What else can happen, I was frightened by you.

But is this thing really smart? It's too smart, and it knows how to avoid it.

Since the instrument does not speak, it has no choice but to dictate.

Qin Yun also understood the specific situation after listening to it, but became even more curious.

But why the recorder is not turned on, only the surface is flashing streamer, it seems that it will not come out.

Qin Yun held the sphere in his hands, thought for a while and threw it to the Yabo people: "Since it's useless, then remove it and keep the core.


The Yabo people were relieved, and turned around to practice.

It's good to destroy this thing, so I won't worry about it.

I don't know if "four nine three" is not the effect of this sentence, the recorder turned on again with a 'click'.

"The recorder is at your service. May I ask if you want to start recording?" The projected face had a soft smile on it. Because it was a humanoid creature, it was very similar in every way.

Qin Yun looked at the projection, especially the pair of dull eyes, and felt that he was not as intelligent as he said.

But judging from the current situation, it is not so rigid.

At least he knew that he was going to be dismantled and showed up to protect himself.

The next step is convenient. The projection repeats what it said before, but the sentence is more gentle.

Zhizhi didn't expect to see the most dangerous target so soon.

"You are not a normal intelligent program, are you?"

From the short conversation, Qin Yun sensed that something was wrong.

This intelligence is very emotional, not like a cold data life at all, even more emotional than J.A.R.V.I.S.

Especially when he heard that he was going to be destroyed, his quick reaction was just like a real creature.

The projection was silent for a while, but still nodded and admitted that it is indeed not a normal intelligence.

"When the creator made me, he used his own consciousness as a template, so to some extent."

"I am equivalent to a copy of the creator, a continuation of his life."

"I am number 3897, in front of me, I have failed 3896 times."

Oh~ No wonder the feeling feels so real, this is indeed equivalent to re-enacting a part of a living body.

Normal people would definitely not do this, and it felt very strange to have another guy who was the same as himself.

Qin Yun didn't speak, just stared at the sphere and thought.

Using one's own consciousness as a template, it is also very difficult to reproduce a virtual life with the same emotions as real creatures.

This not only requires technology, but also some elements of luck in it.

So this instrument actually has great value.

Intelligence is also waiting for its own end. Whether it survives or is destroyed is determined by the people in front of it.

This instrument does not have any weapons, and its only advantages are low energy consumption and firmness, so it is used as its carrier.

Those devices with weapons are not only bulky, but also consume a lot of energy, so they are not suitable as carriers.

"You are still valuable, so stay here for now."

It would be a pity to destroy something of value.

So Qin Yun decided to keep it, since he couldn't afford it anyway.

Definitely have to do some insurance if you stay, just in case, no one wants to encounter troubles, and it is better to prevent them in advance than to wait until they appear.

After they all left, Qin Yun looked at a virtual image alone.

With fluttering long hair, coupled with that indifferent expression, handsome!

However, he didn't pay too much attention to this, the recorded images attached to the recorder were the key point.

The video in the record, the initial situation, is the same as it is now.

The sea of ​​void is shrouded in red, but other than that, nothing strange happened... …

Then the red gradually deepened, and even if you don't understand anything, you can still feel that something is wrong.

In the last few copies, you can see the magnificence of the universe being swallowed up one by one.

Especially in one of them, Qin Yun saw the figure standing in front of the wave with his hands clasped in front of his chest and his back facing the wave.

It's the long-haired version of myself, it really looks like...

'It's too much to beat. "

Although he didn't want to admit it, Qin Yun agreed with the system's words very rarely this time.

Even he himself has the urge to punch that b-face... the handsome face, he's about to hang up, what are you pretending for.

But this video did not capture the long-haired 'Qin Yun' being swallowed up, how should I put it, it seems like he is controlling the tide.

"Now I know what's going on."

Seeing this scene, Qin Yun already understood the cause and effect.

It's all because of the pretending of this guy, so it's fine if you face the tide honestly.

Putting on this posture, at first glance I thought you were controlling it.

'Death to face 5.1, don't pretend to be uncomfortable, what do you think of the host?'

What else can I think, anyway, I'm not a pretender. ’ Although being handsome is pretty handsome, but it’s not enough to pretend to be dying.

Needless to say this time, I was misunderstood.

What is the God of Destroyer? He simply thought too much, but from this image, he did not find any trace of the end.

The red wave was almost overwhelming, and it was completely impossible to see what was behind it.

I just don't know what era this is, but one thing is for sure.

There is something fixed behind this crimson wave.

If you can cross the tide, maybe you can find the source and find out the cause of the destruction. .

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