Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 68 Congratulations, You Were Kidnapped By Me

The three-layer special metal guardrail slowly retracted into the ground.

Strictly speaking, this is not for protection, but the last resort to prevent the elves from escaping.

On the railing, Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott personally portrayed the spell formula, which has a certain degree of resistance to the power of elves.

Although the glass of the container is bulletproof glass, the defense is really not enough.

Qin Yun directly pulled out the Vibranium sword, destroying the glass.

Take off the patches attached to Nia Bentiao, and cut off the shackles.


Benjo Niya, who was in a coma, woke up and found that she was being supported by someone.

Having been here for several years, she maintains a strong rejection of everyone.

So start struggling right away.

"let me go.…"

Qin Yun raised his right hand and asked her, "What do you think this is?"

"Huh?" Bentiao Erya subconsciously stopped struggling and took a closer look.

A fist was rapidly enlarged in the eyes, and then the consciousness fell into a coma again.

Tokisaki Kurumi, who was watching the whole process, twitched the corners of his mouth, which was too cruel.

To actually do this kind of thing to a beautiful girl is simply a beast, oh no! It's not as good as a beast!

"Shop Manager, you are really good at it."

Qin Yun didn't change his face, and hugged Bentiao Erya horizontally: "Because I am a pigeon player without emotion."

"Besides, she won't make trouble in this way, and it's more convenient to carry."

Don't look at this guy who seems very weak after being rescued, but she was originally an elf.

If it erupts suddenly, it will only increase the trouble.

"Since the people have been rescued, let's deal with those mice hiding in the dark." Tokisaki Kusan's eyes showed a trace of killing intent, and a special barrier unfolded around her.

The city of food time!"

This is an enchantment used to seize time from creatures and replenish it.

From the very beginning, she never planned to spare the people in the institute, she just waited to find the elves, and then devoured their time.

"Then come together, it will be faster~~."

The same barrier also unfolded at Qin Yun's feet.

Because they are from the same source, the two barriers are integrated together like a perfect blend of water and milk, which makes the range expand even more.

"Why do I feel so tired..."

"Do you too? I feel like I can't breathe."

"Strength, strength seems to be draining."

People hiding in each room suddenly felt a sense of weakness.

Obviously I didn't do anything, but I was so tired that I fell asleep.

It didn't take long for someone to be unable to hold on and collapsed to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, one after another fell into a coma, and the rest were also pale and panting.

Panic gradually spread, and these people didn't know what happened.

Instinct is driving them to flee here, it is from the creature's sense of danger.

If you stay any longer, you will die!

"Open the door! Let me out!"

bang bang bang!

"Open the door! I don't want to die here!"

They began to slap on the door with the remaining strength, begging the supervisor on the other side of the command room to open the door.

As everyone knows, the same situation is also there.

The passage of time made everyone weak, and those with poor physique even passed out.

But now that the system has been hacked, the situation is no longer under the control of the supervisor.

He himself sat against the wall, his eyelids shrugged, and he gasped for breath.

"Chairman, we...we can't hold on...we can't take it anymore."

Holding a mobile phone, he was communicating with Westcott, chairman of DEM, to report the current situation.

Even if it is not clear why this is so, it must be related to those two elves.

The shadow of death hangs over my heart.

If it weren't for the quality of mind, the supervisor At the moment would have already panicked.

In fact, he knew it was useless to panic.

The base system is no longer under his control.

Unless the hacker who broke into the system gives up and returns control.

Westcott, who was far away in the mainland, looked gloomy. He didn't expect the elf to find a top hacker as a helper.

Two elves, plus a hacker, cannot be resisted by the institute.

Why was it exposed? Could it be that the top management of the company has an insider?

"Hades, your family will receive a pension."

In the end, Westcott only uttered this sentence.

If it was just to save the elf "nun" of the research institute, then the nightmare and the recluse had already succeeded.

You can leave right away, but you didn't do that, but did something to the people in the research institute.

That can only prove that they will kill everyone in the institute.

What is this? Retaliation?

It's hard to say if it's another elf. Nightmare, the worst elf who killed tens of thousands of people, can do it completely.

The supervisor who heard this had a look of despair in his eyes.

He will die here, so the company's compensation for him is to issue a pension to his family.

"."I see, Chairman. "

Turning off the communication, the supervisor didn't even have the strength to smash the phone, and he leaned against the wall and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

As time was taken away, his breath of life became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely.

The lowest level laboratory.

"Almost there?"

"In my experience, it's basically dead.

It's not the first time to use the city of eating time to devour time, and Tokisaki Kurumi knows it well.

I put away the enchantment when I feel that it is almost done, and it is always consuming spiritual power to open this.

Then it's time to evacuate.

Going back was much easier than coming in, and the three of them disappeared in place in an instant. (Hi Noah)

Suddenly, Bentiao Erya woke up suddenly.

What came into my eyes was not a familiar picture.

There are no people walking around in white clothes, and there is no transparent glass, only a white ceiling.

"Yo, wake up, how do you feel?"

A face appeared in front of her eyes, making her subconsciously retract half of her face into the bed.

"Don't hide, you have already left the institute."

Hearing this, Bentiao Erya carefully looked around and found herself in an ordinary room.

Get out of that hell by yourself?

"Did you save me?"

She vaguely felt that this person seemed familiar, as if she had seen him before he fell into a coma?

"Save you?" Qin Yun couldn't help but smile, and said with a smile: "It's wrong, I should snatch you back. In other words, congratulations, you were kidnapped by me."

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