Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 688: Capture The Thief First And Capture The King First

Illya's position is her own, so it is not surprising to attack either side.

Oddly enough, the timing of her appearance was too coincidental.

Just when Kotomine Kirei attacked, he came out.

In particular, Chu Kulin didn't show any surprise at that time, as if he knew that the other party would come.

If there is no problem in this, no ghost will believe it.

Qin Yun jumped a few times to the street outside the wall, faced Ilya, and started talking.

"Why did you suddenly come to attack?"

Illya: "I want to win, so isn't it normal to eliminate other masters?"

"It's true to say so, but someone must have lured you here on purpose, right?"

In the middle of the night, it didn't seem like Illya's style to come and attack suddenly.

Illya didn't bother to hide it, and said the reason very frankly: "I received a letter saying that there will be a battle here, and a follower can be eliminated.

Her goal is only to win, and it doesn't matter who sent the letter.

As long as the intelligence is against 660, one more one will be eliminated, and the Holy Grail War will end sooner.

So she came according to the time on the letter, just in time to see Chukulin jumping into the room.

Since the content of the letter is correct, it doesn't matter which follower it is, just kill it.

Besides, it would be better for Emiya Shiro to eliminate him as soon as possible, it's too annoying.

"The kids are so violent, it's so late, go back to sleep." Qin Yun appeared behind Yi Liya, grabbed her collar and lifted it up.

Illya stared at him silently, then raised her hand and stretched it out.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Yun immediately straightened his hands to prevent the other party from touching his mask.

"Just to see, why are you wearing a mask? Is it Ota?"


An invisible knife is inserted into Qin Yun's heart, too ugly? I'm so handsome, okay!

"No, it's just a habit."

"Because it's too ugly, so Dai got used to it?"

"I told you it's not because I'm too ugly!"

"But you're not ugly, what mask are you wearing?"

Qin Yun suddenly took a few deep breaths depressed, do you really want to hold on to the ugliness?

Does the Einzbern family teach poison tongue?

"Cut the bullshit! Don't make me spank your ass!"

Ilya closed her mouth and stared straight at him: "..."

The clothes on his body suddenly changed into a pure white dress, which looked quite gorgeous.

Just wondering why she suddenly changed her clothes with one-click, Qin Yun noticed something strange in her hands.

"I'm going! Why did it change color!"

He looked up and saw that his palm was gradually turning golden, and he couldn't move.

"Whoever touches the "Gown of Heaven" will be turned into gold. "

At this time, Ilya opened her mouth to explain, with a smile on her face.

She wants to see how the other party solves this matter.

And this effect?

After careful recollection, Qin Yun found that it seems to be true, the "Tianzhi Dress" seems to have this effect.

But this is also the effect of external energy erosion, just get rid of it.

The magic power in the body was mobilized, and the external power in the palm was instantly expelled, and the palm changed from gold to fleshy palm.

The erosion of the dress of the sky is indeed severe, and it is impossible for an ordinary magician to get rid of it.

(bgff) But as long as the magic power is large enough, it can be offset.

"Are you okay?"

For a while, I didn't see the other party turning into gold [Illya knew something was wrong.

"Put me down!"

She struggled to escape, and just about to use magic, she was suddenly changed to another aptitude.

Qin Yun clamped her waist with his left hand, raised his evil right hand, and sighed: "My right hand is really evil, but a naughty brat should be beaten.

clap clap clap!!!

As soon as the words fell, there was a series of slaps across the skirt.

Ilya was stunned, what? What happened?

In the yard, Hercules, who was fighting, suddenly paused, turned around and jumped out of the wall regardless of his opponent.


Seeing the menacing Hercules rushing towards him, Qin Yun immediately dodges and runs away with Illya on his shoulders.

"I'll take people away first! Go over there and kill Kotomine Kirei!"

Hercules: "Roar!"

The two left the scene one after the other, and Tohsaka Rin looked at the distant figure with black lines all over his head: "Is he okay? Will he be torn apart by Hercules?"

"Huh?" She didn't hear the answer, she turned her head to look, and found that Sakura was puffing her cheeks, looking forward with a bad expression, and suddenly she was puzzled: "What's wrong with you? Are you worried that something will happen to him?

"The teacher never spanked my ass, I'm so's too much!"

Rin Tohsaka:

You want to say that you are very envious! What is there to envy! It’s not like I haven’t been beaten before!

She held her forehead weakly and sighed, and said softly: "Hurry up and chase those two, get it done early, maybe you can catch up to save people."

"Saving people? No need, the teacher can handle it."

Sakura's expression returned to normal, and she wasn't worried about the other side at all: "Don't look at the teacher's incomprehension, but he knows a lot, even if he can't beat him, Hercules can't help him.

"Medusa, you go first, King Arthur just stay and walk with us."

Medusa nodded, and immediately set off with Gilgamesh.

"Put me down!"

Illya is still struggling, because the magic has failed, so she has no ability to fight back at all.

"Okay, fourth dad."

Ilya: "Then don't let me down."

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