about it now, the black mist on Erha's body dissipated a lot during the battle just now, and only a small amount remained.

Its size also shrunk to that of an ordinary dog, and then it was put on a leash.

"Next time I run around, I'll stew dog meat!" Qin Yun patted the guy on the head angrily, but it turned out that it didn't work at all.

Tai Huan wagging his tail, with an excited expression, made it clear that he would dare next time.

But Trija, who was defeated badly, saw the monster turned back into an ordinary puppy. Although he was very aggrieved, he didn't have much energy, so he could only fly into the sky and disappear.

Carl Mira also disappeared at the same time, and her purpose of saving people was not the whole purpose.

"Don't move!"

Qin Yun was pulling Erha's ear to scold him, when suddenly there was a soft shout, he turned his head and saw a girl in uniform pointing a gun at him.

"Are you a human from the universe or a human from Earth?" On the surface, Jie Ming was full of momentum, but secretly he didn't have much confidence.

Tap ~ Tap ~ Tap ~

Before Qin Yun could speak, there was another sound of crisp footsteps, and the two turned their heads to look at the same time.

A man in a tight dress, with a charming and beautiful appearance and long black hair, came in E style.

"What are you doing here?"

As soon as she arrived, Carl Mira went straight to the point, she doesn't like too much nonsense.

"Walking the dog, is this against the law?" Facing the question, Qin Yun raised the leash in his hand innocently.

Jie Ming wants to say that walking a dog is not against the law, but monsters are against the law! Look at how much damage this has caused!

But now, it seems that the situation is not quite right, who is this woman?

At this time, Trija's human body, Zhenzhong Jianwu also ran back, stood with Jie Ming with a gun, and asked in a low voice what was going on now.

Carl Mira frowned slightly, remained silent for a while, and then suddenly said, "Aren't you because of that thing?"

"definitely no.. woo!"

As soon as he said a few words, Qin Yun reacted abruptly and shut up, what the fuck! You're lying!

Sure enough, what Mama Wuji said was right, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is!.

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