Plane Universe

Chapter 1133: Timid

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Beirut has already entered, and the five people, Cheng Buyun, High Priest, God of War, Emperor Lin, and Hess, naturally did not dare to neglect, nor hesitated, flew to the door of space one by one, and stepped into the door of space one by one. Disappeared in the sight of everyone.

The cemetery of the gods, although it seems to be in another plane, is actually a plug-in that is anchored on the plane of the Magnolia Continent. It is built on the plane of the Magnolia Continent.

Once the plane of the Magnolia Continent is destroyed, the graveyards of the gods will also collapse, which is why the foreign gods cannot enter the graveyards of the gods.

Entering the door of space, Cheng Buyun instantly felt other differences. The gravity here is much heavier than that of the Magnolia Continent, especially the soul's inductive force is weakened to a point where it is difficult to get used to.

With his strength, he could only sense the land within a few miles of diameter. He was weakened to such a point. I am afraid that Wushen and others, it is estimated that it is difficult to sense the land within a mile.

The strongest in the Sanctuary, I am afraid that it is only a few meters away, and has no eyes to see far.

A group of powerful saints stood in the sea, their eyes full of surprise, as if they were very uncomfortable.

When everyone entered, Beirut didn't speak. His eyes only looked at everyone lightly, and he flew forward.

A group of people followed him in a hurry, and soon saw a mountain-like building in front of him. Under the soft explanation of O'Brien, Cheng Buyun and everyone knew that it was the cemetery of the gods.

The height of this tall tower is about 20,000 meters, and the length of the four sides of the base is 10,000 meters long. It is not much different from the ordinary tower in shape. They are all big and small, and the top is prismatic!

When a group of people flew to the building, they only saw the majesty of the building. The walls of the cemetery of the gods are all four sides, all have giant carvings, facing the side of the people. The huge wall is 20,000 meters high and 10,000 meters wide ... A large relief is carved, which is a winding dragon. This giant dragon is not the same as the dragon on the plane of the Magnolia Continent, because it has no wings, but the serpentine hovering relief has a breath of worship.

This is a dragon!

Cheng Buyun is very clear!

And it is also a blue dragon ... one of the four great beasts.

"There are four giant reliefs on all four sides of this purpose." Beirut's voice rang in everyone's ears, explaining to everyone: "The front is a giant dragon, a real dragon relief. The opposite is a giant white tiger. The reliefs, on the other two sides, are two giant reliefs similar to Phoenix and Dragon Turtle. "

Giant dragon, white tiger, phoenix, dragon turtle?

Actually not.

It should be 'Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu'.

The four categories mentioned by Beirut are just descendants of the Four Divine Beasts, and they are very different in talent and power.

Of course, this is not because Beirut made a mistake, he just said it deliberately.

For everyone's doubts, Beirut ignored it and patted Beibei in his arms. At this time, Beibei also jumped on lei's shoulder in an interesting way. Beirut smiled lightly: "The four giant reliefs represent the The four parts, and under the dragon relief, there are also a large number of dense small reliefs ... "

Everyone looked up and saw that the relief of the dragon took up 70% to 80% of the entire giant wall, while the other reliefs added up to 10%, and the rest was blank.

It takes up 10% of all small and strange warcraft reliefs like dragons and snakes, which are arranged in a certain order.

"According to the calculation of this small relief ..." Beirut looked at the small relief under the giant wall, and said with a strange face: "This time ... The leader who guards the eleventh floor in front of the cemetery of the gods is the **** beast" Ba snake " . "

"Mysterious snake?"

This comes from the many sacred domain powerhouses in the Magnolia continent, all of them are confused, but everyone understands that ... Since it is a beast, then this snake has reached at least the **** level.

How can the sacred domain powerhouses present be able to break through?

Looking at Beirut's self-directed performance, Cheng Buyun was expressionless, but he almost turned over.

If Beirut knows ... his hard-working performance is regarded as a monkey play, I am afraid that he will be ashamed and angry and will slap Cheng Buyun directly to death.

It's a pity Cheng Buyun didn't say, he didn't know.

Hearing that the leader of the first eleven floors in the cemetery of the gods was a mythical beast, everyone was almost ignorant, all pale, his body trembling a little.

"Ba snake?" Di Lin was also shocked on the spot, hesitantly looked at Beirut and asked in a low voice: "This ... Master Beirut, are they likely to break through?"

He doesn't care about other people's lives, it doesn't matter, the key is his own three sons, who are also going to venture out and come across, if they encounter Ba snake?

He already wanted to imagine that kind of disaster!

Beirut glanced at him, and said with a smile: "This beast" Ba snake "reached its mature body as early as tens of thousands of years ago. As far as I know, he has now reached the level of the median god. Don't say it is them, Even if the five of you enter, once you face the snake, there will be no death. "

The faces of the powerful saints have changed greatly, and even Lin Lei's face is not much better.

Ye also had a big shock in his heart. Uncle didn't want to come to the gods' cemetery before. I'm afraid he was afraid of this snake ... But how did Uncle know?

It seems that the other four god-level strongmen beside him don't know about it. Uncle got the news from there?

"Ba snake? Is there death?"

Cheng Buyun looked indifferent, neither he nor the high priest spoke, nor did he refute. In fact, with the strength of the high priest, there is also a neutral artifact in the body, a dead snake of the median god, it may not be possible to kill , But it is absolutely certain to suppress the other party.

The gap between the two is on the artifact.

As for himself, there is no need to say more. It is only known after the fight, and the result is clear at that time.

But next, Ba Snake is not his opponent, the place he is going to is the twelfth floor!

"Last time the leader of the eleventh floor was just a two-headed dragon from hell. The strength was not yet god-level. It had already made all our strongmen in a state of disarray. Almost all of the sanctuary strongmen we met died. We are also lucky, we did n’t run into it. And this time ... ”Dries had a bitter look on his face, and there was a look that showed extreme worry. He whispered:“ It ’s a **** beast, snake, strength is still medium God ... If I were allowed to quit now, I would like to leave. "

This rebellious morale of Deris immediately caused a group of sacred domain powerhouses, including the sacred domain Warcraft, to tremble, and his face turned white again.

Rosalie, Tuley Ray, Farn, Rutherford and other extreme strongmen in the Sanctuary Sanctuary did not open their mouths, expressing their acquiescence to Deris's statement.

Indeed, your sister, there is a beast of a neutral **** in it. Who dares to brave the chest and say the last sentence ... I am not afraid, I am willing to go in.

That person must be a fool!

PS: The chapter name is not wrong!

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