what happened?

Emiya Kiritsugu feels a little messy, two Illyas? I'm not dreaming, am I?

He closed his eyes forcefully, then opened them again, but the one in the "Closed Dress of Heaven" still didn't disappear.

Not a hallucination?

Later, he saw the masked man leading Ilya down from the snow bag.

Irisviel and Illya, who were playing in the snow, also noticed this, and they were also stunned.

"who are you?"

After they approached, Emiya Kiritsugu hurriedly stood in front of them.

This thing is a bit weird, what is the origin of the other party?

Ilya didn't say a word, just looked at him like this, and then turned her eyes to her mother and herself.


After a while, Qin Yun suddenly asked.

And Ilya's expression changed, as if she was struggling with something, but finally she was relieved.

"All right."

Hearing her reply, Qin Yun led her and turned to leave.

Before Emiya Kiritsugu understood what was going on, he tried to catch up, but the two disappeared instantly.

No matter how he searched, there was no trace of him.

"Strange, who are they?"

If it wasn't for Ilya who was beside him, he would really think that it was Ilya.

Could it be that the Einzbern family made it up again?

Thinking about it, it's really possible. It shouldn't be difficult for them to create an identical artificial human, right?

Emiya Kiritsugu planned to go back and ask later, because there is a barrier, so outsiders can't get in.

the other side.

Sakura also sneaked into the Tohsaka house and met her mother.

But she didn't show up to meet him, she just watched secretly from the window.

"Don't you see me?"

Suddenly, Qin Yun appeared beside her with Ilya.

Sakura shook her head calmly: "No need, my appearance will cause some unnecessary things instead."

"Also, teacher, is it really okay for you to disturb history like this?"

"It's okay, it's okay~" Regarding the special time, Qin Yun dare not say that he has thoroughly studied it, at least getting started.

"Some small changes, history will be automatically restored."

In this case, Sakura will not say much.

However, she did not have the idea of ​​changing history, not to mention whether it would be possible to succeed.

Even if it succeeds, history will move towards an unpredictable future, and it is hard to say what the outcome will be.

It would be better to maintain the status quo.

The closer you are to the mystery, the more you will be in awe of the mystery.

Those who try to play with time will eventually be played by time.

There are also relevant records in the book about time that Qin Yun gave her.

So Sakura has no intention of changing history from the very beginning.

She understands that history is almost unchangeable, and even if it is forced to change, it will be brought back on track in the end.

It's a pity that she doesn't seem to have the ability in this area, no matter how you look at it, she can't get the point, and she can't touch the realm of time.

"Then we go back?"

"Well, let's go."

Finally, after taking a deep look at Aoi Tohsaka, Sakura decided to leave.

The more hesitation the more reluctant to give up, it is better to simply make a decision.

Aoi Tohsaka in the room suddenly felt something, turned her head to look out the window, but only saw the trees in the courtyard.


It seems like something important is missing.

Is it an illusion?


The three of them who returned to the original time and space were already preparing for the scuffle.

"How to solve the problem of the field? If they let go to fight, the movement will definitely be very big."

This is what Tohsaka Rin is worried about, not to mention anything else, just Gilgamesh's deviant sword, the movement of that thing is simply nothing to say.

Qin Yun waved his hand indifferently: "No problem ~ no problem ~ I have a good place."

The air suddenly shattered, like a mirror reflecting the same scenery.

"It's this again, what's in it?" It's not the first time Illya saw the mirrored space, but Hercules went in every time.

But Hercules was irrational, and he couldn't describe the scenery inside to her.

". "You will know if you come in." "

Under the leadership of Qin Yun, everyone walked into the mirror space.

"Huh? Isn't this my living room?"

Walking through the broken space with curiosity, Tohsaka Rin was stunned to find out, isn't this the living room?

It hasn't changed at all!

"This is the mirror space, you can think of it as a copy world of the real world, where all non-living objects in the real world are copied.


Qin Yun clapped his palms, then swung them to the sides, the floor began to flip and swallowed the furniture, and the house began to split and flatten.


Under the surprised eyes of everyone, after a strange change, the Yuansaka house became a wide open space, and it was still spreading in the distance.

Because there was no room to cover them, the upside-down city in the sky also appeared in front of their eyes.

When Gilgamesh saw this scene, he also (Li Hao) sighed sincerely: "This king has never seen such a strange magic."

The inherent enchantment can also erode the real world, but the inherent enchantment has a limit.

But he can't see where the boundary of this world is. Even if he uses the "omniscient and omnipotent star", the conclusion he can draw is that as big as the universe is, this mirror world is as big as it is.

In a sense, this can be said to be a false universe.

"Everyone, now, it's time to start the final battle!"

The surrounding houses have all been bulldozed, and a vast open space has been formed.

"Back off, all of you."

As the voice fell, the ground rolled like a wave, taking the Masters away to a distance.

Only the followers were left at the scene, and the air gradually filled with the smell of gunpowder. .

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