Are you in the abyss?

This situation made him unexpected for a while, but then another problem arose.

How did you get here?

At that time, he felt a thrust behind him, so he took two steps forward, and he appeared here.

Touching the horns on his head, Qin Yun had a strange idea in his heart.

Could it be that this is the function of the goat's horns?

He tried to recall the whole process just now, first he saw a starry sky, and then he walked over it.

"Could it be..."

His eyes still faintly feel that something is wrong, and along with his thoughts, the picture he sees has changed again.

In a chaotic starry sky battlefield, a group of warships are fighting, and energy beams are flying across.

These warships should be gigantic, but in Qin Yun's view, they are very small.

As if it was within reach, he hesitated and tentatively reached out to touch it.

It's so really seems to be able to touch...

On the interstellar battlefield where wars are raging, the two cosmic forces are fighting fiercely.

In order to compete for a high-resource galaxy, two evenly matched civilizations have been fighting for decades.

Suddenly, the command rooms of the flagships of both sides sounded an alarm at the same time.

"Alert! There is an abnormal unknown energy body!"

"Warning! There is an abnormal unknown energy body!"

The sudden sound of the alarm startled the commanders of both sides, thinking that a third-party civilization had entered the arena.

So he quickly locked the position of the energy body, and when the image of the area where the target was located was projected on the virtual screen, the command room fell into silence.

A terrifying figure whose face could not be seen clearly stood in the sea of ​​stars, overlooking the battlefield.

The body is so huge that even Fixed Star looks small in front of it.

When the two sides were so shocked that their minds went blank, the terrifying figure raised his palm and grabbed towards the battlefield.

This action frightened the soldiers of the two civilizations to the point of tearing their livers apart. They didn't care about fighting, and hurriedly turned their warships to escape.

But their speed is nothing compared to that big hand that blocks the sky and the sun.

With the palms closed, the flagship and the frigate were all captured. Seeing this, the commander of the other civilization was so frightened that he cursed loudly and told the crew to start the hyperspace jump immediately regardless of the damage to the engine.

Fortunately, that terrifying existence didn't seem to be interested in them, and only cared about observing the captured ships.

In the captured ship, all the crew members covered their heads in pain when facing this terrifying figure, and dark green blood flowed out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose.


"Ahh! Kill me!!! Kill me!!!"

The cabin was filled with mournful wailing, and some crew members suddenly had their heads explode without warning.

As the ship was placed in front of the mysterious giant, the remaining sanity of the crew disappeared instantly, and the last image in their minds was an indescribably terrifying figure with a single horn

There were scattered pieces of meat and blood everywhere in the ship, as if it had been massacred.

"I can't see it, this battleship is too small.

Playing with the warships in his hand, Qin Yun felt very interesting, he had never seen such a delicate and small warship.

And after getting it, there is no response.

Is it a remote-controlled unmanned warship?

After playing for a while, he lost interest and threw the battleship back casually.

Close your eyes to get rid of distracting thoughts, open your eyes again, and you are still in the starry sky.

He seems to have figured out some rules, it seems that when his consciousness is concentrated, he can use a certain special ability.

The source of Ability is the horn on the head.

Suddenly, he remembered that the last time he summoned the shepherd, he just wanted to know how to enter the abyss at will.

Then the horns got into the body, so, in fact, the problem has been solved?

Thinking of this, Qin Yun's complexion became weird, and the co-author's solution is to get the ram's horn with Ability into his body?

Is it so generous? It's so strange.

He always felt that the shepherd's attitude towards him was too friendly, which made people very disturbed.

And is it really okay to accept the evil god's ability in this way?

The most important thing is, how to retract the horns on the head?

Before he had time to think too much, a fixed star in the distance exploded as a supernova, ejecting countless materials.

Under such circumstances, Qin Yun could only quickly leave the abyss first.

After a brief attempt, he moved forward and disappeared without a trace.


City of Origin, Teleportation Square.

"Huh? Why hasn't Headquarters come yet?"

The Yabo people and Gore Dellas who had already arrived had waited for a long time, but they couldn't help feeling puzzled when they didn't see Qin Yun's arrival.

Gore Dellas: "Hey!" It may be delayed by something, so wait a little longer.

It doesn't worry about accidents, since it's not urgent anyway, it doesn't matter.

The people of Yapo also became quiet after hearing the words, diverted their attention, and took a good look at the city.

This is already where I work.

But it seems a little deserted, is the information left behind true?

Has the league really suffered a certain disaster?

So, he chatted with Gore Dellas to inquire about the current situation of the alliance.

Ten minutes later, there was a flash of people in the square, and Qin Yun also came back.

The Yabo people and Gore Dellas stopped to chat, and when they looked over, they were immediately attracted by the corner.

"Headquarters are long, on your head..." The Yapo people remember clearly that there was no such horn before they came back.

"It's just a corner, now let me tell you about the future tasks."

This corner should be able to be stowed, but I haven't found a way yet, and it doesn't matter if I solve it later.

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