Plane Universe

Chapter 1167: Confrontation in the realm of God

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How could he let go of such a powerful upper light attack artifact?

Beirut may have grasped his own weaknesses, and he wants to work hard with this puppet!

In addition to this high-level light attacking artifact, a silver armor was placed in the third position. The silver armor has a smooth surface with a blue pattern, and an unknown beast fluttering on the chest.

And beside the silver armor is a small white jade bottle. The white jade bottle mouth is not plugged. It is releasing a bright light from inside to outside.

In addition to these four treasures, there are several median gods set aside, but these are a little unable to enter the eye of the law.

"Nima is generous!" Cheng Buyun's eyes gleamed, his eyes staring at the white jade bottle on the stone platform, his eyes greeted with a greedy greedy color.

The value of all the treasures on the stone platform is less than one ten thousandth of the white bottle. The breathtakingly breathtaking leaked from the white jade-colored bottle, Cheng Buyun already knew what treasure was stored in it.

The main **** of the light department drops!

A drop of the power of the Lord God, I am afraid that it must start trillions, the price is extremely alarming.

So the power of the main god, Cheng Buyun, wanted anyway. This is a life-saving treasure. He never thought that Beirut had put such a precious pass reward in the box.

The power of the Lord God is priceless, and there are very few people who can refine it!

And here is the power of the main **** of light, not the power of the main **** of the wind system. Cheng Buyun can also think that the strongest element of his cultivation is the light system. Beirut is very hard-working!

He also had to personally refine such a drop of power of the main **** of the light department, and he was very moved.

Unfortunately, he was destined to live up to his affection.

The path he has taken is completely different from the ordinary Divine Domain, even if he is given his own divine personality, he will not go to refine it!

"I see greed in your eyes."

The tall silhouette smiled and said: "Greedy is the eternal power of human beings. If you want treasure, then you must pass me. Win me, you can take the treasure!"

"I will." Cheng Buyun withdrew his eyes and turned to the figurehead puppet in front, Shen Sheng said: "I will defeat you and then own the treasure on the stone platform!"

"I hope, come on!" The tall figure chuckled and took the long sword behind him in his hand.

"Only one battle!"

Cheng Buyun's eyes fired a high sense of war, and his body also raised a powerful light power.

‘Om! ’

Choosing Cheng Buyun, who rushed forward, his figure suddenly blurred into a cloud of light and shadow.


The figure-shaped puppet standing in front of the stone platform smiled, and praised the voice: "Phantom Doppelganger, I know your ability characteristics. At this stage, I can apply the Phantom Doppelganger to such a point, I have to say, your perception Very strong, even my master had a few words of praise before learning. Being able to be amazed by a master **** strongman, you are the nineteenth in the God Plane for so many years! "

"Can I be honored?" Cheng Buyun didn't feel proud, and smiled indifferently, and the light and shadow confused into a group of seven bodies quickly.

"Of course." The guardian puppet face now respected and said: "Do you think anyone can make the Lord God praise? That is really a joke. In all the planes of God, except for the small part of the top gods, the other is not at all. Into the eyes of the Lord God. "

"Is it!" Cheng Buyun's seven bodies of light escaped from the body and chose to attack first for the first time.

"Good avatar ability, it really can't be separated under my detection. It is really a very powerful way of using it." The puppet laughed and raised his fist with his left hand. "Now let you feel the middle **** and the lower god. Difference. "

Human figure puppets fell, and the surrounding flame power elements suddenly raged, forming a vast area of ​​huge space, and began to oppress the seven bodies of Cheng Buyun in the middle.

Learn about the realm of God!


Cheng Buyun's crude words were directly exported, and the light power in the body surged out, forming a white space with a range of 100 meters, against the puppet's flame field. It's just that his bright realm is the primary god's realm, and he can't confront the opponent's intermediate god's realm at all.

For a while, his body seemed to be in a quagmire. The powerful flame forces around him oppressed him and pulled his speed. The most uncomfortable thing was that the flame forces around him were still eroding and burning his body, consuming His divine power.

And what makes him speechless the most is that in this space within 300 meters, except for the flame elemental power, all the legal powers are all driven out, and his strength was once weakened by several percent.

How do you fight this?

It's no wonder that the median **** has an absolute advantage over the lower gods. In the realm of higher-level gods, there is no huge advantage to blame.

"I want to oppress me and dream!" Cheng Buyun roared, and the body of the deity once again radiated a khaki light, and a khaki energy rose on the floor of the hall. For a time, white and yellow brilliance emerged from his body, fighting against the puppet flame space, competing for limited control around him.

'laugh! Sigh! Sigh! ’

In the middle of the hall, flames exploded, energy exploded, and rumbling earthquakes continued.

The whole hall shook with shaking, as if it would collapse in the next moment!

However, this labyrinth is made by the power of the main god, and all aspects have been considered at the time of construction, so looking at the danger, in fact, nothing.

"The realm of earth gods?"

The puppet screamed out of silence, a face with a **** expression on his face, and shouted inconceivably: "How is this possible, you didn't have an avatar, how can you release the realm of two gods at the same time?"

"How could it be impossible?" Cheng Buyun continued to shout, and another earthy yellow sphere space that was a little darker than the earthy earth space appeared. When this earthy sphere-shaped space appeared, it seemed to have reached a As extreme as possible, the hall immediately banged, and the violent energy hit the center of the hall.


The whole hall was shocked, the shock wave exploded, and Cheng Buyun was the first to bear the brunt. He was directly hit by the shock wave and retreated several tens of meters before stopping. The other six phantom avatars were bombarded by the shock wave and flew to the ground It dragged for dozens of meters before stopping!

The color of the Six Phantom Doppelganger also faded a little, so the Six Phantom Doppelganger quickly absorbed the power of the law of light around it to restore itself.

At this moment, the puppet's flame field, Cheng Buyun's soil, the bright dual system field, gravity space, etc., all disappeared!

The first trial attack, both sides ended in a tie!

But in general, Cheng Buyun is more disadvantaged, because he uses the realm of the double system god, and there is also a space of gravity, which is larger than the puppet in terms of consumption.

But the living body has an advantage. The use of restrictive mysteries and the realm of gods can replace half of the consumption with soul power (mental power), so in terms of consumption, the two sides have a tie.

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