Origin City accommodation area.

The residence of the Yabo people welcomed a guest today.

"Are you from Yabo?"

Nightmare looked at the strange-looking Yabo people in front of him. Even if he saw many creatures, such ones were extremely rare.

The Yabo people knew that the person in front of them was an old member, so they would not deliberately put on airs, and warmly stepped forward to greet them: "I am, what is the name of the senior?"


Members don't use numbers when they call each other, mainly because they don't like it.

"As a member of the exploration team, I think you are quite capable, so I also want to know a little bit."

Qin Yun asked himself to come here, and Nightmare also guessed that the Yabo people are probably the candidates for the new exploration team.

Since he is a member, he must come and investigate what the other party has.

With the IQ of the Yabo people, they immediately understood the real purpose of Meng-mo.

Is this to test your Ability?

"Come in, I'm currently concocting a super beast. Although it may not be strong enough, it's not bad as a consumable."

With the resource support of the alliance and the biological materials they brought when they defected, the Yabo people can try to create a new super beast.

Qin Yun had mentioned to him at the beginning that the conditions for the exploration team were very high.

Therefore, the Yabo people vaguely guessed whether they would have to undergo the assessment, so they had already been preparing.

Even if there is no such thing as assessment, it can be used in the future.

Nightmare: "Then let me see how your super beast strength is."

They are visiting the super beast, and Qin Yun is also studying how to open a new entrance to the abyss.

"Opening the entrance means opening a gap between the real universe and the abyss that will not recover."

Keeping the gap from recovering is the most troublesome thing, and he can only try.

So first check again, what the naturally formed entrance looks like, and then copy it.

It took several days and dozens of attempts before Qin Yun finally grasped a little skill.

A black vortex was maintained in the air, Qin Yun stared at the vortex closely, this is currently the most stable method.

The edge of the vortex will tear apart the space that is trying to recover, maintaining the existence of the entrance.

But this is still incomparable with the naturally generated entrance, but at present, we can only try one step at a time, slowly.

Believe that you can always find the right method by trying it a few times.

He still doesn't have a thorough understanding of the evil god's ability, but as he uses it, he becomes more and more proficient.

Originally, opening an entrance required more than ten seconds of preparation time, but now it can be opened within two seconds with a single thought.

The time is mainly used to observe the opened entrance, how to maintain the entrance is the key point.

The maintenance time has gradually become longer and longer from the initial moment.

"It should be almost there. As long as the vortex is still turning, the entrance will not disappear."

This vortex has been spinning for a day and a night, and the stability is probably no problem, but because it is experimental, the file size is only about two meters.

And the entrance that is really needed is so small.

'Host, to be honest, the security of such an entrance is not guaranteed. '

‘If it gets out of control, or if it is closed when entering, the consequences will be quite serious.

The system can see the shortcomings of this entrance, other aspects are fine, but the difference between security and natural opening is too great.

But how could Qin Yun not know about this, it's just that there is no way, he has to experiment a little bit.

First ensure that the vortex can be turned on for a long time, and then solve the problem of potential safety hazards.

And in order not to affect the city of origin, I deliberately found another universe for the experiment.


There is no life on this barren planet, so it is perfect for experiments.

Even if an accident occurs and the planet is destroyed, it will not affect the innocent.

Seeing that the experiment was almost done, he planned to go back and take a rest first. He hadn't closed his eyes for the past few days, and he was still mentally exhausted.

Qin Yun stretched out his hand and clenched his fist in front of him, the spinning black vortex instantly became disordered, and the space automatically repaired.

Even if you want to leave, you can't leave the whirlpool behind.

In case of a celestial collision on the other side of the abyss, rushing here is no joke.


call out!

After closing the vortex, Qin Yun was about to leave, when suddenly a golden meteorite in the sky fell with tail flames.

"Huh? What the hell?"

He stopped and looked up at the sky. Is this a meteorite? No, it's really strange where there are golden meteorites.

Moreover, the position of this light ball...

As the golden light ball got closer, Qin Yun had a bad premonition in his heart.

How do you feel, as if you were bumping into me?

Under his gaze, the golden ball of light grew bigger and bigger, and at the same time, it was confirmed that this was not a meteorite at all!!!

"What the hell!"

He didn't care about continuing to observe, and immediately left the place to avoid the impact of the unknown light ball.


The ball of light hit the ground, triggering a violent explosion, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

Qin Yun stood not far away, after resisting the Shockwave, he looked towards the center of the falling point.

A tiny figure loomed in the dust and smoke, and as the smoke and dust dispersed, it revealed its real body.

"Who is it?" Qin Yun felt a little uneasy, staring at the mysterious visitor Si who came down from nowhere. .

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