Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 612: The Trail Of The Guide

"Please choose your weapon."

This sentence gave Shi Yu an ominous premonition. Could it be that she wanted her to defeat those three wolf-like creatures?

But now is the assessment, all she can do is to take up arms, or give up.

‘It’s all fake, it’s like playing a game. '

Comforting herself in this way, she began to carefully choose weapons.

There are many types of weapons on the weapon rack, including cold weapons, hot weapons, technological side weapons, and mysterious side weapons.

Her gaze fell on a Gatling machine gun first, and her heart moved, she reached out to pick it up.

However, she found that this weapon was very heavy, and it was simply not something she could use with her small body.

It seems that these weapons are no different from the real ones.

In this situation, she also gave up the idea of ​​taking those heavy weapons, and even if she took them, she couldn't use them.

According to her own situation, she finally chose a pistol File size laser gun, a light metal shield, and an alloy short knife.

The advantage of these three weapons is that they are light, suitable for people like her who have little strength to use.

But the shortcomings are equally obvious, and the damage is definitely not as good as those large weapons.

"It's smart, and I know not to be greedy." Qin Yun was looking at the picture displayed in the bubble outside the assessment hallucination.

The weapon is chosen correctly, but it is actually very dangerous, and the probability of passing is also small.

Because there are three opponents, it is estimated that there will be no coordinated siege.

Let a person with no combat experience to fight, unless he is very lucky, there is a high probability of failure.

In the fantasy realm, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was also ready, holding a shield in his left hand, a gun in his right hand, and a short knife with a sheath stuffed into a black stocking to fix it.

Fortunately, she was wearing flat ankle boots today. It would be troublesome if she wore high heels.

The main system did not urge until the examiner finished selecting the weapon and asked if it was ready.

"I'm ready."

After getting a definite answer, it will officially start the assessment.


As soon as the assessment started, the wolf in the middle let out a howl, and the wolves on both sides immediately ran to both sides, surrounding the target.

"It's over."

Qin Yun outside saw this situation, but Shi Yu stood still and knew it was going to be bad.

Sure enough, the three wolves surrounded in a triangle and attacked from three directions. For those who don't know how to fight, this is almost a losing game.

Defend in one direction, and there are two directions, this gap is completely fatal.

Just two minutes later, the assessment failed.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who had left the illusion, fell to the ground, panting heavily with a pale face.

At that moment, she really felt as if she was going to be bitten to death.

He could even feel the gas exhaled from the wolf's mouth at the back of his neck.

"How is it? Are you okay?"

Qin Yun also knew that this feeling of life and death was very uncomfortable. How should I put it, the content of this assessment was very lucky and very unfortunate.

The combat assessment can be said to be the simplest and straightforward, but for those who have never fought, it is the most difficult.

"I feel like I'm really going to die." With one hand on his rapidly heaving chest, Shi Xi could feel his beating heart.

"Normally, the assessment of the illusion will be extremely close to reality, otherwise how can the examiners be taken seriously.

Judging from her situation, the veracity of this illusion is probably only a hair's breadth away from reality.

"The assessment failed, so you understand."

It goes without saying what the result is. If you fail the assessment, you will naturally not be able to enter the alliance.

Shi Yu didn't expect that it would be this difficult at first.

I am an ordinary person, facing three wolves at the same time, the key is that although the laser gun can cause damage, but she has not practiced it, and the aim is not enough.

It launched an attack from three directions at the same time, and even missed it under panic.

After she regained her strength, she asked with some hesitation: "I, can I still take the assessment?"

"Yes, it is possible, but you should practice again, otherwise you will definitely give up if you encounter a battle assessment.

Suddenly, a virtual screen unfolded in front of him.

"Found the trace of the guide, the target is located in the C195447 universe."

This sudden news surprised Qin Yun, and he hurriedly inquired about the location of this universe.

But I found it was very far away, and now I only found traces, I didn't confirm the actual identity, and I didn't know which guide it was.

Qin Yun rubbed his chin with one hand, murmured softly while thinking: "Both Meng Ling and Esdesi are not here, but Jinlong is here, let him come with me."

Jinlong's strength is very strong, and if the two act together, the safety factor can also be improved.

After making a decision, he stopped dawdling.

"I'll take you back first, come back when you're ready."

After sending Shiyu back, he gave someone permission to enter the store, and rushed back to find Gore Dellas, ready to act together.


For the task, Gore Dellas is quite willing, and it is much more cute and interesting than boring learning and understanding.

So as soon as I heard that I was going to perform a mission, I immediately agreed excitedly.

"Then prepare to send, the coordinates have been sent to you."

Qin Yun manually started the teleportation, followed by Gore Dellas, and the two disappeared instantly.



On the ground, four huge amounts of figures stood, one of which was surrounded by the other three.

At this moment, the surrounding space distorted for a while, and a huge figure appeared from it again.


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