The "Hole of the Void" seemed to be responding, and several tentacles emerged from the shadow.

"Wait! You wait first!"

He wasn't the only one present at the scene, so Qin Yun stuffed back the tentacles he had come up with as quickly as possible.

The information pollution attached to the evil god can definitely turn normal creatures into blank shells with zero sanity.

Just revealing a little bit, the tiny amount of information flow made several girls feel a burst of pain in their heads, and they covered their heads one after another.

Coming out of the earth, I am afraid that this place will become a dead place like the No. 9 branch.

Preventing the "Void Hole" from appearing, Qin Yun raised his head, looked at the approaching Fixed Star, and disappeared on the earth in an instant.

'It's really huge. "

Facing the expanding Fixed Star directly, the dazzling light can burn the human retina~membrane in an instant.

He also blocked the light a little with his hands, took out his sunglasses and put them on, and in the shadow behind him, Tian Ba's tentacles emerged and twisted.

Then a giant nautilus squeezed out from the shadows, hovering and flying towards - Fixed Star,

Originally, Qin Yun thought that it would directly explode the Fixed Star, but the final solution opened his eyes.

After the "Void Hole" approached, the side facing the Fixed Star suddenly twisted, forming a cone, which was sucked into the pitch-black screw.

A Fixed Star that is expanding and releasing terrifying energy, not even a single atom remains.

After devouring it, the Hole of the Void flew back slowly.

Looking at the dark screw mouth, Qin Yun flew to the edge curiously and looked inside.

But it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

Such a huge Fixed Star contains not only matter, but also terrifying energy.

As a result, it was 'eaten' clean without even turning over a small wave.

After looking at it for a long time, but didn't see why, Qin Yun could only look away and muttered to himself: "Fortunately, it's not a pet. With such a big appetite, I can't even afford it if I sell it."

Then he wondered, where did this Fixed Star come from?

And fortunately, it happened to be hitting the earth, without any obstacles on the way.

Also, isn't this speed a bit abnormal?

It stands to reason that if there is no booster, it should move at a constant speed.

But the moving speed of this Fixed Star is rapidly increasing, and the strange thing is that there is no booster found on the star.

If it is the reverse thrust brought by the energy explosion, there is not much violent explosion.

This is the most puzzling part, accelerating out of thin air? Are you still talking about science?

‘Host, go back quickly when you’re done, you’re busy. '

The system is also urging at this time. It was busy collecting just now, but it was suddenly interrupted. Isn't this just adding trouble.

If you can't think of a reason, let's go back for now.

Fixed Star has been processed, and the eyes on the back of the hand are also closed, which should mean that there is no abnormality around.

After Qin Yun left, at the position where Fixed Star was devoured, a hazy mass of red light emerged, existed for a few seconds and disappeared again.

On the earth, a week-long abnormal celestial phenomenon has been experienced.

Finally, some people noticed that something was wrong, because the sunlight was not enough, and the plants were also affected.

Especially the crops, there have been abnormal conditions, some showing signs of yellowing and drying.

For a while, there was a wave of seeking the truth among the people, demanding that the official explain what was going on?

The global disaster was basically alleviated on the third and fourth days, but the disaster situation was still serious.

"I'm starting to panic. By the way, why hasn't that thing called a strike demon come?"

On the street, Qin Yun was holding a cup of milk tea, leaning against the guardrail, watching the crowd with a lazy expression.

Laura next to her frowned when she heard the words. It turns out that the strike demon is an evil biological tool that absorbs the energy of human beings, and it is used as a weapon of the lazy witch.

Usually if it appears, it must be eliminated as soon as possible.

But there will be strike demons, but it can suppress the panic situation.

...... Ask for flowers.

She has already contacted the Mermaid Kingdom, and the Mermaid Kingdom is still stable and there is no crisis.

Because Gatanjah took over the sea and calmed it down, the gravity of the moon also had no effect.

But going on like this is not a long-term solution, and she is also hurrying to ask how to solve it during this time.

But the answers Qin Yun gave were "not yet" and "wait for a while", so when will it be time?

The other companions were all strictly confined at home by their parents.

The recent social unrest, even the school has been closed.

Only when she is alone in human society can she act freely.

In the past few days, the system has also been collecting laws as quickly as possible, and nine of them have been collected so far.

The longer the time, the slower the collection.

Because chaos will distort the original normal law and increase the difficulty of collection.

Qin Yun has tried his best to maintain the stability of the planet and provide assistance to the system, but he still can't stop the chaotic and distorted footsteps.


Suddenly, a man with a peaked cap and a mask covering his face squeezed out from the crowd, but accidentally knocked Laura down.

Suddenly, a pile of wallets were scattered all over the floor, and the man in the peaked cap had a flash of panic in his eyes, and he squatted down to pick up the wallets.

"That's my wallet!"

"And mine!"

"My wallet was stolen too!"

Passers-by at the edge of the crowd saw this, and some found the dropped wallet familiar, so they touched their own pockets.

Turns out the pocket was empty and immediately realized it had been stolen.

Seeing this, the thief didn't care about the rest, just shook the one he picked up and walked away.

The angry owner immediately chased after her, and Laura, who had just stood up, was still in the circle.

Just before she was about to be rushed by the crowd, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her away abruptly.

"Don't just wait to be hit, and why do you have scales on your legs?" Qin Yun stared at her slender white legs with a puzzled face. .

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