Plane Universe

Chapter 1078: Gravity space

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Time passed in a year.

Hoag's letter urged lei and wharton to go back. Hog revealed in the letter that he missed the three little guys so that if they were okay, they hurried back as soon as possible.

Holding the letter, Wharton handed lei a glance and looked at him wryly laughing.

After receiving the letter, lei said calmly after reading it: "When you go back, your father asks, and you tell him the truth. If you want to see Salsa and Taylor in the future, just come and see."

"Is this okay?" Wharton looked blank, watching lei very strange, why did you let me go to death, say good brotherhood?

With such an indifferent look, are you sure that my father and I will not be scolded by him after speaking?

Regardless of what he said, as Lei had decided, he could not refute as a younger brother. He could only pick up a little and took Nina, accompanied by the dozens of bodyguards and maids, set off from the chaotic leader to Magnolia The northwestern part of the mainland went back.

The five Buck brothers were reluctant to leave. Naturally, they did not go back. The Holy Land of the Academy of Holy Light was a good place.

After Wharton returned to the Kingdom of Baruch, how to explain things and how to be taught by Hogg was no longer a concern for everyone.

Xinyue elegant building.

"Hey, Lord lei." The two sisters Belika, who came back from the college holy land, smiled and greeted lei. Both sisters kept enough respect for the benefactor.

It was not lei who asked for help that year, they were probably dead.

"Ha, Belika, Lina, it's you." Lei looked at the two sisters for a few years, and their strength has changed dramatically. The obscurity in the other person's body makes people faint. Breath, as if coming out through the body.

This should be the illusion power that Brother Yun said!

How many years have Belika and Lina practiced?

Even his strength can be affected indistinctly. Ordinary people can't extricate themselves in an illusion instantly?

It's terrible, no wonder Brother Bu Yun said that the most suitable path for their two sisters is the Fantasy Warrior.

At the same level of combat power, he dare not say victory!

This was caused by lei's failure to condense his own spiritual will. The method of cohesion of powerful willpower, Cheng Buyun dared not teach, fearing that it would affect the future direction of lei's achievements.

Once the willpower is too strong, trying to mutate the soul will be a very difficult thing.

Therefore, in order for lei to break through this universe, he used to teach some very basic things, and his state of mind only taught the method of getting started with the heart of the child, so that he can better climb the road to the peak, and the rest will not teach much .

Looking at Lin Lei's slightly fluctuating complexion, the two sisters who were a little careless, Belika laughed on the spot and said with a little excitement: "Master lei, are you a little scared."

"It is a bit." Lin Lei chuckled, "Congratulations."

"Thank you Lord Lei." The two sisters thanked them politely. After a few words, don't be over Lei. They jumped into the manor and went to Cheng Buyun to report on the progress of cultivation.

Over the years, the students in the Holy Land of the Academy have been miserable. These two witches are making troubles in the Academy. Whether they are encountered by teachers or students, every time they are stunned and begged for mercy!

Don't beg for mercy. Once in a fantasy state, you will do all kinds of incredible things, such as walking upside down, crawling on the ground and rolling.

Fortunately, they left a bit thin, and did not do some indecent things.

Of course, if you are lucky, if you meet two sisters in a good mood, then you will be blessed. Fantasyland battles, a wave of powerful Warcraft, will make you fall into the situation of life and death, and force your full potential.

Their two sisters in the Holy Land College are irritating.

Lei shook his head, the record of the two sisters, he still heard a little in the manor, illusion warrior, very powerful profession!

It is enough to be able to make people exercise in the illusion, and this kind of occupation is not a treasure in other places.


A month later, Hogg arrived at Xinyue Yazhu from the kingdom of Baruch, riding an eight-level purple eagle beast. Lei was forced to go out and was scolded, but hogg was finally helpless, lei is now It is the pillar of the Baruch family. Although the peak-level strength of the Holy Land is powerful, the Magnolia Continent has countless dangers. Once the strength is on the spot, when the invasion of the eccentric strongmen occurs again, there will be no confrontation of strength Regardless of the situation of mermaid.

Hogg's vision is not low, naturally it will not do so.

Finally, he told him a few words to practice well, and he lived here at Xinyue Yazhu, and only one year later returned to the kingdom of Baruch.

Time flows like water, and it slowly fades away.

In the miniature space, the middle and lower levels of practice do not interfere with each other.

In the lower layer, Lin Leian is quietly practicing the mystery of the wind system, while the middle layer Cheng Buyun is feeling the mystery of the earth around him.

The gravity space mystery is characterized by how to form a space sphere and manipulate the gravity in the sphere in order to achieve the method of enemy control.

The formation of space is not difficult. It is easy to practice the sacred mystery of the earth system gravity space to achieve the power of the sanctuary. It is easy to control the gravity.

Of course, these may be difficult for other sacred domain powerhouses, but Cheng Buyun is very easy. The deity can even practice the laws of space to the extreme, and only one step can break through the universe. Manipulating a small gravity is not much different from eating and drinking.

The difficulty of his cultivation of the rules of mystery is that it will take a while to allow the body to absorb enough fragments of the rules of mystery to achieve great success!

The turquoise light dots hovering around Cheng Buyun, one by one, he realized it and absorbed it at an unparalleled speed! The terrible rate of absorption speaks out, I am afraid it will scare the dead.

It ’s not ten days and a half month for anyone to practice and digest a light spot, but in Cheng Buyun, those earthy light spots are absorbed by one by one, if someone can see it, they can see it. A line formed by a spot of light rushed into his body at a terrible speed.

"It's coming soon." Cheng Buyun has a faint feeling that the gravitational space mystery is about to be completed. Many of the earth system laws hovering around him are actually the same. They are all the gravitational space mystery he has realized. No wonder Will form such a terrible ribbon spinner.

It's just that the same rule of mysterious mysterious light spot, no matter how much it absorbs, will not increase his strength.

Suddenly, the earthy yellow ribbon spinning dragon stopped, and an earthy yellow dot in the void happily revolved around the body sitting in the Chengbu cloud disk, slowly changing from gray to light, and finally finally faintly transparent.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the light spot of the earth system that has broken into Buyun Feiwu has recovered from transparent to yellowish yellow, and he has absorbed it into his body.

After this earthy yellow light spot was absorbed into the body by Cheng Buyun, it seemed to cause some kind of qualitative change, and the world sounded.

The roaring sound alternately chirped throughout the miniature planes, like some kind of celebration.

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