So, the luminous object picked up by the creator is actually something from the abyss?

"Wait! Do you know about alliances?"

"What? Alliance? What kind of alliance?" 'Qin Yun' who was asked suddenly was full of doubts. He knew many alliances, but he was not sure which one he was asking.

"The Traveler Alliance."

"I've never heard of it, is it very powerful?"

"A force that spanned countless universes, but was wiped out by God Jinping.

"Oh, that's it, it's quite normal. It must have reached its limit, so it was wiped out. When did it happen?"

Qin Yun: "Not sure, but it must have been a long time ago, probably not long after the new era."

"No way! How did they develop?"

After hearing the situation, 'Qin Yun's first reaction was to not believe it.

After all, development takes time and even encounters bottlenecks.

Therefore, at the beginning of the new era, except for a few surviving universes, there may be civilizations. Normally, there will be no such level of civilization forces.

There's something wrong with that glow!

He also noticed that the appearance of this force had something to do with the luminous objects.

"It must be related to that thing. Maybe it is the technology left by some top civilizations in the previous era. There are quite a lot of similar things in the abyss."

"You don't have to worry too much, just keep yourself safe first."

If it is to obtain the heritage of other civilizations and develop on this basis, it can indeed skip a long way.

So, after having this guess, 'Qin Yun' felt quite reasonable.

Because there is no other explanation, only by obtaining other cultural heritage can it develop so quickly.

The problem was basically solved, and Qin Yun didn't stay for long. Anyway, seeing one is good, and seeing two is also good.

According to 'Qin Yun', some of the evil gods may still be sleeping, and they are passing through cities one by one.

Anyone who is sleeping is also called out, what sleep is sleeping! Get up and cheer!

"I'm leaving."

After leaving the Singularity, Qin Yun returned to the alliance first, but there was no one there, except for the new member Star Beast.

This guy is cruising above the city of origin, seeing such a peaceful place for the first time, he must be very curious.

Qin Yun didn't bother, thinking that it would be good for the other party to be slow.

He also adjusted the entrance by the way, and sent a message to Nightmare, telling him to arrange to explore the ruins.

The nightmare that received the message rushed back as quickly as possible. In fact, the loot it had collected could hardly be put down, so it vacated for a while.

After arranging all these things, he gave the star beast to Meng Ling to teach, only it is the most suitable.

After that, he took out the book of evil gods and found a place to start summoning.

The summoning must not be near the city of origin, so he deliberately found a good place.


"Summoning here, it must be no problem."

The distorted world is already in destruction, so it doesn't matter if it's worse, right?

The first one to be summoned is the "Dream Lord" whom I met last time but haven't fully met.

Qin Yun held the conch and blew it directly.


As soon as the conch was blown, the eyes on the back of the hand suddenly opened and turned slowly.

Qin Yun could only ignore his hands as much as possible, pretending he didn't see them.

As the conch's sound waves spread, a vortex appeared on the sea surface again.

This time he didn't panic and waited calmly for the other party's appearance.

Dark clouds appeared in the torn sky, lightning and thunder began, the weather was affected by the summoning, and abnormalities appeared.

The terrifying vortex is swift, and some small creatures can be vaguely seen walking under the water surface.

……ask for flowers…

From the outside, it is quite weird and terrifying, which completely meets the definition of a monster.

Until a huge shadow pierced the surface of the water and floated on the surface of the sea, a large amount of sea water continued to fall.

Even if it was the second time seeing the wriggling and twisted tentacles and wrinkled flesh, Qin Yun still felt uncomfortable.

His left hand was raised uncontrollably, and the eyes on the back of his hand looked directly at the whirlpool.

"I suddenly feel a little regretful. I should call the others first." In the Book of Evil Gods, some evil gods are fairly impressive in appearance, and not all of them are as disgusting as this.

Qin Yun also regretted it, he should have called others first.

But now they have been summoned, so forget it, let's try to communicate with the doctor.

By the way, is it still a dream this time? You won’t make another fake one, right?

The "Lord of Dreamland" also found the people on the shore and drifted towards the sea.

When observing the "Lord of the Dreamland" up close, Qin Yun's body was about to get goosebumps.

This appearance is really challenging my bottom line, I can't see it!

At a distance of tens of meters, it stopped, as if it had discovered something, opened its mouth full of hair, and let out a weird roar.

Qin Yun's left hand trembled slightly, and the "Evil Eye" seemed to be responding.

Qin Yun, who was the summoner, was instead left out in the cold.

And what these two guys are talking about, I can't understand at all.

'System, can you translate?'

'cannot. '

After waiting for a while, the conversation between the two seemed to be over.

"Lord of Dreamland" stretched out a tentacle, it fell directly towards Qin Yun, and finally poked in front of him.

Qin Yun: "Huh?"

Then a scene that stunned him appeared, the tentacles directly merged into the ground...

No! Not ground feet!.

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