Plane Universe

Chapter 1151: Translucent crystal ball

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The strong middle-aged man's chest slightly undulated and gasped. There was a wound over the chest that was one inch and one foot long, from the upper left chest to the waist and abdomen.

The wound is turned outwards, which is shocking!

One can imagine how much he paid for stopping in this position.

But soon, the shocking wound on the chest of the strong middle-aged man was restored by the naked eye under the cover of the earthy yellow airflow energy.


Cheng Buyun looked at the slightly squirming wound muscles on the chest of the middle-aged man and secretly said: "It turned out to be the mysterious mystery of the" life force "of the earth system."

The magical power to restore the injury and the rules of the mysterious arc are completely different, they are two differences.

The former needs to consume the divine power in the body to restore the injury, but the latter does not. It is the recovery of the mysterious characteristics of the mystery itself, such as the healing of the water system and the healing of the light system.

The ability to heal wounds without divine power is much slower than the speed of consuming divine power to recover the injury, about two to three seconds, and the diversion of divine power to recover the injury can be completed in the blink of an eye.

The difference is here.

The power of life can only heal itself, and both healing and healing can heal others, which is a very good feature.

The three major treatments are different, and most people will have a headache when they encounter it, because the other party seems to be undead. If you encounter such a strong god, you must prepare for a protracted battle.


There were surprises on Cheng Buyun's face. The huge sword scar on the chest of the strong middle-aged man in the field had been healed, and the time was only two seconds.

"Healing speed is very fast!" Cheng Buyun sighed secretly: "Why did you want to practice gravity space, how good is the strength of this life."

He is a bit greedy and lacks the rules. In fact, the mysteries of the mysteries have their own characteristics. When he cultivates the power of life, I am afraid that when he sees others restricting himself with gravity, and he has no way to solve it, I am afraid that he will be confused at first. Why not practice gravity space?


"Old Mu, let's go!" The strong middle-aged man shouted, trying to trade his life for the old man's hope of survival, and looked solemnly at the three enemies in front.

Although there are three enemies and his strength is much stronger than him, he is not afraid!

Die for friends, worth it!

What he feared ... was worthless death.

"I won't leave you alone, forgive me." The old man's expression had a little smile, but the next moment, he was suffering again, as if remembering something sad.

"Confused, one person dies, it is better than two people all die." The strong middle-aged man shouted, "While now, you still have the energy, let's go, escape!"

The three enemies in front of the two men stopped at this time, without too much persecution, and I do not know if they knew that the old man had some means to escape or what.

Cheng Buyun could see that the five players in the field had the worst middle-aged strength and three hits and two hits. Obviously, the other party divided two people to siege the old man, without first dragging the old man, two people to fight Killing a strong middle-aged man should be the reason.

He also just arrived, he didn't see much change, and it was hard to guess.

"Hand over the treasure, I can take the lead and let you two go." The young man who led the other said indifferently.

But he didn't do any further work, obviously what he was worried about!

"Come on." The strong middle-aged and the old man shouted at the same time, as if excited, and affected the injury. The old man coughed again and again.

The old man didn't even use divine power to heal the body, it should be almost exhausted.

"You will definitely die if you don't pay." Shen Sheng, the leader, shouted.

In fact, he wanted to solve the other party, but he was so worried that he didn't continue to do it.

"Your shameless face really makes me sick." The old man mourned and shouted loudly: "From you sneak attacking us, killing 'Lan' and Barry, I don't share your hatred with you. I presented the treasure and wanted it, take it from my body! "

"Cough cough!"

The old man coughed repeatedly.

"Damn, some people are coming, and there are still a lot of them!" The indifferent young man looked anxiously, and his eyes looked around. The ruined buildings and the silhouettes of the people came to dozens of powerful people.

"Damn, I should have killed you." The youth leading the other party was annoyed, and he shouted, "The last time, I asked, can't I hand over the treasure?"

"Don't even think about it." The old man smiled strangely. When the other three people's faces were not good, the old man turned his hand and didn't know where to turn out the translucent crystal ball with a blue halo around it. When he came out, he looked crazy and shouted: "The treasure is here. If you have patience, come and get it!"

At this time, even Cheng Buyun, the corners of his eyes began to shrink, his eyes were solidified, and his face was a little dignified.

"Kill them." The young man led by the other party shouted, raised the long sword in his hand, and rushed up, his body turned into a heavy phantom.

Lean middle-aged and indifferent young people also worked one after another.

'puff! puff! ’


The wind and light rose, the energy exploded in the field, and then came a bang, the old man had been hit through the wall and flew tens of meters away, and could not climb up for a while.

And he took the translucent crystal ball with the blue energy flow in his hand, and his bones rolled on the ground, hit the wall, and no longer moved.

"Old Mu!" The strong middle-aged man also lay on the ground, looking at the old man whose life and death were unknown, with a sad look, and lifted up the gritty face, looking at the three enemies with hatred, "You will not be better off, we will Waiting for you in the underworld. "


The young man who led the other sneered and said softly, "Resolve them and leave."

He himself ran to the corner of the wall quickly and picked up the crystal ball.


Cheng Buyun's expression came out from the hidden place, patting his palms one after another, and said with a chuckle: "Sentimental and righteous, although I don't know the old Mu, but I recognize his character very much and appreciate it. How about this? "

In the last sentence, he said to the leading youth.

"Of course, as your lord thinks." The young people led by the other party do not want to get out of the way. The two waste people. The strength of the comer is unknown. It is best not to fight. After all, there are not many fishermen around.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the person hiding in the dark was in a hurry and came out one after another. They don't care too much. The treasures are tempting. How can they just ignore them?

But Cheng Buyun's next sentence made them hold back and did not come out immediately.

It was only regarded as Bu Yun's elegant manner, and his face opened his hands gently and laughed together: "It's refreshing! But you can leave, but you need to hand over the crystal ball!"

"What, do you still want a crystal ball?" The short-haired youth looked stunned, and then laughed angrily: "Why?"

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